Broken Promises

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Natasha didn't know what to do, she was having another emotional breakdown. She wanted to cry, but nothing would come out, she was taking in long shaky breaths and this eventually woke Laura up. Seeing the state her friend was in she immediately grabbed her hand, worried.
"Are you okay?! What's wrong??" Natasha pointed a shaky finger at the bed a few feet away from them, Laura lost it. She got up out of the bed and whacked the mysterious man's head.
"HEY! Get out!" The guy sat up and rubbed his now hurting head.
"Ow! What the hell was that for?"
"Just get your fucking clothes on and get out of here, right the fuck now!" He was now terrified and raised his hands in surrender as he slowly bent over to pick up his clothes. Yael was staring at Laura, horrified at not only the way Laura was acting, but herself as well. When the guy was dressed he went to the door and turned to look at Yael.
"See you later, I guess." He closed the door to the tension filled room. Natasha was now crying quietly and Laura was livid.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Laura screamed at the brunette, who was holding the sheets tight to her naked body. "She tells you she loves you, and you bring some random guy into our room to bang him?! I mean really, what the fuck Yael??"
"Just..J-Just let me explai—"
"No. Out, now. Natasha doesn't want to see you or hear anything you have to say." Yael nodded, getting out of the bed to retrieve her clothing. Before closing the door on her way out, she bowed her head.
"I'm sorry Natasha." With that she was gone. Laura didn't care where, all she cared about was her friend right now. Speaking of friends, the three others burst in. Lea had an umbrella in her hand as if she was ready to strike someone.
"Did a fan get in? Are you guys hurt?" She scanned the room, gripping the umbrella firmly. When she saw Natasha crying, she dropped it and knew what was wrong. Or at least, she thought she did. "Natasha, what happened?" She cupped her friends cheek softly, gazing tenderly at her.
"Yael..I..I told her how I felt and, a-and she.." Natasha broke into tears before she could finish, so Laura did for her.
"Yael told Natasha that she was straight, and to prove that even more, she brought some random dude here to bang his brains out." Lea turned her head, a horrified look in her eyes.
"Are you serious?" Laura nodded. "Shit.."
"That doesn't seem like her at all." Uzo piped in. "Yael wouldn't just do it with someone she doesn't know, there's gotta be an explination for this." Taylor nodded in agreement.
"But with the state Tasho is in, I don't think she can hear it right now." Uzo sighed, knowing she was right.
"We'll go find her, come on Taylor." Uzo grabbed Taylor's hand and left in search of the short Australian, while the others kept Natasha company. Lea ordered her favorite food from room service and put on a movie for her, she felt awful. Natasha had stopped crying at this point, but she wouldn't speak, she only nodded yes or no. This broke Laura's heart, seeing her like this, this was all Yael's fault. But then she remembered how she yelled at her, it wasn't like her, and she felt guilt wash over her. She would apologize as soon as she saw Yael again, but for now Natasha was what mattered. The blonde requested to be alone, and everyone obliged. All she could think of was to curl up in her blankets and stop existing. She had another six days with Yael, and she didn't know how she could see her face without her heart breaking. All Natasha wanted was to be with Yael, but she should've known that could never happen. It was a long shot anyway, and she was just going to have to accept that. But the look in her eyes, it looked like she had feelings for her and Natasha didn't understand. It was almost as if she was...ashamed of what she felt.

It had been about three hours since the incident and Yael wouldn't talk to anyone. The brunette had her own thinking to do, and she didn't want anyone around. She sat in the very spot that Natasha told her she loved her, it felt special to her. Yael didn't even understand herself at this point, she knew she loved her too but why couldn't she admit it? She didn't even like the guy she slept with, she just did it to prove to herself she was straight. However, she felt nothing the entire time, and all she could think about was how Natasha would feel against her. She wanted her so much, but it didn't matter now, she would probably never forgive her anyway. Yael sighed as a tear fell down her cheek, she'd ruined the very last good thing she had in her life and there was nothing she could do about it. Images of what her and Natasha could've had flooded her mind, they'd go on so many dates and travel the world together. Yael wanted that more than anything. Why did she have to mess it up? She buried her face in her hands, she knew why, but she didn't want to admit it to herself. Just as she was about to cry, Laura appeared in front of her.
"Hey Yael.." She said meekly, still embarassed about how she'd acted earlier. Yael didn't respond so she continued. "I'm really sorry about what I did, it was totally uncalled for and you didn't deserve it."
"Bullshit I didn't." Yael grunted as she kicked the sand.
"You didn't. I should've let you explain, and I'm sorry." Laura knelt down and put her hand on Yael's knee, causing her to look up. It was obvious to Laura she'd been crying, and she pulled her into a hug. "I'm so, so sorry.." Yael lost all her control and broke into tears.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, it was me! I ruined everything and now she's never gonna love me.." She sobbed as Laura held her, rubbing her back.
"Yes she will, she always will." Laura told her reassuringly.
"No, she deserves better than me."
"But you're all she wants! Why can't you see that? Is there something that's stopping you?" Laura asked as she pulled away from the hug.
"Yes. I..I'm scared. My entire life I thought I was straight, and when I met Natasha, that whole thing started to spiral out. I got control of it up until recently and I knew I was falling for her. But I don't know how to accept it, I don't know how to accept myself. She deserves someone who's proud to be with her."
"Are you saying you wouldn't be?" Laura raised an eyebrow.
"No..I would."
"You need to talk to her about this, please."
"She doesn't want to see me.." Yael choked on tears as she said that, Natasha hated her, and it hurt.
"She does. Believe me." Laura stood up and held out her hand. "Come on." Yael reluctantly took her hand and they walked back to the hotel. Laura knocked on the door quietly, a few moments later they heard the blonde's voice.
"Who is it?" She sounded weak, and this broke Yael's heart even more.
"It's me." Yael could tell that it hurt Laura hearing her like that too, judging by the way she answered. The black haired woman opened the door, and when Natasha saw Yael, her eyes immediately glued onto her. Even if she was hurt, she could never look away from her, and the brunette did the same. "You two have a lot to talk about, and I'm not letting you leave this room until you do. So, I'm going now." Before giving either of them a chance to protest, she was gone. Minutes passed, and all they could do was stare at eachother, neither of them knowing what to say. Yael inched closer to Natasha's bed, fearing if she moved too fast that Natasha would get scared or run away. When she was right by her bedside, she finally spoke.
"Hey." She blushed and bowed her head, afraid of what the other woman would say next.
"Hey, kid." Natasha sounded slightly happy, had she already forgiven her?
"I know this doesn't mean shit but, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking."
"It does mean shit, and thank you. It hurt but, I figured this would happen. It's my fault that I told you how I felt, it's just been so long that I couldn't keep it in anymore." Yael wanted to say she loved her too, but again, it wouldn't come out.
"It's not your fault, it's mine for being a coward.."
"Coward? What're you talking about? I'm the one who freaked you out, I just want to have you in my life again. Please, Yael?" Yael hugged her friend tight.
"I never left." Hearing that relieved Natasha so much, she wasn't leaving and that's all she needed. "I just, can't believe you love me. I'm such an emotional mess, I'm weird as hell, I never know how to voice my feelings. I'm just, I'm such an idiot and.." Tears began falling down Yael's face, she hated herself right now. "I'm so fucking ugly and I don't deserve anybody. Nobody's ever gonna love me." In that moment, Natasha didn't care anymore. She leaned in and kissed Yael, hard. A few seconds later, she pulled away and looked into her eyes with all the love she had.
"I do."

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