Chapter 21 "Reflection"

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(Your Pov)

I'm honestly ever so grateful.... I never thought I would be able to feel the sun on my skin once more, or feel the wind in my hair as I heard the carriage going over rocks and pebbles.  Then suddenly I heard an unfamiliar noise...a sputter of some sort, it made me flinch.

"Ciel, what on earth was that??" I said with distraught.

"We are in an Automobile (F/n), Carriages are not a way of transportation anymore. We can explain more at the Manor" he replied with a confused voice.

An automobile? what in the world is that? 

(Time skip to the Phantomhive manor)

(Ciel's POV)

"I don't know what to do Sebastian....." he gave me a concerned look.

"What do you mean? Young master, That is Lady (F/n)" he replied as I tilted my head.

"Did you know about this?" I said as he nodded back to me

"Yes, however I will explain... with (F/n) present" he said ever so properly

What a moron.....

"Be careful with your words, Young Master" he said to me as I  just made a mocking face

"(F/n) lets sit down my dear"Sebastian said as he guided her into the room with her pale stricken eyes.

"(F/n) I have some questions for you." Sebastian said as she nodded.

"When were you born?" I asked as Sebastian looked unimpressed.

"I was born in 1835, in England. It's difficult to remember" she said with her benevolent voice.

"Wh-" I stopped Sebastian before he could speak.

"What does "The roses remain as ashes to one who holds to them" I said to her as she tilted her head.



I looked at her as she kept thinking.


"My mother...said that to me....on her death bed" she said with such pain and remorse.

"(F/n)???? it is  you!!!" I said with bewilderment as I rushed toward her and bend one knee looking into her (e/c) they had a film on them.

"It, is just surprising to hear such a familiar voice, and feel warmth instead of cold. Why is it that I see everything that she does... and not what I wish to see" She said staring far from me.

"You must be blinded my dear, but by what means I may not know. You look quite different in appearance as well." Sebastian said as he stared into her eyes.

"(F/n) who did this to you and do you remember how it happened?" I said to her holding her hands as she smiled.

"It was during the catastrophic meeting, when Arthur yelled at me and I ran into The Sleepy Hollow, next thing I know I was sucked into a bright light and afterwards,  I don't remember much. But I've been kept with the vision of Arthur that has given me hope." she said as she smiled wider.

"But you cannot see us? at all?" I said as I brushed her cheek.

"No, not at all. All I see is a dimly room with bottles and a large mirror. I would see a woman who looks like me, but I know its not me if I see outside of myself." she said as it began to piece together. 

"Sebastian, Can you explain now? I think I'm understanding and I truly believe this is (F/n)" I said as he finished pouring tea.

"That night, you remember when (F/n) was not acting herself after she was with Arthur, she acted as if she never met us.  " he said as I nodded.

"Well, that's when I figured that even when (F/n) is upset she wouldn't blank out, but it was if she forgot all about what happened with Arthur, so I began to research and She was stuck in the Mirror Realm" He said as her head tilted.

"Where is this Mirror Realm?" she said as Sebastian sat beside us.

"All mirrors have a constant reflection, they are like a portal Miss (F/n), always one way , However there is a way to enter when one is left in a memory where a mirror was present. You happened to be in the memory of your old bedroom at the time in the castle which is why I asked the young lord if we can visit to relive old memories thus creating an opening to which we can save you" he said as I was plainly shocked.

"I thank you so much Sebastian, I never thought I caused much worry since there was a replica of me." she said as her eyes lightened from pain.

"Well we weren't all fooled, it wasn't an exact replica. It started when I was inviting you over for tea and you never replied" I said as she looked worried.

"What has this person done with me?" she said as she shook her head.

"She does not  have your body at least just your soul, which means that she is not really physical." Sebastian said as I looked up.

"Wait, what year is this? how long have I been gone?" she said as she stood up.

"The year is 1922, My dear" Sebastian said as her eyes widened.

"My Arthur.....has not even noticed?" she said sitting down as her voice began to break.

"I guess not , which means we need to save you before she does become physical" I said as I guided her to my desk.

"Sebastian, could you probably teach her Braille?" I said as she was taken into the Library.

"Right away sir," he said as he guided her slowly to the library.

"I will find who did this to you, (F/n)"

(Meanwhile in the Cellar of the Kirkland Estate)

"Her body is back and physical my lady" a deep male voice is heard from a mirror.

"How???!!! how did she escape?" a (f/n) like voice said.

"Such a thing cannot be describe My Lady"

An angry growl is discouraged upon her , as she heads to the cabinet of bottles and mason jars.

"Where are her eyes?? I cannot let her have those she will ruin my chance of ever becoming Immortal??" she said frustratingly.

"Honey I'm home.." a voice upstairs is heard.

"Great....." she runs upstairs and slams the door to the cellar.

A red candelabra begins to spin slowly, which causes it to fall over as smoke evolved into the room.

"WHO ARE YOU??" The mirror shrieked.

A sound of heels clicked the floor.

"Someone you will never meet.....Darling" a male voice whispered as a scythe was brought into the mirror cracking it .

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!" a voice yelled from the mirror.

"Now lets see....oh here it is" the man grabbed a mason jar labeled......

(F/n)'s Eyes 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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