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A few or more months had passed, where there were no eventful days, except for of course when Alana would talk with her friends and Neville through any old book through a library bookcase

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A few or more months had passed, where there were no eventful days, except for of course when Alana would talk with her friends and Neville through any old book through a library bookcase. It was the safest option. Apart from that — she would publicly hang out with Draco and his gang, with Jayden Brooks as well.

This situation of bouncing between these specific events and her classes throughout the days, worked for the most part.

It was nearing the end of the sixth month of the year, June.

Alana had found out by Hermione that Harry Potter suspected that Death Eaters would enter the school. The reason? She did not know why.

Hermione also informed Alana that the members of Dumbledore's Army would be requested to guard Hogwarts in addition to the adult wizards who were already doing that. She knew that there were more to the information she could give, but knew the risks of herself knowing such information.

Alana had hidden herself in a dark corner of the library, accompanied by Jayden Brooks, the two of them sitting on the floor, whispering amongst each other.

"I'm sorry about bothering you like this," she apologized, "I'm sure you have more important things to do."

Brooks shrugged, "I'm your bodyguard, either way, if there's any word that something will happen — its best if I am able to protect you."

Alana nodded in agreement. Brooks scribbled onto a piece of parchment with his quill.

Then, suddenly, a younger student from Ravenclaw had rounded the corner of the bookshelves, all frantic. She said in a hurried voice, "It's true, they're here! The Mark is above the Astronomy Tower."

And just like that, the younger student scurried back the way they came, and Alana and Jayden looked at each other with both concerned expressions on their faces. Alana sat up first, and Jayden observing her, she walked towards the window to look outside.

It is true.

A glittering green skull seemed to have been floating just above the tower, and a skull curling out of the skull's mouth.

A chill shivered down Alana's spine. Jayden stood next to her, looking at the mark in the sky, as well. Her breath hitched in her throat, but she swallowed it down. Jayden had noticed how Alana had naturally reacted to the situation, and grabbed her hand with his own.

The snake of the mark twirled around and around, then back again. It almost mesmerized her for a moment, — that is, until she realized what exactly was happening.

There had finally been an official attack at Hogwarts, where actually Death Eaters were on its grounds.

Voldemort's movement was powerful enough to infiltrate Hogwarts. Alana feared for her future, perhaps it would not be as fearful as death, but it would be bad. Not with Draco, maybe, the compassion and comfort that he has shown her ever since they are 'engaged', has been admirable and respectable.

This time, there was another student that has made their way through the library, this time — another Ravenclaw, but one of the first year students. He said aloud, "Come quickly, there's something at the courtyard."

Alana and Jayden looked at each other again, and followed the first-year down the moving staircases down to the court yard. There was students crying nearby, Alana guessed from the stress of the situation. The three of them moved stealthily, very aware of their surroundings and the people.

There was a very large crowd that was absolutely blocking the front entrance of the castle, where they would have to exit from to arrive at the court yard that the child has been talking about. Alana noticed how the crowd of people was smaller along the doors of the entrance, and pulled the two of them towards the thinning section of the crowd.

The crowd was silent, as if they were holding their breath.

Alana saw nothing, there was no one past the crowd that was in the middle of the entrance doors. That is, until her eyes lowered from the spot, and she realized that there was something on the floor — something, someone.

A flowy piece of fabric that blew slightly in the wind, as well as white hair that laid on top of the fabric. Alana's heart sunk.

It can't be ... her own sounded in her head. Oh but it was, it was Dumbledore.

Some of the students in the very large crowd surrounding the headmaster, let out their own cries and some wails from the younger students. Most of the students had a sad look on their face, or had let a tear fall down their cheek.

After all, to the organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.

Within the castle's grounds, the battle's blasts and yells could be heard against the Death Eaters. Some of the battle had entered into the yard, and the students quickly ran to cover as the dark wizards were practically defending themselves out of Hogwarts' grounds. In the distance, a fire could be seen along the edges of the Forbidden Forest, where Hagrid's Hut must have been.

The Death Eaters had left the grounds, but there was a lot of damage caused. A funeral had been planned. And all of people injured in the fight had been collected to the Hospital Wing. The Ministry was here, and they were suspecting the dead body of a Death Eater who had been killed in the fight.

The people who were injured included students, teachers, and Order members. Some had been affected by spells, or had suffered physical injuries due to the intense fighting.

Alana had made her way to the Hospital Wing after following one of the injured students in. The teachers who had not been injured, and Ministry members, had been collecting the injured to the wing.

Among the faces, she recognized many, but had been most affected by one: Neville's.

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