No More Nonsense

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"What?" Yael's eyes widened, wanting to make sure of what she just heard.
"When she left, she dropped something." Laura held up the ring box, small and navy blue. Yael's breath hitched in her throat, the feeling of guilt overwhelming her. What had she done? She finally had her chance to be happy and she blew it. The tears were coming even more now, and Yael couldn't speak. All she could do was cry as the dark haired woman held her. "What the hell's wrong with me? I'm such a mess...I..I'm such a.." Laura lifted her friend's face gently, forcing the brunette to look at her.
"You can fix this, it isn't over."
"No I can't, I broke her heart."
"You did, but you're the only one who can mend it." Laura protested. The fact that her friends were in so much pain killed her, she just wanted to see them happy. After a few minutes of coaxing, Laura finally got Yael to agree on visiting Natasha to talk with her. That afternoon, they made their way to the certain blonde's house, only to be stopped by her security.
"We're sorry miss Prepon, but we've been instructed to only allow Clea Duvall onto the premises. No other visitors at this time." Bruce, the guard who had protected Yael from her ex husband, stood before them.
"Bruce come on, it's us. You can let us in can't you?" Laura pleaded. The guard just shook his head, sighing.
"I'm sorry, but I can't."
"Can you at least ask her? Please, Yael wants to fix this." Bruce paused for a long moment, as if he were in deep thought. Eventually, he smiled a small smile, looking down at the two women.
"Alright, but only because you both have a special place in my heart." This made Yael and Laura grin widely, and they thanked him profusely before he disappeared into the large house. It seemed to take an eternity but finally he emerged.
"She said it's alright to let you in, but Yael will have to wait in the living room." Yael was about to protest when Laura cut her off.
"That will be fine, thank you so much." The two rushed into Natasha's home, both running faster than they thought possible. Laura knocked lightly on the bedroom door while Yael waited where she was told.
"Come in." Natasha spoke in the same weak, defeated voice when they were on vacation. It struck a chord in Laura, and she wanted to cry. But she held it together, enetering the room. Natasha looked as if she hadn't eaten much in days, and there were huge bags under her red and puffy eyes. Her overall hygiene seemed the same, but she was clearly not taking very good care of herself.
"Hey Tash..." Laura said softly, kneeling by her friend's bed and grabbing her hand. Natasha gave her a reassuring smile. A sad one, but Laura took it anyway. The two sat there for a moment, just enjoying eachothers company. Laura hadn't seen her in weeks, and it felt nice to finally be near her again. "Taylor and I are doing really well, thanks for giving us the courage we needed." The memory of getting her friends together must have lit something up inside of Natasha, because her expression turned excited.
"You're welcome Laur. You did the same for me, it was the least I could do."
"Well, it looks to me like I'm going to have to do it again." Laura's tone turned serious. "You forgot this, by the way." She handed Natasha the small box, causing the blonde's eyes to fill with tears for the tenth time that day. "Go to her, she's ready to talk." Natasha shook her head.
"No, I can't, she doesn't love me anymore."
"That's bull and you know it. She loves you so much. Just please talk to her, she wants to make things right." There was a long silence as the blonde pondered. She felt several emotions at once, causing her breathing to speed up. Laura sensed her tension, and hugged her gently. Natasha hugged back, calming down slightly. It'd been long enough though, she was ready.
"Okay." She replied quietly. The two made their way to the living room where Yael was waiting, Natasha trembling nervously. "Hey, Yael." Her voice was unbelievably shaky and weak, she had no idea what to say or what to feel. The brunette didn't need her to speak though, so she took the reigns.
"Natasha, baby, first of all..I'm so, so sorry. I know no apology can make up for what I did, but I want you to know I never stopped loving you. I thought about you every second of the day, and I really had thought this was the best decision. Until it really sank in that...I was wrong. I was so, so wrong, and I hurt you so badly, I know. But I really am sorry. If you can forgive me, maybe we can try again?" Natasha didn't respond, so Yael kept going. "Will you be my girlfriend again?" The blonde was overwhelmed with emotions, both bad and good. Not knowing what else to do, she threw her arms around the shorter woman. She cried, and she cried hard as she hung onto her for dear life. She missed her so much, and she was finally here, back in her arms. Laura smiled, a happy tear nearly coming out of her eye as well. "I'll take that as a yes?" Yael sniffled, kissing Natasha on the cheek softly. The blonde nodded violently, crying still. "I promise I won't ever doubt you again baby..I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry..." Natasha had finally calmed down, the two now sitting on the couch together. The blonde was sitting sideways in her girlfriend's lap, her arms wrapped around her neck. Before the two other women in the room knew it, she'd fallen asleep. The days without sleep had taken a toll on her, and now she was finally able to rest. Yael stroked her hair lovingly, giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Thank you, Laura." Yael spoke quietly, her friend smiling back at her.
"I'll leave you two to it." Laura winked, leaving the house. Natasha slept soundly in Yael's arms, her breathing even and slow. God Yael had missed this, she missed her. The way she smelled, the way she felt, how warm she was. Suddenly the blonde shifted, not opening her eyes. She spoke groggily, her head rested on Yael's shoulder.
" you, baby.." Yael smiled wide, moving a piece of hair away from Natasha's face and tucking it behind her ear.
"I love you too."

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