Chapter 5 - A trip to Mako Mart

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I suddenly wake up to Pearl eating my pillow.
"Pearl!"I screamed and she fell off the bed.
"No you were eating my pillow." I reply as I look at my pillow ripped in shreds.
Pearl looked at her feet, " I was eating mayo-cake in my dream. I was wondering why it didn't taste good."
I sighed, " I guess I'll have to get a new one then."
Pearl smiled, " Does this mean we get to go to mako mart?"
"Yes!" Pearl exclaimed, " Shopping trip!"
" Wait we have to go to work first!" I yell.
"Oh I completely forgot about that.."
"Well how else are we supposed to make money and survive?"
Pearl chuckled.
"Well I'm gonna get dressed now." She said as she walked to her room.
Hmm.. what should I wear today?
Oh wait I wear the same outfit everyday. I have a whole closet of the same outfit also. You never now when you need it!
Also, who designed this? I think it's a little bit too revealing. That's why all the inklings think I'm a slut, but I'm not! I've only dated one girl in my life time. Sure my body is perfect and all that jazz but seriously!
I sigh and wash my thoughts away and finally get changed.
Pearl bursts in unannounced, "Ready to go yet?"
I could have been undressed! Not that I really would have minded. Stop that brain! She looks nice today. But when does she ever look bad? Cough* oh um anyway, we were all dressed and  ready to go. We walked outside and we got on my motorcycle. When we first rode my motorcycle, Pearl was trying hard to pretend she wasn't scared. She said things like, " Yeah um I totally k-know how to ride one I-I um ah do it like,every day." And " Yeah oh course I've been on a motorcycle b-before." I could tell she was lying but I went with it. I knew she would never show her vulnerable side. Oh course I'm the one driving. If Pearl even touched the pedal we would get in an accident. Over time she got over her fear, and she rides with me all the time now.
Pearl got a helmet on (Safety first squiddos) and waited for me to get my helmet on. The motorcycle itself is jet black. I know,pretty boring  for a world filled with color huh? I got on first (so I could drive,duh) and Pearl sat behind me (like always). I start driving and Pearl hugs my waist tightly. Cute. I blush at my sudden thought.No she's only doing that so she doesn't fall off you dumb brain!
She hugs tighter when I go faster.
It kind of distracts me from the road when she does that because I get this weird feeling.
We arrive at the studio. I park my motorcycle and we walk inside. It's kind of like a secret way to get here because we don't want fans randomly walking in here.
Mostly every morning everything is set up and we're all ready to record.
I pull the DJ stand to me while Pearl sits on her chair.
"YALL KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS!!" Pearl screams at the top of her lungs.
"It's Inkopolis news time.."
Starfish Main Stage and Moray Towers.
"Pearl what the hell is wrong with you?" I whisper. Hopefully the microphones didn't pick that up.
Pearl seems to calm down and we announce the rest of the stages.
"Until next time.."
"Don't get cooked stay of the hook!"
Pearl cheers but I somehow accidentally say "stay fresh" instead.
I tend to make mistakes often while broadcasting.
"And we are done!" Pearl exclaims.
"Well we gotta go shopping for my pillow now."
" Don't your personal shoppers buy it for you?" Pearl questions.
" Um Pearl not everyone's as filthy rich as you are."
" Wait Pearl can you be my personal shopper..?"
"Is that a kink or something?"
I burst out laughing. "N-no! Why would y-you even t-think that?!? You have such a dirty mind!"
"Welp you got me there" she replied.
"PEARL!" I yelled.
Pearl chuckled.
Come on Pearl, we're gonna do it the normal way."
" What's the normal way?"
"Going in there yourself and shopping."
Pearl gasped. " You gotta be squidding me!?"
"Suck it up Pearlie."
We walked out towards my motorcycle. Thankfully no fans have discovered this area. If they did, ugh I don't even want to think of how many people would be here.
We put on our helmets and get on my motorcycle.
Of course Pearl had to hold on to me tightly.
I blush and start driving to Mako Mart.
Good thing she can't see my face right now. I'm probably as red as a rose bush. We then arrive.
"Ugh, Marina we have to walk ALL the way across the parking lot and then in the store too?!"
"Are you really that lazy?"
" No just highly unmotivated."
I sigh. " C'mon Pearl the faster you walk, the quicker we can get home."
We walk into Makomart.
"Woah." Pearl says. And I remember that she has never been in a store before.
" Ok let's head over to the sleep section."
Lucky there were no turf wars here today. That could have been messy.
I go to hold Pearl's hand but she had already disappeared.
There is no reply. I start to look around. She couldn't have gone that far already, at least I hope not. I walk down an aisle with toys and stuffed animals. Maybe Pearl will be here. There is only a little inkling boy staring at me.
" Oh my cod! It's Marina from off the Hook! Can you sign my hand?"
I get a pen out my handbag. I always keep a pen in there for these kinds of occasions. I try to sign his hand as neatly as I can.
" Cool! Thanks a bunch! Don't get cooked! Stay off the hook!" He yells.
It's always nice to meet a fan. At first the fame was a overwhelming , but I'm used to it now. What was I doing again? Oh right, trying to find pearl. I'm tired of looking for Pearl. I pick up the microphone on the wall for service announcements.
"WHAAT?!?!1!1!1!1!1"  I hear from the condiment aisle.
Found her.
She sitting on the floor eating out a jar of mayo. Ew.
"Pearl! That's not how a supermarket works! You pay for it first, and then you can eat it. "
" Oh. Well whatever I'll just pay now."
Pearl pulls out and unreasonable amount of cash.
"Is this enough?"
"It's way over enough for one jar of mayo."
I respond.
"Whatever." She sighs and puts the jar in my shopping basket.
I also get some ketchup because why not.
"Okay let's actually get what we came here for, my pillow"
Pearl nods her head.
We walk over to the pillow section(?)
"Woah look at all those pillows!" Pearl exclaims.
I just grab the white pillow In front of me and dash over to the self checkout because I didn't want to waste anymore time.
But when I was about to scan my items, Pearl had disappeared ONCE AGAIN!
But not for long this time. I didn't even have to find her.
She came running back with 5 huge jars of mayonnaise.
"Just in case.." she said and scanned them.
I rolled my eyes at her.
We paid for the rest of the items and walked out.
I put all the bags in my purse because I can't hold them while I ride my motorcycle.
I start it up and we're on our way back home.
"Marina, can you go faster?" Pearl asks.
"Do you really want to take the risk? We could get hurt, you know?"
"Yes I do."
"Okay then." I reply as I accelerate.
Pearl then brings her body closer to mine and squeezes me tightly.
"P-Pearl we might crash! I can't have to holding that tight!"
"I'm sorry but it's my instant reaction!" She yells.
I slow down when I see that our apartment is in sight.
It's now dark out already.
I park my motorcycle in my driveway and we enter our apartment.
I place all of the bags on the counter and I put everything away without Pearl's help. She's already getting ready for bed.
Why did I agree to buy Pearl that much mayo?
Well anything for my precious Pearlie.
I walk upstairs to my bedroom and place my new pillow on my bed.
I admire it.
I sit down on my bed and wait for Pearl to come out of the bathroom.
I can't stop thinking about how freakin' cute she is!
She probably doesn't even think that back.
It's useless, why do I even care anymore?
I need to stop thinking about that because she doesn't love me that way.

                            ~Pearl's POV~
I put on my pajamas and walk into Mariana's room.
I really love sleeping with her. I just feel safe and comfortable.
Marina's head is down and she doesn't look that cheerful.
"Yo, you okay?" I ask.
"Oh- um yeah!" She says as she wipes a tear from her eye.
I sit next to her.
"It doesn't look like it, you sure about that?"
"YES PEARL OKAY?!" She yells at me.
I look at her, shocked.
She never yelled like that before. She's usually calm.
"I'm sorry.." I whispered.
"No I'm sorry. I'm just upset right now." She replies.
I hug her because hugs are the answer to everything.
"I'm just going to go to bed, goodnight." She said.
"Goodnight" I reply.
I turn off the lamp and lay opposite way of Marina.
It really upsets me if she's in a bad mood.
But I know she will feel better soon.
I've also begun to notice that whenever I touch her, she blushes.
It's unusual. She's never done this before.
I'll just put my worries aside about that.
I'll just go to sleep now because I don't have Marina to talk to.
I close my eyes and drift to sleep.

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