The Night

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While preparing for the party, Natasha felt suprisingly giddy. Tonight was the night, she was finally going to tell Yael how she felt. She had almost no worries as these thoughts had pushed themselves far back in her mind. The blonde took a last look at herself in the mirror before emerging from the bathroom to find only Laura in the room, who was slipping her sandals on. The raven haired woman shook her head in amusement at what Natasha was wearing. She had decided to go with a cliché Hawaiian shirt for the beach party, along with some tight fitting jean shorts that made the look somehow acceptable.
"I look sexy, I know, but my ass belongs to someone else. Or, it will after tonight." She felt the heat rise to her cheeks, this was really happening. Laura saw the moment of nervousness flash in her friend's eyes and she enveloped her in her arms. This seemed to calm her down as her breathing slowed.
"You're gonna do great. Remember the plan." Laura smiled as she broke away. She was so excited, two of her best friends would finally be together tonight. The two gave eachother one last look before they left the hotel and made their way to the beach where the party would be held. There was a large pavilion with a concrete floor, different colored lights flashing down onto it. The small bar in the corner was serving quite unique looking drinks and Natasha couldn't help but chuckle. They scanned the crowd for their friends and found Uzo Lea and Taylor, but no Yael. When Laura asked where she was, the other three looked around as if they didn't even notice she left.
"Idiots." Laura grunted.
"What?! It's too loud in here!" Taylor asked innocently. All Laura could do was smirk.
"Oh nothing!" They decided they'd just wait for her to return, maybe she had gone to the bathroom, or left something in the hotel. After what seemed like hours passed, she didn't show up. Natasha was about to go looking for her when the latter appeared in front of her, looking happy as ever.
"Hey! Sorry, I was looking for something. Come here." Yael grabbed Natasha's wrist and yanked her away, which left the others smirking and waiting to see what would happen. Yael took Natasha down the beach to a secluded spot behind a brick wall that stuck out. When they went behind it, there was a string of fairy lights hung onto it and two towels on the ground. There was also a bottle of wine and some glasses. Natasha couldn't believe it, she wondered if Yael had beaten her to it and was going to ask her out instead. All she could do was smile, she smiled wider than she ever had and turned to the brunette.
"Honey, what is all this? It's beautiful!" She gestured to the scene set before them. Yael just shyly bowed her head and grinned.
"Just sit." The other woman happily obliged, Yael following suit. When Yael poured both of their glasses, she gave Natasha a smirk. "So, what was this thing you wanted to tell me?" Natasha was confused, it seemed like Yael had something to say instead.
"It looks to me like you've got something on your mind, and what kind of friend would I be if I didn't let you go first?" She winked, causing Yael to blush.
"No, I want you to go first." She knew she wasn't getting out of this, so she took a deep breath and prepared for the biggest moment of her life. That's when they heard giggling. Natasha, quite annoyed, looked around but couldn't see anyone. Two girls who looked to be at least eighteen emerged from the other side of the brick wall, looking extatic.
"Oh my god it is you! I told you!!" The girl screamed turning to her friend.
"Hey!" Yael beamed politely as always, how was she so damn nice? The two girls looked as if they would pass out any moment now and one of them held out an oitnb shirt. They asked if the two would sign it. They happily agreed, and soon they ran off squealing. Natasha could've sworn she heard 'lystone is real!' and shook her head. Not yet kid, not yet. After the whole situation, Yael and Natasha found themselves lock eyes, smiling at eachother. They studied one another's faces, taking in their features which were illuminated only by the fairy lights. They didn't want to break this moment.
"Before I tell you, you have to tell me what all this is for." Natasha liked teasing Yael, she was so cute when she got all flustered. The other woman shook her head.
"Nope." At one last attempt to get it out of her, Natasha moved dangerously close to her. "Also, your smirk will not break me from any distance."
"Okay, well.." Natasha didn't look away from Yael's eyes, and that made her heart beat faster. "I wanted to tell you, that...I.." She froze up. She began to get frustrated with herself that this was happening right now. She had been doing so good all day prepping herself for this. What happened? Yael took her hand, and she immediatly snapped out of it, Yael's touch was so calming to her.
"Hey, you look like you're gonna throw up, are you alright?" Yael put the back of her hand on Natasha's forehead to see if she was warm. She laughed and pulled her hand away.
"I'm fine kid, just zoned out for a second. Anyway, what I was trying to, I love you, Yael." Natasha's heart was beating a million times a minute, she said it, she'd finally said it. The silence following killed her, she couldn't tell what Yael was feeling no matter how hard she tried reading her facial expression. "Well?..Say somethin Stone, I'm dying here." She chuckled nervously.
"Natasha..." As soon as she spoke, Natasha entered panic mode. She realized she'd just made a huge mistake and apologized.
"I-I got you! Ha I was just..just kidding!" She stuttered, trying to play it off. Yael wasn't stupid however, she knew she meant it.
"I'm..I'm straight, you know that." Yael's voice was soft, almost inaudible. Natasha couldn't tell if she was going to cry or run away.
"I'm so sorry, just, forget I said that okay? Please, I can't lose you." Yael didn't respond, she was taken aback by this. She dreamed of Natasha telling her this for ages. So why was she freaking out instead of telling her she loved her too?
"You won't lose me. I just need to think, okay?" Yael talked in the same quiet tone, it was like her body was forcing her to leave instead of saying what she really wanted to. Natasha stood up and brushed sand off her legs.
"...Okay." She looked okay, but she really wanted to cry. She couldn't believe she'd just messed up their entire friendship, she thought she could do this. "I'll see you back at the room." Without another word, Natasha fled back to the hotel. Yael was left with her little romantic setup to get rid of and her own heartache. Natasha slammed the door and slowly slid down it, her face in her hands. She couldn't control it anymore, and she broke down. She cried and cried until she was exhausted, even while making her way over to her bed when she changed clothes. This was the worst fuck up she could've possibly imagined, she knew deep down it would happen but she actually had hope. Now Yael would never treat her the same, and they would never be best friends again all because she had to open her heart. Not knowing what else to do, she grabbed her earbuds and put on their song. Natasha's quiet sobs filled the room as the song looped on repeat, that night they danced coming flooding back. They were so happy, so close, and neither of them wanted to ever be apart again. Natasha believed that Yael really did have some feelings for her, how could she have been so stupid? She was about to try and go to sleep when the door burst open and Laura came rushing to her side, Taylor not too far behind.
"I fucking told you this was a mistake, this is all your fault!" Natasha was still very fragile and her whole world felt like it was falling apart. Laura took a deep breath as she knelt by Tasha's bedside. Taylor put the covers over Natasha gently, tucking it around her shoulders. Neither of them could stand seeing their friend like this, in so much pain. "I've lost her forever now and it's all because you went and made me believe I actually had a chance!!" The black haired girl shook her head and choked back tears of her own.
"I'm sorry.." Natasha realized by the hurt in her tone what she had just done and immediately came back to her senses.
"No, no Laura I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell, please don't cry." Laura sniffled and grabbed the blonde's hand tightly. "It's not your fault. I'm so sorry I did that."
"It's okay..but, I really am sorry. About what happened. I really thought she.." Laura trailed off, tears slowly falling down her face. Taylor began to cry as well, she saw the hurt in Natasha's eyes and it was killing her. The former moved to Yael's side of the bed, opening the covers for the two of them. The three squeezed into the bed and talked for awhile, trying to comfort Natasha as best they could. It was getting pretty late and the pair started to leave but Natasha grabbed Laura's hand.
"Stay. Please.." Laura nodded and got back into bed with her, Taylor saying her good nights and leaving. Laura spent that night holding Natasha as she cried, stroking her hair and telling her everything was going to be okay. Even if she herself wasn't sure.

Natasha awoke the next morning to find herself wrapped in her dark haired friend's arms, sunlight hitting her face. She shifted cautiously as to not wake Laura, but what she saw next would be burned into her mind forever. Yael was on the other bed, but she wasn't alone. A man she'd never seen before was with her, and neither of them had any clothing on.

She slept with a random guy.

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