Chapter 8- Valentines Day

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"Marina! Marina! Wake up!" Pearl screams in my ear.
"I'm up.." I groan.
"Good! I have a Valentine's Day party to go to today and you can come!"
"Oh shoot. I almost forgot that Valentine's Day was today.." I say.
"Yeah! So let's get ready to go to work now." Pearl exclaims.
I'm still tired, but of course I get up and get ready.
After we're both finished getting dressed, I follow Pearl outside and we sprint to our studio.
I lazily stand up while Pearl gets to sit in her comfortable chair.
"Y'all know what time it is!"
"It's off the hook coming at you live from Inkopolis square."
Blah blah blah we announce the current stages and Pearl says some questionable dialogue and we're done.
"Don't get cooked, stay off the hook!" We say in unison.
I sigh and push my DJ set away.
I'm still feeling lazy and unmotivated.
Ooh I know just the trick.
I go over to our coffee machine and brew myself a nice, warm, cup of espresso.
Pearl glares at me.
"You didn't make me a cup? How thoughtful of you." She growls, sarcastically.
"You didn't ask for one." I reply.
"Well make me one you peasant!" She demands.
I giggle and make her the cup of coffee.
"You forgot the half and half."
I hand her the carton of the creamer.
She pours it into her drink and takes a sip.
"This isn't Starbucks! I want Starbucks!" Pearl dramatically yells.
"Okay okay I'll make you Starbucks coffee."
I brew her another cup.
She takes a sip.
"Thank you." She smiles.
After we finish up, we go back to our apartment to get ready for Pearl's Valentine's Day party.
I'm kind of nervous to go because I might not know anyone there. Plus I will probably be the only octoling..
I search through my closet to try and pick the right outfit to wear.
"This is perfect.." I say to myself as I stare at a black and turquoise dress in delight.
I change into it and admire myself in the mirror.
Pearl bursts into my room.
"Ready to go..?"
She's wearing a beautiful short, pink dress.
"Uh yeah." I reply.
We go outside and get on my motorcycle.
"Where exactly is this place at?" I ask Pearl.
"Umm it's right next to our studio."
"Oh then we don't have to ride there"
"But I don't feel like walking!"
I drive down our street and in 5 seconds we're at our destination.
Woah. This house is huge from the outside. It's like a mansion.
We enter the home and all I see is people everywhere.
Oh gosh..
The strobe lights are already giving me a headache.
"Yo Marina, isn't this awesome?!" Pearl asks.
"Um no. I don't even know anyone here." I answer.
"It's okay. You'll be with me the whole time anyway.
I groan. I'm already getting anxious.
Pearl grasps my hand and pulls me over to a bar.
"So what do you want?" She asks me.
"Nothing! I don't drink!"
"Just try it! Nothing can go wrong."
"Fine. If you insist.."
She pours me a glass of champagne and hands it to me.
I try it and I freaking love it.
"See? It's good isn't it?"
I nod my head.
She also pours herself a glass.
I'm not 21 but this is a party. I can drink all I want and not get caught.
Pearl suddenly pulls me over to a group of her friends, I suppose.
They all stare at me. Probably because I'm an octoling.
"This is my homie Marina. She's nice don't worry." Pearl introduces me.
I smile and wave.
All five of her friends shake my hand.
"Nice to meet you all!" I exclaim.
But they're all still giving me a dirty look.
"Uhh we're going to grab a few more drinks, be right back." Pearl pulls me back over to the bar.
"I can tell they don't like you. We'll just stay away from them for now." She says.
"Yeah. That would be a better option."
Pearl then pours another glass for me and herself. Then another, and then another.
Before we know it, we're on our 6th glasses.
"Oh gosh Marina I'm sooo drunk." Pearl laughs.
"Yeah, I can tell."
She then brings me to the crowded dance floor.
"Marina you should totally DJ this."
"That's actually a good idea." I reply.
Without hesitation, I take over the DJ stand.
"THIS GONNA GET LIT!" I scream and pick out a song to play.
I choose Muck Warfare.
I knew If I started singing I'd screw up but I took the chance and picked up the microphone.
Apparently, everyone was enjoying the song.
I insanely headbang like I was at a rave.
I couldn't really control myself because I was clearly drunk.
Once the song ended I was so worn out.
I thought the bottle of vodka next to me was a water bottle so I chugged all of it then realized my mistake but pushed it aside.
I went back over to Pearl and she cheered.
"You did great!"
We later go upstairs to an empty bedroom and sit down with our glasses and continue to drink.
This isn't the party I thought it was going to be. I didn't think I was going to get drunk at all.
Pearl puts her arm around my shoulder and smiles.
I stare at her face.
"It's 2 AM and I'm not even tired!" She yells.
We both laugh together.
We put our drinks down on the table beside us.
"*hic* Marina you're cute when you laugh" Pearl tells me.
"So are you"
I laugh again for no apparent reason.
"Lol that's gay." She giggles.
"I know I am gay XD"
We laugh.
"Like seriously I like totally like you, Mar."
"That's cool and GOOD"
Before I can think, Pearl pulls me closer and kisses me right on the lips.
Woah. Wait what. Is this actually happening right now?
"I love you, Pearlie"
"Me too."
I kiss her back and embrace her.
What am I doing.? I'm so freakin drunk I can't think straight.
I start to get dizzy and then pass out on the bed.

                         To be continued

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