Chapter 10 - Coming Out

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~ Pearl's POV ~

It's the next morning at eleven. Marina still hasn't come to say good morning to me.

I'm starting to get worried now..

It's probably about last night. I didn't even respond when she said she kissed me back because she wanted to. I didn't even know how to respond. God, I'm so stupid. Why did I do that? She probably thinks I don't like her. Which is a problem because I do like her. It was hard for me to realize my feelings for her. I didn't believe myself. But now I cannot deny that I love her. I don't know if she returns my feelings or not. I mean she kissed me back at the party, but she was really drunk. AAAAHHH I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! It's going to be really awkward if neither of us say anything, which will make work a whole lot harder. If I say something and she doesn't like me, it could ruin our relationship. Not only will I get rejected, she might not want to work with me anymore. If that happens I will have to find a new music partner and abandon Off The Hook. They will also have to find new news broadcasters to announce the stages. So many possibilities for disaster. What if I get rejected? What would I do without her? Ugh I don't want to think about this too much, it makes my head hurt. I should calm down. I scroll through my Instagram feed to distract myself from my problems. I know I probably should tell her how I feel before it destroys my life. I mean I am going to have to do it eventually... But that doesn't mean I have to do it now. I know I'm just going to keep stressing about it in the back of my mind but I'm going to ignore it for now. I wonder what Marina is up to?

~ Marina's POV~

I'm terrified to go see Pearl.. What will she say? I'm just thinking about last night. It's making me more anxious. There would be lots of downsides of us being in a relationship.

The fans, our career, the list goes on.

Even though there are downsides, I would still do anything for love. I love my job but a relationship is more important to me. There might not even be a possibility that Pearl likes me but I have to say something. I feel like I have been cornered. There is no escape from the conversation about the kiss and what it meant. Unless Pearl just ignored it completely and moved on, but I doubt that is going to happen. So there is only one option left, to confront the problem. But before I do that, there's something more important to say to her. And I'm gonna do it. I have to or else Pearl will never be my girlfriend.

I suddenly hear knocking on my door. Oh no.
The door opens to reveal Pearl.
"Hey Marina! I just wanted to say good morning." She exclaims.
"Good morning to you too" I reply.
"Uh P-Pearl..? I have something to tell you.."
I mumble.
Oh gosh I'm actually going to do this.
"I-I'm a- I'm a.."
I start breaking down crying. Of course.
"You know Marina, you can tell me anything you want. I would never judge you." Pearl assures me and brings me into a hug.
I sob on her shoulder.
What if she doesn't accept me?
I just worry too much.
I should just say it.
"I'm a lesbian." I blurt out.
Oh my gosh my heart is pounding out of my chest.
I feel lightheaded.
I actually said that. I start crying even more.
"Marina it's okay! Don't cry! I am too.."
She admits and cries with me. She hugs me even tighter.
Wait a minute.. WHAT DID SHE SAY?!
Oh my gosh, I actually have a chance with her now! Well it still probably won't happen but at least I can dream.

"Marina, I'm so happy you told me instead of keeping it in" Pearl stated.

I'm glad I got that off my chest. I'm also glad that worked out so well. I mean worst-case scenario she could have left me.

Pearl took a deep breath.

" Well I was going to tell you first but I was so nervous that it would ruin our relationship. So, I uh ignored my feelings."

" Well, I'm proud of you."

"I'm proud of you too."

We smile and hug each other.

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