Chapter 23- Accidents Happen

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                           ~Pearl's POV~
I wake up to Marina's huge tits in my face. What a great way to start my morning.
She's still asleep.. I'm surprised that didn't wake her up.
My face still hurts from Marina crushing me.
My face just feels dead.
On top of that, I'm going to have to pay for a new table! Too much work..
I'll just put on some clothes now..
I walk over to the closet, pick out my outfit, and put it on.
Since Marina is asleep, I guess I'll go buy a new table.
I don't know why I have to pay. It wasn't even my fault.
I still can't believe we broke it..
I go outside and start walking.
I guess I'm going to a store? But how far do I have to walk? I'm allergic to exercise..
I could try and ride Marina's motorcycle.. Yeah I guess I could try.
I take her motorcycle out of the garage and start it up. I sit down and put on the helmet.
Hopefully I can drive this.
I put my foot on the gas. This is scary..
I get onto the road and I'm already having trouble balancing myself.
Once I'm driving, it isn't too bad I suppose.
But how does Marina drive it without any trouble?
When I get onto the highway, I accelerate.
Maybe that's a little bit too fast?
I try to slow down but I can't. Shit.
My balance is not sturdy and I start to tilt to the side.
A car is right behind me and I can't do anything about it. Fuck fuck fuck what do I do?! I'm having a panic attack. What if something happens?!
I tilt all the way to the side, fall down, and spin in a circle. My body scratches hard against the road.
My head hits the hard road.
All I feel is hot, blaring pain.
I can't move any part of my body.
I feel like I'm dying.
The car has no time to stop and runs me right over.

                        ~Marina's POV~
My eyes open and I stretch.
I woke up late..
I look beside me and notice that Pearl isn't next to me.
"Pearl! I'm awake!" I yell.
No response.
Did she go somewhere? I thought she would be home.
Well.. I'll get dressed for now.
I put on my clothes that were left on the ground from yesterday.
I think I'll text Pearl to see where she is.

                12:35 PM
Marina: Hey sweetheart, where did you go?
                  12:58 PM
Marina: Where would you be able to go without me? You shouldn't go anywhere without me. I have to protect you.
                   1:15 PM
Marina: Pearl? You usually have your phone with you.

This is awfully strange.. She usually always responds to my texts. She didn't even leave her phone here.
I'll just wait a bit. She'll come home later.
I walk downstairs to the kitchen and see the table in pieces.
I almost forgot that this happened.. Pearl still needs to get another table..
Guess I'll just eat on the counter..
I decide to microwave the leftover steak from last night.
I feel so lonely without Pearl.. It's so quiet.
I'm starting to worry. Maybe I should call her.
I call her, and no answer. This is really unusual. I'm really worried now.. No, her phones probably dead or something. I'm just overreacting.

It's now 5 PM. Still haven't heard anything from Pearl. Ahh I miss her so much..
What if something happened to her?!
What do I do?!
Okay.. Just calm down.. I'm sure she's fine.. Just then I hear my phone ringing. I answer right away. Pearl is finally calling me back! I'm gonna give her a lecture for this one.. But instead of Pearl's prominent voice, I hear a nervous voice.
" Is this Marina Ida?"
" Uh yeah.Who are you?"
"I'm the doctor at Inkopolis Square Hospital. Your girlfriend got in an accident. She is badly injured. She is in unstable condition. Come as soon as you can."
I freeze, shocked at what I'm hearing.
No-No... This can't be.. NO NO NO NO THERE IS NO WAY!.. THIS can't be real.. Pearlie.. Oh god Pearlie, why..?
"You... must have the wrong number or something," I stutter out hoping this is just a big mistake. It has to be..
"Your girlfriend is Hime Houzuki right? Otherwise known as Pearl.You said you're Marina Ida, correct?" The doctor says in a dull tone.
Oh my god... it's real.. I laugh nervously trying to contain myself.. No way.. No way... This is just a bad dream..
" You need to come to the hospital, right away.We already contacted her parents. They're away on a business trip. You are the only one who is available right now."
"I'm coming now," My voice sounds dead and I feel horrible. I hang up. I need to get there as fast as possible.. Oh god please let it be something minor.. hopefully the doctor was exaggerating..
I know that I'm not thinking rationally but there are so many thoughts running through my head. GET IT TOGETHER MARINA, I scream at myself, PEARL NEEDS YOU RIGHT NOW, GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME AND GO!!
I shakily run to the garage, almost tripping over my own feet. I'll be there in a few minutes with my motorcycle, if the traffic is good..
I open the door to the garage to find it cold and empty. Pearl must have.. Oh god Pearl why??! I should have stopped her! If I had only gotten up earlier..! I'll just run to the hospital then! I exit the garage and run into the mostly empty plaza. People give me strange looks as I sprint with all my might down the street. I don't have time to think about them right now. My chest burns as I pump my legs faster and faster. My breathing is unsteady and I feel like I'm about to collapse. By the time I get to the hospital, the world is spinning and I have to take a second to breathe. I open the door and rush to the front desk.
" Hime Houzuki!" I exclaim, breathing heavily."
The hospital had an overpowering smell of cleaning products. The walls are a dingy yellow. I hate hospitals..
The receptionist eyes go wide, " Um..ah room 8A ma'am!"
I hear the other people in the waiting room whispering.
"Woah is that Marina?!"
"What's up with her?"
" Maybe something bad happened to Pearl?!"
"I can't believe she's actually here!"
I can't loiter here twiddling my thumbs listening to whispers! I have to see her! I rush down the hallway getting glares from doctors. I almost run over a girl in a wheelchair.
" Sorry!" I yell and continue running. I don't have time to do anything else right now. I look at the labels on the door, frantically searching for 8A
I screech to a halt and slam open the door. The doctor jumps back in surprise, but he collects himself quickly and starts talking in a business tone.
"Ms. Ida, take a seat."
I didn't even look at Pearl yet, at this point I'm too scared. I know I have to though.. I slowly shift my gaze over to Pearl. The sight sends chills down my nonexistent spine and I freeze.
It's so much worse than I thought..
The reality of the situation hits me like a truck. She's covered head to toe with tightly wrapped bandages. There are multiple IV drips with anesthetic, blood, and nutrients going into her arms. Her crown is on the dresser next to her, it's covered in blood.I hear the heart monitor beeping. It's unbearable to listen to.
I slump down into the chair, unable to stand any longer.
" I know this is very difficult for you right now," The doctor starts.
"It's a miracle she's even alive right now.."
" I thought she wasn't going to make it.."
The heart monitors beeping fills my head I can barely even hear the doctor anymore.
"Motorcycle accident"
" Run over"
" Heavy bleeding"
"Road rash."
" Traumatic Brain injury, resulting in unstable emotions."
" unconscious."
"Severe burns."
"And minor disability in the leg."

Terror shoots through me. My heart feels like it's about to burst out of my chest. Breathe. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. My body feels like it's on fire. I start to sweat like crazy. In. Out. In. Out. All the sudden I feel dizzy. No. I can't pass out now. Pearl needs me. I take several deep breaths to try and calm myself. In. Out. In. The doctor looks over at me,

"Hmm, you didn't hear anything I said did you?"

I shake my head.

"You seem distressed, I'll go get you some water. Try to breathe okay? There are some important things we have to discuss."

The doctor gets up and walks out of the room.

I look at Pearl again, " Pearl, oh Pearl. Why did this have to happen! I should have done something... You don't deserve this... It should have been me instead! Take me! I should have been the one to get hurt! Why... "

Tears gush from my eyes like a water bursting from a dam. I'm surprised I went this long without crying. Sobs rack my chest as I desperately try to control myself.. to no avail.

The doctor walks into the room and sees me balling my eyes out.

"Um.. Are you okay?" He hands me a glass of water.

"Sorry. I'm fine." I wipe my tears away with my hand.

"Okay. So Pearl has sustained multiple injuries. Her motorcycle flipped over AND she got hit by a car.. All of this caused her to get a concussion, make her bleed heavily, road rash, severe burns, disability in her left leg, and she's emotionally unstable due to brain injuries. But please don't worry. The heart monitor is steady. I'm pretty sure she's doing fine at the moment besides all of her injuries.We will have to perform surgery to ensure a full recovery though..." He explains.

"Oh my god.." Is all I manage to say.

I cannot believe that this is actually happening.

Suddenly, two doctors and a nurse burst into the room.

"Oh! Ms. Marina! You're here at just the right time. I'm going to need you sign these papers for the surgery Pearl is about to take part it in since her parents are away." The nurse says and hands me a clipboard with multiple papers clipped onto it. She also hands me a pen.

My eyes skim over the paragraph which basically just tells me her injuries and what is going to happen in the surgery.

I sign my name at the bottom of each paper. I hand the clipboard back to the nurse.

"Thank you. Now I need you to leave. This is going to take several hours so I advise you to return home."

Those words make me freeze.

"I-I have to leave Pearl..?"

"Yes, you can return tomorrow night if you please."

"Alright fine. Goodbye."

"Have a good rest of your day, Ms. Marina"

I rush out of the room, tears falling down my face.

I run down the hall and exit the building.

Tomorrow night?! That's ridiculous.

I can't go without seeing Pearl for that long..

I run all the way back to my apartment, my lungs dying.

As soon as I reach the door, I run upstairs to my room and collapse onto the bed.

Why did this have to happen to Pearl..?

Why is life so unfair..?

I start crying, even though there's not that many tears left to escape from my eyes.

I wish it was me feeling pain instead of Pearl. I deserve it more. If I could do anything to help her, I would no matter what. I should be feeling grateful that it wasn't worse; but I can't help feeling all this negativity. It's like a cloud over my head, it fogs up my brain and I can't think clearly. What if she doesn't make it? The doctor said she was unstable on the phone. What if the surgery goes wrong? What if she has amnesia and forgets me? What if she has a limp forever? Or permanent brain damage? I feel like I'm going crazy. I'm about to lose my mind over here. I need a distraction.. I think I know who I can call. It might be weird since it's been a little while. Here goes nothing...


"Hello? Oh Marina! It's you! W-whats up?"

"Hi Melody."

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