sɪx: ᴀɴɢʀʏ ʜᴏsᴛ

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"Don't worry, Nestor. It's not quite dark yet. Besides, I'll do all of the dirty work - you just have to stay outside of the house."

"I don't follow."

"You're my getaway car, basically."

"So this is going to get us in trouble if we're caught?"

"Doubt it."

Ethan let out an audible groan, holding his hand on his forehead as he considered her proposal. It wasn't like the police were stationed outside. (Y/n) seemed to completely ignore the fact that she could get in trouble, so why should he care? If she thought everything would be fine, it would be.

Little did he know, (Y/n) knew something he didn't - the power that she currently had over the city of Los Angeles. The city needed her, being the best district attorney in the area. They would let her jump through a few loopholes and act as if she had never even seen them. Working for the government could be so much fun sometimes, and it would benefit her tonight.

"I guess it's better for me to go with you rather than you just going on your own. But your ambition and determination can be scary, (Y/n)."

"Oh, I'm fully aware, Nestor."


"This is so wrong, (Y/n)," Ethan whispered, watching the girl catapult herself over the six-foot-tall metal gate outside of the dark manor. She landed with a thud, turning back to the boy with a playful smirk.

"You gotta live a little."

"You say that now, but I'm sure that Officer Smiles won't be happy to find our dead bodies."

"Ah, you're too morbid and tense. C'mon, let's go and investigate this place."

She held her hands on her hips as Ethan managed to get himself over the fence. It took him a lot more 'umpf' to get up it, but he managed to land on the other side with his dignity still intact. The boy glanced around the dark property, hesitation clear in his eyes.

"This is a perfect place for demons. I am not going into that house."

"So, you'd rather stay outside and let spiders, snakes, and demons murder you? I mean, it's your life-"

"Shut up. I'll go."

(Y/n) let out a laugh, grabbing the intern by his cheeks and pulling him closer to her. She smushed his face together, a motherly, mocking look in her eyes.

"Awww. My little baby's grown up so fast!" She exclaimed, giggling once Ethan managed to rip off her hold on him. He gingerly rubbed his cheeks, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

"I'll get you for that."

"You've gotta catch me first, Nestor."

Without warning, the girl bolted from him. He was caught off guard for a moment but quickly used his small frame to make up the ground that he had lost to her. Her laughs echoed in the landscaping as she dodged through recently cut bushes and flower patches.

She thought of a good place to hide, knowing exactly what Ethan would do when he caught her. She didn't want his grubby little hands on her, cause once he started tickling her, she would just collapse onto the ground. He found out about her *unreasonable* ticklishness one day during gymnastics practice and hadn't let go of it ever since - a true monster. It was her one weakness and he always knew how to point it out to her.

So, she rounded the side of the house, spotting an entrance to the manor that wasn't blocked off. She took a chance and ran to the door, gripping onto the handle of it. She twisted it, and surprisingly, it was open. She took the chance that she had and darted inside, closing the door gently behind her in order to keep the sound around her to a minimum. She didn't want to give away her position, after all.

Past Lives (Dark/Damien x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now