Chapter 28- Home

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                            ~Pearl's POV~
I'm finally going home today! All of this suffering will end!
Marina kind of fell asleep here..
"YO BB WAKE UP!" I yell, shaking Marina vigorously.
She slowly opens her eyes and yawns.
"Where am I..?"
"You fell asleep with me at the hospital. I don't know how but you did."
I wrap my arms around her waist and bring her close to me, trying not to hurt myself.
She moves down so she can rest her head on my shoulder.
"How do you feel today?" She asks.
"I feel like going home."
"Well today is the day!"
"Good.I can't wait to get out of this musty hospital. The doctor is weird too.."
" I heard that..." The doctor whisper-yells from the other room.
"Can we have a little ya know, celebration when we get home? I can't wait to fuck you again." I smirk at her.
"Pearl, no."
"But why notttt??" I whine.
" How about we go out to dinner or something instead?" She suggests.
"Alright, dinner is good I guess." I sigh. I'm slightly disappointed but if she doesn't want to, I can't force her.
"C'mon we haven't went out in a while! It will be fun!"
The doctor comes into the room.
"Oh Marina! I didn't know you were here already. This is convenient. Anyways, Pearl, you're all ready to go home. Just take it easy on your legs and you should be fine."
"Really? Thank you." I get out of the bed. I hold Marina's hand to help get up.
"Your hospital bill should be coming later this month. Be prepared to go in debt. Congrats for surviving. Goodbye!"
Marina and I start heading out.
"Marina.. My legs hurt.. Please carry me.." I request but it comes out like I'm whining.
"Fine.." She lifts me up.
"You lost weight?" She asks, noticing that I feel lighter.
"Yep. They hardly fed me anything there."
"What do you want to eat when we get home then?"
"Mm. I'd like to have some nice octopussy-"
"NO! How about I cook you some Umm cereal?" She cuts me off. Welp, I tried.
"You can't cook cereal.. I'll just wait till dinner."
She sighs.
We arrive at the apartment. She carefully brings me upstairs to the bed and places me down.
"My legs hurt. My arms hurt. Please comfort me, peasant."
She tucks me under the covers.
"Is that better?"
She lays down next to me and takes out her laptop.
"When was the last time you worked on a song?" I ask.
"Well I tried working on a song when I was streaming watching hentai but I kind of got distracted. I'll try to actually work on something right now."
"Good or else we're going to get fired."
She opens up the music program.
"Now I have to think of a melody. Hmm.. Oh! Melody! That reminds me of Melody. I wonder how she's doing.. I shouldn't be worrying anyway. She's fine. Hopefully." She puffs.
I reassure her, " I'm sure she's okay."
She looks worried. " I don't know, I have a bad feeling.."
~Melody's POV~
"I'll take the usual. Just one bag of coke."
"Yep. That's 3,000 coins."
I think I'm going broke..
I hand him the money and he gives me the bag.
"Thank you. I'll see you soon."
I escape from the dark alley and start heading back to Lyric's house. I guess I'll take it later then. I definitely can't do it now because I'll never have another date. I need to make this time special.I can wait... hopefully. The streets are all dark with only a few lampposts.It's good because I can slip away unnoticed, but I always get a little nervous. I scope the area to make sure nobody's here. All empty. Good. Moving from a jog to a full sprint, I speed to Lyrics house. I get there a few minutes later,panting. I knock on the door for politeness.
"Melody is that you?"
"No it's your local murder who goes door to door-yes it's Melody!"
She opens the door. "Come in murder."
I walk inside and take off my shoes.Smokey immediately walks over and sits on my shoes. He's so cute.
We walk upstairs to her room again.
"Soooo do you like bread? I'm sorry I don't really know how to get a conversation going.."
I laugh. " Yeah bread is really good. Gotta love carbohydrates."
She laughs with me.
"By the way, Where did you go?" She wonders.
I stare at her in dead silence.
"Um.. I just had to get something.."
Now.. What do I say to her? How do I start a conversation? This is so hard..
"Do you want me to play ram ranch on my piano for you?" She asks.
"I'd love to hear that."
She goes over to her keyboard and starts playing it.
I can hear the lyrics from the notes,
"Eighteen naked cowboys in the showers at ram ranch"
"Ram ranch really rocks!"
When the song is over I feel tears in my eyes.
"So, how'd you like it?" She gets back on the bed.
"That.. That was absolutely beautiful.."
"I'm glad you liked it." She smiles.
"You're pretty talented." I point out.
"Thank you!"
"Um.. So, what do you want to do now?" I ask.
"Well it is getting late so I would think that we would go to sleep soon. So I guess you're going home."
"Yeah.. We could see each other again later in the week if you would like." I suggest.
"Of course! You don't have to leave right now if you don't want to. I mean, I like spending time with you."
"Well I kind of have to leave soon. I really uh have to do something at home.. I don't want to leave though so please don't take offense. I just have something to take care of."
"Yeah it's fine. Seems like you have a busy life.."
"Not really." I laugh, "I'm rarely am busy. I hardly even go to work."
"I hardly work either. I don't really have a good job.. It seems like you get paid quite a bit since you work on Fortnite."
"Yeah I do have a great amount of money but most of it is from my parents. That's why I have a really high class home."
"Wow impressive."
" It kinda sucks though having rich parents. I mean, you get whatever money-wise but they never payed attention to my brother and I. They're always on business trips. They're never around. They never visit. God, I don't even know why they had kids in the first place if they were just going to ignore them! Oh.. sorry for ranting. I-I'll go now" I clarify while heading out the door. She looks like she wants to say something, but I run before she can. I'm such a coward. It's gonna be awkward next time we see each other because I did that. It's my fault. Why can't I just be normal and have friends and talk to people normally?! I don't need or want to stand out. I'd rather sit back and live an average life with a girlfriend and a cat. I just don't want to be lonely anymore..
Fuck I really need to have something because I'm just going to get even more depressed...
I rush back to my house.
I barge in and run as fast as possible up to my room. I faintly saw Will downstairs. He was staring at me. He probably thinks I'm insane now after being gone for two days. I feel so bad for him now.. I never spend time with him anymore.
I slam my door shut and lock it then I fall onto my bed.
I feel faint tears come from my eyes.
I keep asking myself the same question over and over again, "What am I doing with my life?!" I can never answer it.
I've become such a horrible person..
I hear footsteps then a knock on my door.
I get up to unlock and open it.
"Melody! Where were you?!" Will yells in my face.
"Well I went out for a little bit.. Nothing bad though. I just went over Marina's."
"You should've told me that you were leaving! I was worried about you.."
"You shouldn't be. I'm fine."
He hugs me.
"I.. I just want you to get better.. I care about you.."
"I care about you too.."
" What is that!? More cocaine! Really?!" He  snapped while pointing at my bag.
"You know I need it.. Just let me be..." I'm in no mood to get in a fight with him, but he insists on trying to make me quit every time. This time is no exception.
"You know it's not good for you! And you continue to do it! It will destroy you! What don't you understand! Not to mention your draining family funds, the shits fucking expensive!"
"Hey no cursing!"
He growls, " I'll curse as much as I fucking want. You're in no place to tell me what to do."
" You can't stop me. I'll do what I want. I'm an adult."
He scoffs, " Not a very responsible adult.  You know what?! I'm done with you. So done. I don't even care anymore. Just don't take money out of my funds!" And with that he storms out and slams the door. I'm stunned. I can't even think. Did he just say that? Surely not. Wow... whatever. I don't touch his funds. I want him to have money no matter what. If that's all he cares about that's fine. At least he won't bother me anymore. I'll do a few lines now and calm down.

                         ~Marina's POV~
"Aaaaaand... done! At least the first part.." I sigh.
"Good job! Have you thought of any lyrics yet?" Pearl asks.
"Well you need to work on that soon. I'll help you too. I guess you need a break for now though."
"Definitely. I'm so tired."
Pearl smiles. " Do you wanna cuddle Mawinna?"
"Awww come here Pearlie~" I bring my arms around her and squeeze her.
"Excuse me but I would like to breathe."
"Sorry about that." I let go of her.
"I didn't say to stop!"
I hug her again, this time not as tight.
"Aw Rina I love you so much." She kisses my neck.
"I-I told you not to call me that again!"
"Well you're always calling me Pearlie so I should have a little fun."
The warmth of her body makes me feel so secure. I never want to let go. I'm so deeply in love with her. I think it's obvious but I fall more and more in love with her each day.
I lift up her small, soft chin and bring my lips to hers. Her eyes close and she puts her hand on the back of my neck.
Even though I'm enjoying this, I pull away.
"You know, I'm so grateful that you're back home. I'm so happy that you made it and you healed so quickly.. I thought that I would loose you." I say, staring deep into her golden eyes.
"Yeah. I'm so glad that I'm back too."
"You want to go out for dinner now? I'm getting pretty hungry.." I ask.
"Of course!"
"We're going to have to walk somewhere because of my motorcycle.."
"..I'm sorry.."
"No need to apologize. I'll get a new one. Eventually.."
"I'll buy you one. It's fine" She offers.
"No I'll spend my own money."
"I won't start an argument over who pays. Anyways, can we go eat now?"

I was going to write the dinner part but I haven't published anything in awhile now so I wanted to get this out. It's mainly because of school. I don't have too much time to write anymore. Also, Melody will be gone soon because I know everyone probably hates her but she is my CHILD. I'm not permanently getting rid of her but I'm just not going to write about her as much. I also really need to work on editing the beginning of this book because it doesn't match the plot. It was absolutely trash. I'll be working on that soon. Okay that's enough now. Thanks for reading!

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