New Abilities

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The amount of sex the two had in the past four days was probably unhealthy, but that didn't stop them. It was 5:30 in the morning and the alarm was buzzing loudly. Reaching over Yael, Natasha felt for the button and shut it off, groaning.
"Back to work today. Come on Stone." She stretched and made her way to her closet.
"I think I've forgotten how to walk." Yael chuckled.
"Come on, I know I'm good but we gotta work." The blonde teased as Yael sat up and walked over to her. "We've been ignoring everyone for the past four days, I can already hear them."
"I know, it'll be all 'Jesus you two'!" The pair laughed, hearing Lea's voice in their heads. They pulled on comfortable clothes, knowing they'd be switching them for their costumes anyway. Once they made it to the set, it felt like everyone's eyes were on them. Sure enough, plenty of the cast members were asking them about their relationship, and they didn't mind. Speak of the devil, Laura and the others showed up. They pulled the couple to the side who were already expecting to be interrogated. Lea was the first to talk, grabbing Natasha's shoulders.
"Even Yael didn't ignore us for that long when she got married, you two either had a fuck ton of sex or you realized you don't need us anymore." The two laughed loudly, shaking their heads.
"Of course we need you, it was the former option." Natasha winked, causing Lea to roll her eyes.
"Of course. Well, hope you can at least control yourselves at work."
"We aren't animals, of course we can." The blonde smirked at Yael.
"I'll believe it when I see it." Laura nudged Yael who giggled.
"Stone, your 'I just got nailed' walk isn't very noticeable so good job." Lea joked, making the brunette whine in embarrassment and put her face in her hands.
"Hey lay off her would ya?" Natasha smiled, putting a protective arm around her girlfriend. Lea put up her hands in surrender, smiling. Their small happy get together was interrupted by Genji's booming voice.
"Lyonne! Stone! In my office, now!!" Everyone starting making that noise the whole class makes when you get sent to the principal in elementary school, however the pair ignored it. Once they entered their boss's office, she did not look happy. "Sit." She pointed to the small couch in front of her desk, and the two did as they were told. "Do you have any idea what you've done? To this show? To your jobs?" Natasha widened her eyes, clearly confused.
"Genji, with all due respect, I don't know what you're talking about."
"The media has been blowing up since your little makeout session in the fuckin Bahamas."
"It's not uh, in the Bahamas miss." Yael raised a hand timidly that was immediately shot down when Genji slammed her fist on her desk.
"You know what I meant. Now that you're an item or whatever, if you break up, this whole entire show is going to crash and burn. We're guaranteed for two more seasons, what're we supposed to tell the fans when you two can't work anymore?" Genji started rubbing her forehead, sighing in frustration.
"Look, Genji. I know you're worried, but I love Yael, so much. There's no chance in the world I'd ever leave her. She's exactly what I want and more. Haven't you ever felt that before?" Natasha put her hand gently on her boss's, trying to comfort her. The older woman shook her head.
"No, but if you think this is true, I'll take your word for it. Please, don't do anything stupid." Yael looked into Genji's eyes, determination inside of her own brown orbs.
"We won't let you down. I love Natasha too, and I want her forever. I promise." Genji nodded, bowing her head.
"Good. Out, please." She gestured to the door and they exited, closing the door behind them. Their group was there to greet them, pulling them into a different area.
"So what was all that about?" Uzo asked, looking at the couple like they'd just come from a slaughterhouse and somehow escaped. Before they could answer, a member of the crew spoke up.
"For this scene we need Uzo, Danielle, and Adrienne. Come on let's move it!" Uzo rolled her eyes, annoyed.
"Another time I suppose." She forced a smile as she rushed away to her needed position.
"Look, we're both kinda shaken up, we'll talk later. Okay?" Natasha grabbed Yael's hand and lead her away.

It was almost a wrap for the day and everyone was completely exhausted, ready to go home. Natasha was searching for Yael, having just finished a scene. The brunette was nowhere to be found it seemed wherever she looked, and she was growing restless. She was so tense she didn't even notice Uzo when she ran into her.
"Ow! Mother fu- oh it's just you, sorry Uzo." Natasha grunted, flattening her shirt out.
"It's okay." She laughed "Why do you look like you're running around as if your life depends on it? Where's Yael?"
"That would be why. I can't find her, have you seen her?" Uzo shook her head, making Natasha groan.
"The last place I saw her was in her dressing room."
"I already checked there but guess I'll go again." She rolled her eyes and made her way there, stopping when she heard Yael's voice. She seemed to be whispering, so she put her door against the ear to listen.
"No, I can be with whoever I want. Yes I'm fucking happy, what did you think? Come on you can't do that.." there was a pause. "Elana loves me more than you ever have! She wants to see me!" Yael sounded very distressed, and Natasha grew worried. She wondered if she should open the door but decided not to interrupt. "Dad wants me there too, I don't care what you say!" Natasha jumped as she heard Yael slam her phone on the table, and that was the mistake that gave her away. She fell into the door causing it to swing open, the blonde landing on her knees. She looked up cautiously to see a very distraught Yael looking down at her. She stood up, holding up her hands in defense.
"Now before you yell at me—"
"You were eavesdropping on my conversation!" Yael looked furious, her eyes were full of anger and pain, and it scared Natasha.
"Look yeah, I did, and I'm sorry. I should've just come back later but I've been looking for you all day. I'm sorry, baby." Yael sighed deeply, shaking her head. "But please tell me what's going on, I'm scared right now." There were tears falling down Yael's cheeks as she spoke, shaky and out of breath.
"My mother found out about us, and she doesn't agree with my choice. So she said I can't come home for Christmas until I've 'straightened myself out'."
"Yael, you're a grown woman and I'm sure your sister brother and father miss you like crazy. You can come home whether she likes it or not, and I'll even come with you if you need me to."
"You have your own family to be with, I can't do that."
"What family? The mom who doesn't give two shits about me and the dead father? Some family. I'm going with you." Yael nervously nodded, worried of what would become of this. She knew her mother wouldn't appreciate it, but her dad always had her back. She had Elana and Jake too, and that was more than enough. Maybe once her mother got to know Natasha she would change her mind? There was no way to tell, but she was hopeful that this would change things. It couldn't get any worse after all. "Again, I'm sorry about eavesdropping, I was just worried.." Yael cupped Natasha's face in her hands and kissed her.
"It's okay, I know." The two walked out of the building hand in hand but were stopped by one of their cast mates, Samira. The dark skinned peppy girl was a very good friend of Natasha's, they got along extremely well on set but didn't see eachother much outside of work. Samira looked extra happy, showing her toothy smile.
"Guys! We got nominated for another SAG award!!" The couple exchanged a look of surprise and turned their attention back to the woman in front of them. "We're celebrating at my place tomorrow night, you guys wanna come?"
"Hell yeah!" Natasha smiled as the two high fived.
"Cool! See y'all tomorrow." She gave them an unexpected hug and ran the other way to her car.
"Samira is something isn't she?" Yael giggled, Natasha nodding.
"That she is."

When the couple made it back home, Natasha was exhausted and immediately slumped onto her bed. Yael immediately shed her clothing, putting on a more comfy shirt and joining Natasha on the bed. The blonde took her own pants off as well and pulled the comforter over them, shifting closer to Yael. "You know, I noticed that from a distance you and your sister look really similar." Yael scoffed at this.
"Oh do you want my sister instead?" Natasha rolled her eyes.
"No, I was just making a statement."
"I know I know, I was kidding baby, relax." Yael stroked Natasha's cheek and looked at her with so much love and compassion. The blonde couldn't help it and leaned in to kiss her. They laid there, kissing softly for a few minutes, and it felt like heaven to the both of them. Eventually, Natasha pulled Yael to her chest, and they fell into a blissful sleep.

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