If I had you

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The movie seemed normal at first, like any other romantic comedy. But as it played, Natasha realized that the two main characters were the ones in love. Which just so happened to be two women. Intrigued by this, Natasha raised an eyebrow.
"Out of all the things I could've picked I picked the gay one unintentionally." She smirked, grabbing some popcorn.
"Not surprising to me." Yael laughed. It was a good movie, full of laughs and endearing moments, but then the sex scene rolled around. Natasha could feel heat building inbetween her legs and looked at Yael out of the corner of her eye. Should she ask if Yael wanted to skip it? Should she leave it alone? Just as she was about to say something, Yael let out a small sound of arousal. Pretending she didn't hear it, Natasha ate some more popcorn. Yael seemed to be growing increasingly uncomfortable, Natasha knew she was just as aroused as she was. The words came out like a bullet train and she couldn't stop them.
"We can um, skip this part if you want to." Natasha barely managed to get those words out as she was fighting back moans. Yael however didn't answer, instead she shifted under the blanket. Before Natasha knew it she realized Yael had slipped out of her shorts.
"I'm okay, I mean we're best friends so, what harm can this do?" She sounded so collected and calm, how was she doing this? "You can take yours off too, if you want, I can see you're uncomfortable." Natasha nodded and peeled her fleece pajama pants off, holding the blanket to her body. Truth be told, she was embarassed of her body and the way she looked, and she didn't want Yael to see it. When the scene was over, neither of them bothered with their articles of clothing on the floor and just continued to watch. A few minutes later Yael broke the silence. "I saw them for a brief second, nice panties, by the way." Yael giggled, blushing slightly. Natasha just gave her a flustered smile.
"Thanks, can I see yours?" She mentally punched herself for saying that. Yael nodded and suprisingly showed no hesitation when she lowered the blanket, exposing a pair of black underwear with lace lining the waistband.
"I got em' on sale at PINK the other day actually, whaddaya think?" She beamed as if she was proud of the way she looked, as she should be. Natasha, trying not to leap onto her managed to speak.
"Yeah, they're um, really nice on you." Really Natasha? Really?? She thought to herself. Yael blushed and looked down.
"Thank you..that, means a lot to hear you say that." Natasha grabbed Yael's hand and looked into her eyes, tenderly as possible.
"Yael, I think you're beautiful. I'm not just saying that because I'm your friend, but you're beautiful. You're so gorgeous and anybody would be lucky to call you their own. Please never doubt that." Yael looked directly into her eyes for a few seconds before saying something that completely set Natasha's heart on fire.
"I think you're perfect."

Not knowing what to do, she began to cry. Natasha had never heard someone say that to her, let alone someone who meant this much to her.
"I-I'm sorry I just.." Yael embraced her in a tight hug.
"It's okay...shhhh..." she rubbed her friend's back gently, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I've seen the way you look at yourself, and it breaks my heart. I think you're perfect in every way and I can't stand to see you put yourself down."
"Thank you..." Was all Natasha could say.
"Let's go out hm? Get some air. We both know we could use it right now." Yael stood and offered her hand which the strawberry blonde happily took. They got changed and headed to Natasha's car, when they were both buckled in and ready to go she turned to Yael.
"Where do you wanna go?" She smiled gently.
"We could go to the park, or maybe...oh! Let's go shopping!!" Yael clapper her hands together with glee and all Natasha could do was shake her head.
"You sure kid?" Yael nodded furiously, and Natasha took the hint. They drove into town and stopped at the local mall, Yael humming to the radio the whole way. Once inside, Yael couldn't contain herself and dragged Natasha into one of her favorite stores. She swore it was like taking a kid to a toy store, where they wanted everything and went nuts. The day flew by when they were together, and before they knew it it was already seven o'clock, they'd been there for four hours. They were about to go home when Natasha got a call from Laura.
"Hey, you still with Yael?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Come meet Taylor and I at CRUSH, we know Yael could loosen up a little. Some of the other girls are coming too."
"Alright, see you guys there, we'll be down in a bit." Natasha hung up the phone and told Yael what Laura had said, and the two rushed home to put away their recent purchases. Natasha bought a tight fitting blue dress, and she wanted to wear it out tonight but she wanted Yael's opinion first.
"Like it?" She did a small spin in front of her friend who looked like her jaw was about to fall off.
"You look...stunning.." Yael stared in awe "Please tell me you're wearing that."
"I am now, thanks to you." She laughed and Yael beamed with happiness. "But no drinking tonight. Gotta keep the baby safe."
"I know that you turd." Yael elbowed her friend playfully. "Now lets get going." Once the two arrived to the small club they found Laura and Taylor waiting at a table near the entrance. They got up and greeted eachother with a hug.
"How're you feeling babes?" Laura placed a hand on Yael's arm in concern. Yael smiled and said she was fine, and that she just wanted to have a good day today. It was already going amazing for her but that's because she got to spend it with the one she loved. Throughout the night, Yael was the only one who didn't drink. Taylor didn't nearly as much as the other two, but she was still a bit buzzed. Yael needed a break from dancing and sat next to Taylor, the blonde turned to her friend.
"Are you and Natasha a thing yet?" Taylor's words were slightly slurred, but she still had her common sense. Yael blushed profusely.
"What're you talking about? It's not like that." She stammered.
"Haven't you seen the way Tasho looks at you? She stares at you like you're her whole world which I'm sure you are." Yael looked away in confusion, did she really? "I know you're married but, that guy doesn't deserve you. You and Natasha though...you'd be all, oh yes baby fuck me harder." Taylor laughed hysterically after the last sentence, however Yael wasn't finding it funny.
"I need some air." She abruptly stood up and left the building. A million thoughts were racing through her mind, especially the image of her and Natasha...in bed. She mentally slapped herself for thinking of such a thing, she was going to have a baby, she had a husband. She shouldn't be thinking about sleeping with someone else let alone another woman. Just as she was about to shake it off and go back inside, she saw a glimpse of Natasha's hair out of the corner of her eye. She turned and saw something that made her heart sink. Natasha was kissing and grabbing some girl she'd never seen before, and for some reason, she couldn't handle it. Without thinking, she turned and ran, she ran all the way back to her house. Before she could think about what just happened, she felt a hand grip her shoulder and pull her inside. The familiar booming voice of her husband filled her ears, which by now she'd become numb to.
"I told you you'd fucking learn your lesson, and you're gonna learn it right now!"

Natasha's awoke in the stranger's bed, it was around 3AM and she heard her phone ringing loudly. She rolled over and picked it up.
"Is this Natasha Lyonne?"
"Um, who'd like to know?"
"Don't worry, I'm not a crazed fan or something, but something happened to Yael and she asked for you."
"What? Where is she, I'm coming right now."
"The hospital, she's been here for awhile but we just stabilized her. She wouldn't stop saying your name."
"I'll be there soon." Natasha hung up the phone in a panic, what could've happened to her? Then she remembered, she had just left her. She left her there at the club with two drunk idiots. Natasha swore she'd make it up to her but for now she needed to see her. She'd never driven so fast before, going way over the speed limit, but she didn't care. She burst through the hospital doors and almost fell trying to reach the front desk.
"Where is she, where's Yael?" She panicked. The woman at the front desk told her the room number but something stopped her when she made it outside the door. What if Yael was seriously hurt? Would she remember her? Snapping out of her fear she opened the door to see Yael looking unharmed aside from a bruised cheek. She ran to her bedside and held her hand tight.
"Yael, I am so sorry for leaving you, I'll do anything to make it up to you. Please don't hate me, I-" She was cut off by Yael bursting into tears and throwing her arms around her. Natasha quickly hugged her back and spoke softly to her. "What happened..?" Yael pulled away and through sniffles she managed to speak.
"I lost my baby."

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