It's time

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About an hour and a half had passed since Yael fell asleep. She awoke to the smell of food and checked her phone. It was almost six and she finally realized how hungry she was. She made her way downstairs and found Natasha cooking something over the stove. Yael wanted to surprise her, so she snuck up behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist causing Natasha to jump.
"Yael god dammit you scared me!" She chuckled lightly as she looked back at the shorter woman.
"That was the point, you're cute when you get scared." Yael pinched Natasha's side causing her to giggle.
"Don't tickle me when I have a pan in my hand." She smiled and shoved her off gently, flipping over what she had been making.
"Fineeeee." Yael whined. "Thanks for taking care of me these past few days. It means a lot to me that I have someone to look after me. I can hardly do it myself.." Natasha turned the stove off and turned to Yael, she grabbed both her hands and smiled.
"Don't need to thank me for something I wanted to do. You know I'm always gonna be here for you. Including tomorrow. Do you think you have what you want to say? Or do you still wanna add on?"
"No, I think it's exactly what I want." She stated firmly. Natasha nodded and began to prepare the dinner plates with what she had made. They ended the night with watching a movie as they ate and went to bed right after, Natasha could get used to this. Yael didn't tell her, but she couldn't sleep. She had never dreaded daylight as much as she did right now, so she clung to Natasha as tight as she could. She felt safe with her, like nothing bad could ever happen to her. Eventually she did end up falling asleep, but when she woke up, Natasha wasn't there. Before Yael could enter full panic mode, Natasha entered the room with a black formal looking dress.
"I think you should wear this today, remember when you borrowed it for one of our nights on the town? Everyone was drooling over you. That's exactly what I want him to see, what he's lost." Yael didn't respond, instead she stood up snatching the dress from Natasha and began taking her clothes off. Completely shocked by this, Natasha froze. She'd seen Yael naked before, but not like this, it was like she was seeing it for the first time. She felt like she should look away but couldn't tear her eyes off of her small yet toned body. The brunette seemed to notice her staring but didn't mind it. When Yael had pulled the dress on, she looked at Natasha and smirked.
"How's it look?"
"It looks great hon, totally gonna blow em' away." Natasha spoke with a bit of shake in her voice, she cleared her throat trying to recompose herself. "I'll uh, let you get your makeup on and stuff. Be downstairs if ya need me." With that she was gone. Yael thought nothing of it and just shrugged, continuing to get ready. A few minutes later she came down the stairs and Natasha was in complete awe of her, as usual. The pair slipped their shoes on and left for court. Natasha held Yael's hand the whole drive there to try and calm her down, but she still seemed nervous. When they arrived, Natasha kissed Yael's forehead and they exited the car.
The court was assembled and they were ready to start. Yael took a deep breath as Natasha watched her closely. The judge spoke.
"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Today, we decide the sentence of Yael Stone's husband. Miss Stone, you may stand. Yael nodded and raised from her chair, slowly but confidently. She began reading.
"Dear citizens of New York City, I appear before you today because I'm describing to you the crimes and wrongdoings of my...ex husband. At first when we met, he acted like the nicest guy I'd ever met, it was like a dream come true. But once we got married, things took a turn. He had finally gotten what he wanted, me in a legal bind so I would have a harder time leaving. Our first few months were good, he still seemed the same. But then the fights started. You may be saying, well sure every couple has fights, but these were straight out of a shouting match. It was often him that did the yelling, but I digress, this turned into physical violence. I was afraid that I would get into even more trouble with him if I ever told anyone, so I kept it to myself. I proved that to be right when I confided in my good friend, Natasha Lyonne about his ways. I had been staying at her house for a few days, and when I went back home, he took the life of our unborn baby..." Yael paused, trying to choke back tears. "I'm sorry, um, anyway. When this happened, I knew I had to come clean. No matter the consequences, I had to get away. That, everyone, is why I'm here, as I hope you can help me from knowing my story." Everyone clapped as Yael sat back down, and the judge pounded his mallet.
"Order in the court! Order!" The people silenced and he spoke once again. "Do you have anything in response sir?" He looked directly at Yael's ex husband and he just shook his head, a blank look on his face. No remorse, no anger, just nothing. "Well then, I sentence you to 30 years in prison for murder of an unborn child and domestic abuse without possibility of parol. He slammed the mallet down once again. "Court dismissed." Natasha immediately ran to Yael along with Laura and Taylor as people were exiting. She threw her arms around Yael.
"I'm so fuckin proud of you kid, you did it." Yael hugged her back and cried softly into her shoulder, Natasha rubbed her back softly. "'s okay, it's over. You did it."
"Great Job hon." Laura put a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "You did so good."
"I couldn't have done it without you guys.." Yael sniffled.
"We're always gonna be here." Taylor smiled brightly. Natasha pulled away from her and held her hands gently.
"Okay, now lets go get your stuff from your house. You can stay with me as long as you need to." Yael nodded and they got into Natasha's car, Taylor and Laura following in Laura's. Once they arrived, Taylor made a point to not let Yael into what was supposed to be the baby's room when it was born. Yael gave her a pleading look but she stood her ground and said no. Yael sighed and went to her bedroom with a garbage bag for her clothes followed by Laura with a few empty cardboard boxes. They gathered everything that was technically Yael's, as this wasn't really her house, her husband had bought it. The four then went back to Natasha's and once Yael's things were up in Natasha's room, the blonde and black haired pair bid their goodbyes and went on their way. Natasha wanted to treat Yael tonight, so she stood up off the bed they were sitting on.
"Get dressed kid, I'm takin you out." Yael excitedly dug through her bag of clothes and pulled out a white criss crossed strap dress, it was her favorite one. She turned to ask Natasha's opinion and saw that she looked a little uncomfortable.
"Want me to leave? You don't have to feel embarassed in front of me." Yael smiled reassuringly.
"I just, don't like my body." She stated while looking at the floor, very nervous.
"I've seen it honey and trust me, there's nothing wrong with it. I think you're beautiful, remember?" Natasha just shook her head
"No, I, I'm not. I'm gonna go to a different room." She left without giving Yael a chance to respond and she frowned. She knew Natasha's body issues were bad but they seemed to be worse around her and she didn't like that. But she couldn't help but wonder why, what made her different? She decided she would leave it alone for now and put her dress on. When she left the room she found Natasha standing there in a black flowing top and some jeans with her black heeled boots. "You look amazing." Natasha grinned slightly at the compliment.
"Thanks. Now, let's go, we didn't get to properly enjoy the club last time."

They both had their fair share of drinks and danced off the previous events, Natasha was determined to help Yael put this day behind her. They were having an amazing time on the dance floor when Yael decided to get even closer. Natasha just went with it and thought maybe she was moving away from the people around her. But when she got even closer to her and was acting a bit provocative, she stopped her.
"What're you doin?" She laughed and Yael just gave her a confused look.
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing, just uh, I'm gonna get another drink, want one?" Yael nodded and she left her out there. Natasha shook it off as her being friendly and went back to her with two drinks in her hands. Yael took hers and downed it very quickly. "Woah there kid, slow down." Yael didn't seem to hear her, that or she just ignored her. She grabbed Natasha's drink and set it on a table near them. Natasha could clearly see she was drunk, Yael was kind of a lightweight, it didn't take much for her. Suddenly, the brunette was leaning in, and Natasha froze, she didn't know what to do. 'This is just the alcohol, she'd never really kiss me, right?' Natasha thought to herself. She turned her head away and Yael let out a small whine. She backed away from her, very confused. "Yael, I think we need to go."
"Why did you turn away from me? Am I ugly?" Yael looked like she was about to cry. Natasha panicked and took Yael's small face in her hands.
"No, not in a million years would you be ugly. Please, don't ever say that. I just think you're a little confused right now, let's go home okay?" Yael didn't say anything and just followed Natasha to the car. Not caring if she was buzzed, she drove back to the house, making it in one piece. Yael immediately fell asleep as soon as she fell onto the bed, dress on and all. Natasha tucked her in carefully and kissed her cheek, getting into the bed with her. She stared at the ceiling for a bit, and then something Laura once said came to mind.
"When they're drunk, people do what they don't have the balls to do when they're sober. It's dangerous to be drunk with someone you like."
Natasha told herself that was pure bullshit, Yael would never want to kiss her, she was obviously just lonely. She sighed and rolled over, she figured she needed to get some sleep. After all, they needed to catch their flight tomorrow.

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