Chapter 18- Who do I love?

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~Pearl's POV~
This night has been a wreck. Throughout the the concert so far Marina has been missing her notes and her singing voice is horse. I feel kind of bad, but I'm still mad at her. The crowd starts booing and throwing their glow sticks at us. Oh I'm going to regret this later, "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE NOW MARINA.." I start, when Marina interrupts me by flipping off the crowd and then shoving her middle finger in my face. I see a glimpse of Marina before she turns and runs off stage. I saw.. tears? Before I can do anything, the fans pelt me with their glow sticks.
"ARGH! YALL ARE SO NOT FRESH! YOU SUCK!!" I scream, and run off stage. Darn.. I'm not gonna get paid now. And my not-so-great ratings are going to plunge further. If I wasn't popular before, I'm sure as hell not going to be popular now. I better get going before my manager finds me..
I run out of the building and start heading back to my apartment.
I wonder if Marina is going to come home tonight. That's the last thing I want.
I'm so pissed at her. She's not acting like herself at all. She probably hates me.
Who wants some 12 year old spoiled brat as a girlfriend anyway?
As soon as I reach my apartment, I run inside and up to my room. I slam the door shut and lock it.
I honestly kind of feel bad for what I said to Marina.. She doesn't really deserve this. Well, she kind of does.
Whatever, I don't care.
I slam my body on my bed and stuff my face into my pillow.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do now..
Are we still together? Does she still love me?
She doesn't love me. It's not like she ever loved me in the first place..
Tears roll down my face as I think about her.
The hours pass as I lay down in my bed crying.
So many tears. So many tissues on my bed.
I look at the clock and jump up in shock as I realize what time it is. 7 AM! The next day?!
I've seriously been crying this long. Why. Why am I wasting my life like this? Why am I wasting my life on some stupid girl?

                       ~Marina's POV~
I wake up and realize where I am. I'm still at Melody's house. I had a dream where I was with Pearl. We were cuddling in bed with each other, like we used to do.
I look beside me and it appears that Melody and Will are awake.
"How was your sleep?" Melody asks.
"Pretty good I suppose." I say and yawn.
"Now come on! We made breakfast for you!" Will exclaims and runs upstairs.
Melody and I follow him.
We enter the kitchen and Will is holding out a chair for me.
"Sit down m'lady" He giggles.
I sit in the chair and admire all of the food on the table.
Will sits next to me.
Melody sits next to Will.
"Help yourself." Melody smiles.
Don't mind if I do.
I grab a plate filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, and some toast.
I also take the cup of coffee in front of me.
I take a bite of my eggs and I'm in love.
"This is absolutely delicious! I love it!" I exclaim.
"I'm glad you do." Melody smiles.
I continue to devour my breakfast until it's gone.
"Oof I'm stuffed."
"Me too," Will adds.
" Now that we're done eating, we should clean up," Melody says as she gets up and starts to clean.
I get up and start to clean when Melody puts her hand up.
" Marina you're our guest you shouldn't clean, Will and I will do it."
I sit back down, " Are you sur-"
" It's fine, Marina," Melody interrupts.
They start cleaning up, and I start wondering what to do next.
After they're done cleaning, Melody asks, "What would you like to do today, Marina? Then when we're done you can go home if you would like."
"Oh! oh! We can go to the mall!" Will exclaims.
"Sure." I agree.
"Okay. The mall it is." Melody leads us to her high class Mercedes Benz.
Melody gets in the drivers seat, I get in the passengers seat, while Will gets in the back.
She starts driving and Will reaches over to turn on the radio.
The radio turns on and starts blasting rap music.
" Oh it's the song by lil woomy. I've heard this like a thousand times already. They won't stop playing it." Melody blares over the music.
Will reaches over and makes it louder.
Our ears die as the music amplifies.
Will is just dabbing in the backseat.
Melody swerves the car and hits the breaks.
Will just keeps dabbing and ignores her.
"Screw it." Melody mumbles, shuts off the radio, and continues driving.
"HEY! I was trying to listen to that.." Will sighs.
"I'm sorry but I had to turn it off."
We arrive at the mall and Melody parks in a parking space.
We all jump out of the car and start sprinting to the doors.
"So, do you guys want Starbucks?" Melody asks.
"YES!" Will and I yell eagerly.
"Okay then.."
We get into the short line at the Starbucks stand and wait for the people in front of us to finish ordering.
When it's our turn, we order our drinks.
"One black coffee." Melody says.
"Lemme get uhhh... Triple mocha frap. Diabetes in a cup." Will adds.
"Iced coffee with cream and sugar." I finish off the order with.
"Okay. Your total comes to 69 coins. Haha."
This is the same cashier that was at the convenience store we went to.
"Do you want me to pay-"
"Absolutely not!" Melody interrupts me.
She pays and we go to the end of the counter to wait for our drinks.
When we receive them, we sit down at a table.
I take a sip of my coffee. Very good.
"I think I have diabetes now." Will says.
"Very funny.." Melody rolls her eyes.
"So Marina, do you think you will be able to go home tonight? Is Pearl still angry at you? You don't have to go home if you don't want to.." Melody asks.
"Pearl is probably still pissed at me, but I'll try to go home tonight."
"I hope things get better between you two.." She sighs.
"What happened?" Will asks, curiously.
"Well you see, Pearl and I got into a fight with each other and she hates me now.." I explain.
I don't want this day to end. I'm honestly really scared to go home..
We all finish our coffee and throw the empty cups in the trash.
"What should we do next?" Melody wonders.
"Let's just walk and see what stores we can go in?" Will suggests.
"I don't want to spend any of your money.. Are you sure that I can shop?" I ask.
"Stop! You can use all of my money that you want."
"Can we go in Game Stop?" Will asks.
We enter the store and I look around. I already found what I want. It's the new Leggings Of Zelda game! Breath of the shorts! I need to play this!
I pick the game off the shelf.
"Ooh! You want that? It looks pretty awesome." Will says.
"Yeah, it is!" I exclaim.
Will gets New Super Mayo Bros Wii, and Melody gets Nintendcats.
We go to checkout.
"Would you like a rewards card?" The cashier asks.
"No! Do you seriously have to ask every time?!" Melody shoves the money in the cashier's hand and we leave.
"Anywhere you guys want to go next?" Melody asks.
"Home?" Will asks.
"If that's okay with Marina."
"Yeah it's fine." I respond.
We walk out into the parking lot and enter the car.
"Do you want to go back to your house, Marina?" Melody asks.
Oh gosh. Home..
"Sure.." I sigh.
"Okay first I'm going to drop off Will back at home."
"Aww.. I wanted to spend more time with Marina.." Will pouts.
"We'll see her again. We're best friends now so.."
"Yes! I would be glad to see you again!" I exclaim.
We sit in silence until Will starts playing Gucci Gang again.
"STOP I AM GOING DEAF!!!" Melody screams.
"Fine.." He turns the song off.
"Here. You're home. Bye."
Will gets out of the car and enters the house safely.
"Okay now are you sure you want to go home? I don't want you and Pearl to fight again.." Melody questions.
"I'm pretty sure I'm fine." I reply.
I'm actually really nervous to go home..
Okay, I need to distract myself from getting too anxious.
My eyes wander off to Melody's beautiful face.
She can't tell that I'm staring at her because she's too focused on driving.
Holy hell why is she attractive to me?
I shouldn't be thinking this way about her..
Anyways, in another ten minutes I'll be home.. I don't want to be home. Pearl probably hates me..
I feel a tear roll down my face.
"Uh Melody..? I'm kind of worried to go back home.." I mutter.
"Please don't worry about it.. Everything will be fine if you think positive." She assures me.
I nod my head and then stare out the window.
The sky is dark and filled with thousands of bright stars.
Before I know it, we pull up into my driveway.
Oh no..
"Welp, here we are." Melody gets out of the car and walks over to my side to get me out.
I open the door and she takes my hand.
We silently walk over to my apartment.
"I had a really fun time with you. Here's my phone number so we can hang out again." Melody hands me a piece of paper.
"Thank you." I put the paper in my pocket.
"I'll see you next time.."
"Yeah.." Melody puts her hands behind her back.
We stand in silence for a bit until the unexpected happens.
She kisses me.
I hold her tight and take in the moment.
This feels so pleasurable and so wrong at the same time.
I know I shouldn't be doing this but I'm enjoying it.
Our lips meet again and again.
Until I hear a sound behind me.
The sound of a door opening.
My eyes widen and I look behind me.
It's Pearl..
Oh shit.
"WHAT THE FUCK MARINA?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" She walks over to me and slaps me in the face.
"Look, Pearl I-I'm so sorry.." Tears start to form in my eyes.
"YOU CAN'T BE SORRY ANYMORE! THIS IS WAY TOO FAR NOW!" She screams at the top of her lungs.
Melody backs away slowly.
"I-I um.."
"I'm done Marina. I'm seriously so fucking done with you. I loved you for so long and this is what you do to me? You cheat on me?"
"No! I still love you Pearl!"
"All you do is lie. I'm done, okay?!" Pearl walks back into the apartment and slams the door behind her.
"Oh my gosh.. I'm so sorry.. I didn't know you guys were together.." Melody starts crying.
"It's not your fault.. Pearl is just.. Ugh."
I go to hug her and we cry together.
"Maybe it would be best if we get out of here." Melody suggests.
"Good idea"
We walk to the car and get inside.
"Things will get better eventually.. At least I hope." Melody says.
"I hope so too.."
I wipe away all of the tears and mascara from my face.
I look into Melody's perfect blue eyes.
I pull her face to mine and our lips meet once again.
As we make out, millions of thoughts rush through my head.
Why are you doing this you slut?
Fucking cheater
Pearl will never forgive you
But I continue to kiss her.
My hands touch her smooth tentacles.
Her hands travel my back.
After what seems like forever, we pull away as saliva and ink drip from our tongues.
"I-I Love you" Melody stutters.
"I honestly love you too, but I don't think we should continue our relationship any further than just friends.. Just because my heart is still with Pearl. But we could be friends with benefits for awhile.." I wink at her.
"Sound good to me." She replies.
I smile.
"Okay I guess we're going back to my house then."
"Sounds better than staying here."
She starts the car and we drive away.
I'm pretty sure Pearl will never forgive me..
But I can just hope that she will forgive me and we can get back together again.
Minutes later, we arrive at Melody's house.
We get out of the car and run inside up to her room.
"Woah.." I say as soon as I go through the doors.
"I know. It is beautiful."
Her gigantic room has a king sized bed, a flat screen television, designer couches, and a balcony with see through windows all across the wall.
It looks like she's living in Bill Gates' house. Except that she probably doesn't have an aquarium in her bathroom.
And holy heck she has the largest gay pride flag hanging from her ceiling over her bed.
"I really love your room!" I exclaim.
"Thank you!"
She takes me by the hand and leads me to the balcony.
We step outside and my eyes widen at the view.
Below me was the biggest pool I have ever saw in my whole entire life.
"C-Can we swim in that tomorrow?" I ask.
"Sure! That's a great idea!" She replies.
I smile and hold her hand as we lean over the ledge.
I stare at the stars.
This reminds me of the night where I confessed to Pearl.. When we were star gazing..
Enough of thinking about Pearl. I need to put my worries aside for now and focus on the present.
Right now I'll just pretend that Melody is my girlfriend. Right. She isn't though. I love Pearl. I keep reminding myself that I love Pearl.
Am I polyamorous? Probably not. But how can I love both Melody and Pearl at the same time?
I am so confused..
I'll just love Melody for now and then when Pearl decides to come back for me I'll go with her. I guess that's fine..
It's not fine, I'm a fucking cheater.
I feel my heart ache.
This is overwhelming. Let me just put everything aside and focus on now.
"It's getting late now.. Do you want to go to bed?" Melody asks.
"Y-yeah. Sure." I reply.
We walk back inside and lay ourselves on the bed.
We both get under the covers and face each other.
Melody claps her hands and the lights turn out.
"I want you not to worry tonight, okay? Everything will be just fine." Melody hugs me.
"Yes.. I'll try not to worry."
"That's good. Goodnight, Marina." She kisses me on the forehead.
I can't believe this is reality. What am I doing with my life?

There's a lot going on! What will happen in the future?
Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed.

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