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Yesterday was mundane. They arrived, they ate dinner, they slept until today and woke up early for the day's tomorrow.

They woke up in the early mornings, with the temperature low and frost collected on the grass below the mist. As the two of them walked out the back door of the mansion, towards the forest that surrounded them, the frost-coated blades of grass crumbled like melting sand underneath their step. Alana rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and she pulled her sweater closer around her.

The cold was not a friend to her, it seemed. Perhaps even it could wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Alana rolled her eyes, and looked out towards the direction that they were walking. Just over Neville's shoulder was a hint of white that grew to a small, quaint glass building with frosted dewy windows, and white frames. The frost around the building coated it like a glimmering layer of lace that made the scene appear surreal.

Especially with the sun seeping through the forest's ceiling. They walked closer, and wander grew within her about the seemingly celestial building. She knew that it was a greenhouse, but the season and the state of the building seemed to decline the purpose of it. Despite its environment which would falter it to not survive; the panels of glass seemed to be a vessel of emeralds, diamonds, and citrine opal gems.

Of course, this mystery was the cause from the friend that walked just a few yards ahead of her, who opened the door of the mighty glass ship, which persisted in the sea of frost and cold that surrounded it.

Neville took off his coat, and began to wander about the inside after putting his coat on a stool. He looked side to side at the gems that he cultivated. This through off Alana since she had assumed that the inside was just as cold as the outside. As she finally had stepped in, she realized why he had took off his coat just a few moments ago. The fresh air and the warmth from these blurs of gems, or rather — plants, welcomed her.

And overwhelmed her.

Alana took off her sweater as well, folding it on top of the coat beside her. She returned her eyes to the greenery and blooms.

Some plants looked like moving black slugs that looked up from the dirt it sat about, a mass that looked like light green rat tails swimming about water, many plants moved and stared at her. Crumbles of soil sat on the edges of the pots, and a paved and gravel path lay below between the two columns of greenery and sorts of colors. And in the corner was a moving grey cactus covered in boils.

"Hey, come here ... I want to show you something," Neville called out. She walked down the pathway, towards where he stood. In front of them was a bright orchid flower, with its orange petals greeting them warmly.

Neville mimicked his head towards where the flower sat planted in the soil. He said aloud with a soft voice, looking at the flower simultaneously, "This is the newest one in my greenhouse, it was a gift from my Great-Aunt. This one came here as a seedling and this is its home, fortunately, just a flower. She wanted to see me take care of something that wasn't magical, for a change ..."

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