Chapter 30-

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                        ~Melody's POV~
I wake up with my girlfriend- I meant Lyric next to me. I wish she was my girlfriend. Maybe I should ask her soon.. Who am I kidding, who in the world would want to be my girlfriend? Lyric does seem pretty into me though. I'm not sure! I know she likes me but I don't know if she wants to be together yet.. I'll see as time goes on. I just realized she fell asleep here. She looks so adorable. I really don't want to wake her up. So, instead, I start getting myself ready for the day. I change my clothes into a black shirt with black jeans. Very vibrant. That's it. I'm basically ready for the day now. But what is there to do today? I guess I could do something with Lyric. As soon as she wakes up, that is.
Her face is lightened up with a smile as her eyes are closed. Her arms are wrapped around the pillow as she nudges into it. One of her legs is halfway off the bed. That's an odd way to sleep, but I won't judge her.
I sit down on the bed and stare out of my window. I feel so much better than I did before. I just feel so happy now.. I'm finally not lonely anymore. I have friends!
I hear a cute yawn and turn my head around. Lyric has awaken.
"Good morning!" I exclaim.
"Melody? I slept over here?" She scales her eyes across the room.
"Sorry, I have a bad memory.."
"It's fine. So, what do you want to do today?"
"I was thinking of maybe baking or cooking? If you like that sort of stuff.." She suggests.
"That sounds good!"
"Yay! You have a lot of ingredients in that big kitchen, right?"
"Of course. All of them are in the thirty cabinets I have."
"That's um.. a lot of cabinets.."
"Well it is a big kitchen so.."
My phone starts ringing.
I pick it up and the screen reads "Will". What could he possibly want now?
I swipe the answer button.
"Hey Mel. Could you come pick me up from Axel's house? We were just playing fortnite and he started acting super depressed and telling people to kill themselves over voice chat. Please save me."
"Who's that? I don't remember that kid."
"The one who told you to kill yourself multiple times. Now please come get me!"
"I'll be right over."
I hang up.
"I'm so sorry Lyric but I have to go pick up my brother. You can start making whatever you want while I'm gone. Just don't burn down the house. Something tells me I'll be quite awhile.."
"Okay.. Bye."
I wave and rush downstairs and out the door to my car.
I forcefully jam the keys into the ignition.
God knows what happened to him. I have to get there as soon as possible! If I can find the place..

~Lyric's POV~
I have this whole house to myself.. It's huge!
Melody said I could make something while she's gone. I did want to do it with her but apparently she's going to be gone awhile..
What should I make anyway? Hmm, cake? Nah. How about cookies? Yeah! I have been craving cookies.. That sounds good!
I make my way out of Melody's room and look down the immense hallway. There's probably so many extra rooms. There's only Melody and her brother living in this whole house!
I walk down the very long staircase and turn the corner to bring me to the kitchen.
It's so nice in here..
I'm going to make chocolate chip cookies. Hopefully Melody likes them.
I bring out all the ingredients. Sugar, butter eggs, baking powder, chocolate chips.. But one thing that seems kind of strange is the flour. I found it tucked away in the back.There's several bags of flour.Whatever. I won't judge. Guess she needs a lot..It's still kinda weird though.
I pour all of the ingredients into the bowl and stir them together. The dough is kind of chunky but I guess it will have to do..
I preheat the oven and search for the cookie sheets. There's way too many cabinets..
I open one, no cookie sheets. The next cabinet, no cookie sheets. The next, still no cookie sheets!
After searching through twenty cabinets, I finally find the cookie sheets. Sweat drips down my forehead.
I start placing balls of cookie dough onto the sheets.
For some reason it's not holding together too well? I'm sure they'll turn out fine though..
I slip them in the oven. Time to wait.. I slump down on Melody's L shaped couch in her living room in front of an eighty inch flat screen TV.
I wish I was this rich.. I need a better job..
I hate living independently. I miss having my parents around to take care of me. I wasn't ready to live on my own.
Maybe if Melody and I get in a strong relationship I can move in with her! That would probably never happen. I need to stop getting my hopes up. I only met her a few days ago but I feel like I know everything about her. She probably hates me for being so close to her and we're not even together. I wish it could happen... I just want to be around her all of the time now. I don't know why but I feel drawn to her. I wish she would feel the same way. I haven't met her brother yet. I hope he likes me. Maybe if we get along Melody would like me more..
I hear the kitchen timer go off in the other room. The cookies are done! I rush over and pull them out of the oven with oven gloves I found nearby. I want to eat them now but I would burn my mouth.I have to wait. What a cruel punishment.. They smell so good. They don't smell like a normal cookies but what do I know? I'm not a baker. I wonder when Melody will be back.. Hopefully she likes the cookies!
You know what? Fuck it, I'm eating the cookies now. It's probably somewhat cooled down now.
I pick up the burning chocolate chip disaster and stick it in my mouth. Heck this is burning my whole entire mouth but I'm fine. It tastes pretty good. It's so good that I can feel the blood flowing through my veins and my heart pumping. Wow.. This is probably the best cookie I've ever had. They may not look presentable but HOLY SHIT DO THEY TASTE GOOD! I stuff another one in my mouth, then another, savoring the taste.
I think I've had enough now. I t-pose my way to the chair and sit down.
I'm so full but I still crave those cookies.
I don't know why but I have the amount of energy you get after drinking a cup of coffee in the morning. Or maybe three times that amount of energy. It feels like you can take on the world.
My arms start twitching and my legs shake, wanting to move.
God, what's going on?

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