Chapter 22- First Time

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                       ~Pearl's POV~
"I think I just went deaf, but what's today?"
"How long has it been?" Marina asks.
"I'm surprised you don't know. It's been four months. The happiest four months of my life!" I hug her.
" Well maybe it wasn't so happy at certain parts... Is it our four month anniversary? Didn't we... break up the middle, or something??"Marina mumbles, looking down.

Oh yeah, that..

"Well.. we didn't technically break up, we just kinda uh.. made mistakes and uhh. But we still were together, I suppose."

"I guess," Marina starts. " I'm sorry for bringing up a tough topic when we're supposed to be celebrating."

"N-no! It's okay. You had a good point I mean we both made mistakes. I made worse mistakes.. but you don't need to apologize!." I take a breath, "Close your eyes,Mar."
She closes her eyes are braces herself for the worst. I pull two objects out of my back pocket.
"Ok, open now."
"Pearl! You bought tickets to Wahoo World?! I wanted to go ever since it opened up!" She hugs me.
"Heh, yeah! We can go later this afternoon."
"Sounds good."
"Oh, I also got you this." I hand her a small box. I watch her open it and her face brightens up.
"It's not an engagement ring, it's a promise ring. I don't think we're ready for engagement yet." I chuckle.
"THANK YOU PEARL! IT'S LOVELY!" Marina hugs me so tight to the point where I can't breathe.
"I think you can let me go now.." I struggle to say.
"Sorry." She pulls her arms to her side.
I take the ring out of the box and slide it onto Marina's slim finger.
"It looks beautiful on you." I blush as I realize how pretty she looks today. Well, she looks pretty any day.
"T-thank you."
"I'm so glad we got to spend four months together! I love you soooo much!" Marina kisses me.
"I love you too." I kiss her back.
"Oh! I also have a surprise for you." Marina says.
"And what is that?" I question.
"So, that song we recorded awhile back got released today!" She squeals.
"Yay! More money!" I say, sarcastically.
"Exactly. More money.
~I accidentally wrote all of the rest in Marina's POV so here's a sudden change~

"😂💦❤️💕👌🏻🅱️🍰😤💵😍😭😆" Pearl yells
" How the hell did you say that out loud?!"
" I've been practicing. Anyways, don't we have to work?"
" Umm yeah, we haven't been to work in a while," I remarked. " How did we not get fired?
" Marina, they would never fire us,we're too popular."
" Let's stop chatting and go already. We have to hurry so we won't be late."
"Ok ok I'm going."
She starts walking down the stairs.
" Um, Pearl?" I giggle.
" Yes?"
" You're still in your pajamas."
She looks down at her pink, fluffy pajamas. They're adorable. There's pictures of crowns all over them. I got them for her a while ago. She looked so happy when I showed them to her.
"Oh..." She said after a moment's reflection before she started laughing.
" bad if.I.went to work with that on." She choked out between laughing fits. " Thanks, Mar."
" No problem, let's just get dressed now so we're not too late."
We walk into the closet.
"Oh no! I'm straight again!" I blurt out, thinking my joke was funny.
"Not anymore." I feel two hands grip on my waist. She turns my body around to face her and she pulls me closer. Her lips press against mine.
"Oh, Pearlie~"
She closes the closet door behind her and continues making out with me.
"We don't have to go to work today. I don't need money, I only need you." Pearl says.
"I guess that's fine. We won't get fired."
Pearl and I fall onto the ground as we continue to kiss.
I love moments like this. Moments where I get to only focus on Pearl.
I put my hands on her thin waist and take in the moment.
"Have you had enough yet? I want to get changed now." Pearl pulls away.
"Not really but I'm good." I chuckle.
We both stand up and look for clothes to wear.
"How about this? How will this look on me?" I hold up my signature outfit.
"Wow Marina. I think I already know how you look in that."
Pearl also takes out her normal clothing and starts getting undressed.
"Don't look at me you pervert!" She yells.
"What?! I am not!" I blush.
"Sure. Whatever you say."
I turn around and I get undressed.
I can just feel Pearl's eyes on me.
I turn around and of course she's staring at me.
"Who are you calling a pervert?" I glare at her.
"Oh! Um um I was just ummmm" She's run out of excuses.
We both get dressed and walk out of the closet.
"What do you want to eat, my princess?" I ask Pearl.
"You- I meant uh something.."
I blush at her response.
"Uhh.. Just tell me what you want."
"I'm not that hungry right now. I can wait till dinner."
"Okay. Whatever you want to do."
"Now, Marina. What do you want to do before we go?" Pearl asks.
"C-can you kiss me more..?" I plead.
"Of course I can!"
She struggles to pick me up, but she places me onto our bed.
She slowly hovers over me and locks her lips with mine.
One of her hands is placed on my chest while the other is placed in my hand.
I'm breathing heavily.
Her hand travels to my breast??? And she grasps on it. "AHH" I shriek.
"Oh, was that too much? Sorry.. I couldn't resist." Pearl says backing away.
"N-no.. It's fine.." I say, doubting myself a bit.
"Oh um ok I guess we'll continue."
She slowly moves her hand to my heart? I don't think she knows what she's doing, but I trust her.
"I can feel your pulse."
"Well that's a good thing."
She puts her ear against my chest and listens to my rapid heartbeat for a minute.
"Are you okay?" Pearl asks.
"Yeah, I think I am at least. Maybe it's beating so fast because I'm head over heels for you."
" I already knew that."
"You're so full of yourself."
"What else am I supposed to be full of?"
"My love." I whisper and kiss her.
She eagerly kisses back and I feel so warm. Kissing Pearl gives me as much of an adrenaline rush as going on roller coasters. When the kiss is over, I'm so stunned I can't function. For someone who doesn't know what they're doing, Pearl is a pretty great kisser.
"Ready for round two?"Pearl whispers seductively.
I bite my lip, "Bring it on." My face heats up as she comes closer. "Should we try and French kiss this time?" She asks, waiting for permission.
I'm so stunned from the last kiss it takes me a second to respond, " S-Sure."
She puts her mouth on mine. I tease her at first not letting her in. She bites my lip impatiently waiting for entry. I open my mouth. Wow this is amazing. Her tongue and mine collide. A thousand shivers are going through my body.Her mouth tastes like vanilla cake. She pulls the back of my tentacles as she's kissing. My hands roam her body freely. Unfortunately we need oxygen to breathe and we have to break apart for air. We pant heavily for a minute. Then I start planting kisses down her neck. She shivers. When I get to the bottom of her neck, I bite down on her soft, sensitive skin. She moans softly. Adorable.  It makes me want to do it even more. I keep kissing her.My fingers make circles in the inside of the suction cup on her tentacles. She moans again and I know I've found a sensitive spot.I keep rubbing there.
"M-mmarina..." She moans. Something about the way she says that excites me. I'm too deep into this to stop now. I never want this to end. I've never felt this way before, never with anyone else. Only with Pearl. Pearl starts to take control again. She shifts so she's on top and starts French kissing with me again. I feel a million pleasure hormones circulating around my body. She holds me tighter and deepens the kiss. Then she starts rubbing her fingers in my suction cups. Ha copycat. The feeling is so indescribable. I can't hold it in any more, I let out a moan. Pearl smiles and rubs faster. I feel like I'm about to explode with pleasure.
"Oh god Pearl.."
I let out another moan and she travels to my neck, kissing it softly. Then at the base, she bites with her vampire teeth. She's learning. It hurts a bit but I'm so swept up in hormones I can hardly feel it. Her hand hovers over my breasts,"Should we try again?"
She carefully caresses them.
"H-Have you had experience?" I wonder.
"Me neither."
She squeezes a bit harder.
She moved her finger to my zipper. I nod. She pulls it down. "I have a lot to work with here" She smirks.
"Y-Yeah.." I sit up in front of her and she takes off my top completely.
I can't believe this is happening. I've never done this before. I never knew Pearl felt this way about me. I didn't even know that I felt this way about her. My heart is racing.
Before I have time to think about anything else, Pearl grabs onto my breasts again. She's gently massaging them.
"You're so beautiful, Marina." She looks up at my face.
I'm too caught in her hand movements that I can't respond.
Her hands grasp onto me harder.
"Ahh.. Pearlie!"
"Am I hurting you?" She removes her hands from my chest.
"N-no.. I'm fine. Can it be my turn now..?" I blush.
"Sure.." Pearl turns bright pink.
I bring her closer to me and I start to unzip her dress.
I take everything she's clothed in, off.
I can hear her breathing heavily. She must be nervous..
I gently place my hands on her small breasts.
"O-oh my god.. Marina~" She's already moaning.
"No offense Pearlie, but there's like nothing here."
"Offense taken," she groans.
I move my hands rhythmically on her itty bitty titties. Ha.
I kiss her neck down to her chest and I start sucking on her breast.
"Am I hurting you..?"
"I'm sorry, but you are."
"Sorry but there wasn't much I could do with my hands"
I move my lips down her stomach. When I reach the end I stop to look up at her.
"Please, Mar."
Oh my god I'm so nervous.. I don't know what to do.
I move myself down further..
She's already wet.
"Pearl, you're soaking wet!"
"It's probably because of you."
I blush.
I hesitantly start licking her.
I can hear a moan escape her mouth.
"Marina.. Please. Just. Get. To- AH~! It. I. Can't. Wait. Any. Longer." She struggles to say.
I nod my head.
I forcefully stick my tongue inside of her.
"O-OH MY GOD!!" Pearl screams.
I didn't know I could make her scream. But I'll make this girl scream even louder.
I start moving my tongue all around her.
I pull my tongue in and out.
I notice Pearl's hands are gripping onto the bed sheets.
Her eyes are shut close.
Her whole body starts to shake.
I pull out to tease her. "Not yet"
"Come on.. I was so close!"
"You're going to have to wait."
I let her calm down before I stick two of my slim fingers inside of her.
She bolts up in shock.
"I-I though this was your first- AUGGH!! Time.. Why are you so good?!" She stutters.
"I guess I've practiced with myself.."
I stick a third finger in.
She lets out a loud moan.
I go faster and she starts panting as I feel her tense up.
"HOLY SHIT! MARINA!!" She screams so loud that all of inkopolis can hear her.
I think she's reaching her breaking point here.
She moans my name even louder as she climaxes.
Her ink spills all over my fingers.
She takes deep breaths to calm down.
"Marina.. That was amazing.."
"Yep.. Shouldn't it be your turn now?" I wonder.
"M-My turn..?!" Her face turns bright red.
"That's how it works."
"Y-yeah.. I suppose it's my turn.."
She slowly moves down to my leggings and pulls them off, along with my underwear.
Her eyes sparkle with admiration as she looks at my body. I can see drool falling from her mouth.
Her hand travels up my leg to my thigh and she stops to look up at me.
"Are you ready..?" She asks.
"More ready than I'll ever be."
She takes a deep breath.
She lowers her head down and places her mouth onto me.
"ahh~" I moan.
She starts eating me out.
"Ah~ oh my cod.." My mouth hangs wide open.
I put my hands on Pearl's head and bring her closer.
My hands grip onto her tentacles.
Her tongue thrusts inside of me which makes me squeeze her tentacles even harder.
She holds onto my waist and she moves my body back and forth, making her tongue slide deeper into me.
Then she hits my sweet spot.
She hits me harder and harder which makes me go insane.
This feels incredible. I've never had a better feeling.
I can feel myself getting tighter and my body starts to feel numb.
My hands grip even harder onto Pearl.
She starts digging her fingers into my skin.
I start grunting and moaning even louder.
My legs start to shake.
I'm extremely close to my orgasm.
Fluids rush out of my body and Pearl swallows all of it.
My heart is racing and I can hardly breathe.
Pearl comes up to me and wraps her arms around me, kissing my lips.
"Y-you were amazing, Pearlie.." I can hardly speak.
"You were too, Mar.. I love you."
She nuzzles her face into my chest.
I start to calm down and I'm actually able to breathe.
"So.. You want me to make you a fancy dinner?" I ask, forgetting about everything that just happened.
"I think I just had my dinner and dessert.. I'm satisfied."
"You sure? I'll make your favorite.."
"What's my favorite then?" She looks up at me.
"You'll see."
"Fine then. Make me dinner."
I smile and walk over to the closet and close the door.
I decide to put on just an apron, revealing most of my body. I know this will certainly make Pearl turned on.
I quickly run out of the closet and downstairs, so Pearl doesn't see me yet.
I go to the kitchen and light a couple candles and set them on the table.
I turn on the stove and prepare my ingredients.
I'm going to be making Pearl steak with mayo.. Disgusting, but she loves it.
I lay two slices of meat onto the frying pan.
I put the seasoning on and everything because I definitely know how to cook.
Once they are finished, I put them in plates and place them on the table.
I also put ketchup and mayo onto the table.
Now, beverages.
I get two wine glasses from the cabinet and fill them up.
I'm trying to make this as romantic as possible.
I put the glasses onto the table and now I think I'm all set.
Lastly, I lay on the table so I can try to be as sexy as possible for Pearl. Hopefully she likes this.. I know she will.
"Pearlie come down!" I yell.
I hear footsteps running down the stairs.
When Pearl's eyes lay on me, her jaw drops.
"Marina! I-I-"
"What is it?"
"You're so h-hot! I love you"
She comes over to me, pick up my chin and kisses me.
"You ready to eat now?" I ask.
"Eat what? The food or you?"
I face palm.
"The food!"
"Okay,okay!" She laughs, then sits down.
I sit across from her.
"Wow! You really did make my favorite!" She pours the whole mayonnaise container onto her steak.
"You're absolutely disgusting." My face wrinkles up.
"I'm not! It's delicious!!" She digs in.
I sigh and start eating mine.
I realize that Pearl is staring at me.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
We finish eating.
"I'm sorry but I can't take this anymore" Pearl goes behind me and pulls off the apron.
"I needed to do that.."
She comes closer to me and starts playing with my breasts.
"This is what you get for being kinky."
"I- Never mind.."
"Is that a kink or something?" I can tell Pearl is referencing an old time joke.
"You know, sometimes I hate you"
"Thanks Marina. I love you too!"
She gives me a kiss on the back of my neck.
Her nails dig into my skin as she continues playing with my breasts.
"Ah! Why do you do this to me?"
She takes one of my breasts and puts it in her mouth, her other hand is still playing with the other one.
I let out a load moan.
"You like this, huh?" Pearl muffles.
"Yes. Yes I do."
"Your tits are so big! I can do this all day. No wonder why the fans adore you so much"
I blush and look down at her. It seems like she's having the time of her life.
"Is this why you date me? Not because of my personality but my body?"
"Absolutely not. I love everything about you."
"I'm sorry. I was just curious."
Her sharp teeth bite me.
"Ah~!" I screech.
"God, please keep moaning for me. I like to hear you." She squeezes me harder.
"Pearlie~ More~!" I moan after her command.
"Good girl."
..Did she really just call me a 'good girl'?
"Is that a kink or something?"
Pearl growls and bites me harder.
"AH! Pearl please don't do that!"
Suddenly, She stops everything she's doing and lays down onto the table, undressing herself.
"Marina, sit on me."
"I thought you would be worn out from earlier.."
"I was until you made me horny again."
"Fine. I'll please you."
I hover myself over her and I gently sit on her face, trying not to hurt her.
"Mmm.. I've hit the jackpot."
"How's it going down there?" I ask.
She groans, "Great."
I'm probably hurting her because I'm so big and she's really small. Poor Pearl... Sitting on someone's face, is really weird...  Anything for Pearl, though. I wonder when Pearl is going to- AHH! She starts to slowly lick my clit.
"PEARL!!" I scream.
She holds on to my thighs.
I can hear the table starting to creek. Oh no.. It wasn't meant to hold this much weight..
She continues, " I want you to crush me between your thighs~"
"Then move your head, I guess, I don't know why you would want me to crush you but i'll do it."
Suddenly, the table makes a noise and we fall to the ground.I crush her with my thighs, but not in the way she intended. I quickly roll off of her to make sure if she's okay.
"OWWWWW! I THINK YOU BROKE MY FACE!!!!!!!" Pearl screams.
"Do you need to go to the hospital!?" I ask quietly while getting up.
"No-no I'm okay. It just hurts a lot."
I look over to see the table in pieces.
"Now this this why you shouldn't fuck me on a table!"
"It's not my fault!"
"Yes it is!"
"If you weren't so sexy this wouldn't have happened.."
" Nice try, but it's still your fault. Since it's your fault, you buy the new table."
"Pearl, you're filthy rich, buying a table is nothing."
She just grunts in response. I look out the window, it's night already..
"You ready to go to sleep? We'll deal with this tomorrow." I state.
I pick her up from the ground and I start heading upstairs to our bedroom.
I didn't get hurt since I landed on Pearl. I feel bad now..
I lay her down on the bed and tuck her in the covers.
I lay next to her and sigh.
I kiss her forehead. "Goodnight my princess."
I see her smile and then she falls asleep.
Today was a long day..

I honestly don't know how it got that far.. I most likely won't be writing anything like this in this book again, but maybe I'll make another book just full of smut.
Also, sorry for not updating in so long..

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