Chapter 20- Pride

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                            ~Pearl's POV~
I wake up in Marina's arms. She's been hugging me ever since we went to sleep..
"You're awake?" She asks.
"Yeah.." I yawn.
I stretch my body and then go back to hugging Marina.
"I think I know something we can do today!" She exclaims.
"Like what?" I wonder.
"We can go to a pride parade!!"
"Pwease?" She gives me puppy dog eyes.
I can't resist.
"Fine, we'll go."
"What do you even do at a pride parade?" I question.
"You celebrate being gay!" She exclaims.
"Boring. I can just do that with you at home with you." I groan.
"That's actually a good idea! We can celebrate at home! It's pride month so why not?"
"Okay. Whatever you want, Mar."
She looks around. "Hmm. We should decorate our room."
" Our room?"
"Well yeah I guess it is our room now because you basically sleep with me every night." She responds. " We could turn your room into something else, if you want."
Marina's right. I never sleep in my room anymore. But what could I do with it?
"What should we make the room into then?".
Marina thinks for a moment and then responds, " We can make into a storage room for all of the stuff we get from fans."
"Or.. how about we just make like a music room! Like we could hook up your laptop in there and other stuff. We could work from home instead of going to the studio to do everything." I suggest.
"That's actually a pretty good idea! That's way better than always going to the studio. It also would be way better to sit at a desk than in bed or the couch when I work from home."
" Marina, how can you possibly think a desk is more comfortable than a couch?"
She just sighs,
"I just think it's more professional, okay?"
"New splatfest! Desk verses Couch!" I say sarcastically.
"No!! No way!"
I wish that could actually be the next splatfest instead of freaking pulp verses no pulp in Orange juice.
"Okay let's just get started with our fun filled day and tomorrow we will decorate the room." Marina plans.
"Sounds good. But what are we going to do today?"
"Umm.. I don't actually know. You come up with an idea."
"How about this?" I wrap my arms around Marina and nudge my face into her chest.
"All day long?" She sighs.
"No. Just for now."
"Whatever you want." She places her hands on my back.
I'm so lucky to have her back. Nobody in the world could replace Marina. She's all mine.
I smile and hold her tight.
"I think you're suffocating me.."
"Oh! I'm sorry." I get off of her.
"So can we do something else now? I'm bored" I groan.
"We're supposed to celebrate being gay"
"Woohoo I'm gay. There. Now can we do something?"
"Okay. Just wait here." Marina pushes me aside and runs downstairs.
I wonder what she's up to..
I lay down on Marina's comfortable bed.
Well it's technically now our bed.
I can't wait to see what my old room will look like once we're finished renovating it.
Marina comes back in the room and lays a tray down on my stomach.
It has a bowl of cereal and a cup of orange juice, specifically with pulp.
"Here you are, Princess"
"Don't question it! Now I'm going to get something else while you eat." Marina cuts me off and then runs back downstairs again.
But I hear the front door open. She's leaving me alone? Welp.. I'll just have to wait for her to come back now..
I start eating my breakfast.
Everything is so.. strange whenever Marina isn't here.
I pick up my phone and go on Instagram to see what can entertain me.
I scroll through my feed filled with memes and stuff I don't care about.
Oh no.. Here's a video of the other night when Marina and I started fighting. Why do people record and post this shit?
Then there's a video from the fight at the concert.
This is my personal life and people share it on the internet?! I'm so done.
I put my phone down and eat the rest of my breakfast with anger and sorrow.
Those videos will ruin our reputation so much.
Anyways, what can I do while Marina is gone?
Suddenly, I feel vibrating. I look to my side and see Marina's phone.
How could she possibly forget her phone here? She takes it everywhere.
I pick it up and see that she has a text message.
I unlock the phone and read the message.
Melody: Hello, Marina! I was wondering when you would like to come over again. Will and I already miss you lol.

This is probably the girl Marina kissed the other night..
What should I do? I guess I'll just ignore it even though I don't want Marina talking to her.
I don't really want to invade Marina's privacy, but I can't resist looking at what she has on her phone.
I look at her photos, the older ones have pictures of us. She looks so cute in them! That was before all of the problems I caused. I wish I could go back and change what I did. If I wasn't so stuck up and blind to consequences none of the bad stuff would have ever happened. I suddenly realize just how bad I messed up. I mean Marina left me and kissed someone... but I... urhg. It makes me nauseous just thinking about it. I'm making a promise to myself to never cheat on Marina again. I Pearl, solemnly swear to love Marina, and only Marina, for as long as I shall live. Marina deserves the very best. It's the least I can do for all of the trouble I put her through. I was so blinded by ratings and popularity... I don't have a legitimate excuse for what I did...Urp...All I can do now is give Marina the girlfriend she deserves. No cheating, no jealousy, and no stupid drama.! Lost in my thoughts, I don't even notice Marina coming up the stairs. I turn off the phone and put it on the night stand.
She enters the room holding 6 buckets of paint.
She puts everything on the floor.
"You ready to decorate our room? We're painting a rainbow on our wall!" Marina exclaims and holds me in her arms.
"What?! Why?!"
"Because I think it would look nice."
"You're out of your mind.. But I'll do anything for you."
"Yay!!" She squeals and then giggles in delight.
Gosh.. she's cute when she does that!
" Ok, so what are we going to use to paint the wall? A regular paint brush or an ink brush?" I ask.
" Hmm..." She hums, " Oh! How about we use an octobrush?"
I nod and smile, "Sounds good to me!"
I get the octobrush from the garage and bring it up to our room.
"Maybe I should do the red Pearl, you might be too short to reach the top of the wall."
" Har har, very funny Mar. I'm not that short plus, the octobrush can reach it."
" Well I'm going to start now," she says as she dips the brush into the red paint.
She slowly guides the brush across the wall, making sure none of it drips down the wall.
She goes very,very slowly. I'm starting to lose concentration. 5 million years later, she finished the first color. To her credit, it's flawless. There are no drips, paint streaks, or mess whatsoever.
" Whew, I'm done the first color. Okay Pearlie, it's your turn to paint, there's the orange."
I clean the red off the brush and dip it in the paint. Unlike Marina, I get it done in five seconds. Although, it is very messy. I got paint on the floor too. But orange is orange right? I mean as long as it's on there we're good. As for the paint in the floor, Marina was prepared for this and put newspaper down before I painted. Go Marina.
"It looks good..." Marina says looking at the orange mess.
Yeah okay, maybe it wasn't my best work I'll admit it.
" Yeah my work sucks. You should do the rest of it before I make it worse," I tell her while handing over the brush.
"Are you sure..?"
"Yeah, knock yourself out."
She then proceeds to paint at the speed of a half-asleep sloth. By the time she finished yellow I'm less than half awake.
"Yeeeaahh Marrr thhaats greatt."
" I know, it must be boring to watch. Go ahead and fall asleep. I'll wake you up when it's done."
I slowly feel everything fade to black.
Then I feel someone shaking my shoulders.
"Pearl wake up. I'm finally finished!"
" Fiive more minutess moooom."
" Come on you slept long enough it's been hours."
"Fiiine." I mutter and rub my eyes."
When I'm finally awake I take few steps back to admire our( but mostly her) work.
"Wow great job! It looks nice."
" Thanks, I put so much time into making it look perfect." Marina responds and yawns.
" Can we cuddle now?" I ask.
" Absolutely."
I take her hand and drag her into the bed.
We put our arms around each other.
"I l-love you.. Pearl.." Marina falls asleep on my shoulder shortly after.
She must be very tired after all that painting..
I'm actually still tired after my nap..
"Goodnight, Love." I kiss her and fall asleep once again.

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