Chapter 27- The Date

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                          ~Marina's POV~
"Pearl, I'm going to go home now. I'll see you tomorrow."
"I have to get home. I'm sorry but I'll be back tomorrow."
"Why do you have to leave anyway, huh?"
"I'm tired. I'm going home."
"Fine. Go home. I wish I could come with you but I'm stuck in this stupid hospital bed." She groans.
"Goodbye." I kiss her cheek.
"Ow.. Goodbye."
I leave and start heading back. I can't wait till Pearl can come home. Only a couple weeks..
I actually wonder what happened to my motorcycle.. What did they do with it? It was probably damaged anyway. Now I have to buy a new table and a new motorcycle. Ugh I hate my life. I have to deal with Melody again now. I don't mind but I hate that she doesn't listen to me. Maybe I should become a little closer to Melody. You know like do stuff with her like best friends do. I feel bad because she's alone all the time so maybe I could help her out.
I arrive at my apartment and I walk inside.
Huh? Melody isn't sitting down here anymore. I don't really think that she went home.
Let me see.. I run upstairs and go into my room. There she is. She's peacefully sleeping on my bed. She must've been tired after all of that.
I really want to help her out.. It must be so hard for her. I get in my bed and lay down next to her. Guess I'll just fall asleep..

                          ~8 hours later~
"Marina? Why are you in bed with me?" Melody says in shock.
"Oh! You're awake. This is my bed if you didn't know."
"But- oh, I fell asleep here.."
"Yeah.. So I was thinking, maybe you can stay over here until Pearl gets back? I want you to stay away from drugs." I suggest.
"I can't do that.. I umm.. Will is at home! Yeah I need to take care of him."
"I'm not sure you're taking care of him if you do drugs all day. How old is he? Can't he stay home by himself for a couple hours? I'm trying to help you out."
"He's thirteen.. He's mature enough.. Fine I'll stay."
"Okay that's good. Maybe it will help you."
"Yeah yeah okay. Don't remind me that I won't be having anything" She rolls her eyes.
"I'm just trying to help. It'll be good for you to get away from drugs."
"Hmph." She crosses her arms and puffs.
Luckily, I know just what to do today. Melody's lonely.. So, I can try to hook her up with someone so she won't be lonely anymore! Operation: Get Melody a Girlfriend! If she gets a girlfriend, maybe she'll stop doing drugs. And, she'll get to hang out with someone else. I mean she's great, but she's clinging to me mostly. She needs someone else to hang out with. My plan is to make an account on tinder and set up a date for her. Hopefully this will work...
"Hey Melody, I have to finish up some work now but I'll be done soon. Can we get a picture together?"
"But why-"
"Shut up and don't ask"
"Um okay then.."
I pull out my phone and snap a picture of us.
"Thanks, I gotta go finish work now. Just put on the t.v. or something in the meantime."
I download the tinder app.
For the profile picture, I crop myself out of the picture and set it. Ok description now.
As I start writing, I realize I don't know as much about Melody as I thought.
"Hello! My name is Melody! I like female individuals." Is all I have written. I need to think..Um ok well she works with video games, so we'll continue with that.
"Melody, where do you work?"
"Just wondering."
"I work at epic games. I helped make fortnite."
"Wow. Great to know."
"I'm a video game developer at epic games. I'm on the fortnite developing team. I bet that's impressive."
"Hey Melody."
" What do you do for fun?"
"Oh ok-wait! Besides drugs, what do you like?"
" Well I like to walk on the beach sometimes, or swim in my pool. I don't really get out much though."
"Ok got it."
She turns her head back to the t.v., " Mphm."
I continue to type. "I like long walks on the beach and swimming."
I guess all I need now is what she would want in a partner. I don't want to straight out ask so I change it a bit.
"What now?" She asks curiously.
"What traits do you think are best in a person?"
"Are you taking an online quiz or something? I thought you were working?"
" I went off of my work for a minute. I'm uh... taking a quiz to see what kind of donut you are! Yeah. But I'll finish up my work soon after this."
"Oh ok. Hmm. The most important traits for me would have to be, understanding, kind, and funny. Let me know what kind of donut I am when you're done."
"Got it."
I can't believe she actually believed that. I'm a terrible liar. It's much easier to be honest. But this is a surprise so I can't let the cat out of the bag.
I reposition my fingers on the keyboard and begin typing again. " I am looking for someone who is caring, understanding, and funny. Swipe right"
I think that's enough. I put in the location and create the account.Phew, now we just wait for matches.
"You're a strawberry donut. Congrats." I giggle.
"Wow Okay"
My phone vibrates. Did I get a match yet?
I see 2 notifications from tinder.
I open the app and I have two messages. Already?
"Hello? Do you like hot men? Yes?"
"Didn't you read my bio? I like FEMALE INDIVIDUALS!"
"Really? Really? Can I change your mind?"
"No. You can't. How do you think you're supposed to change my mind?"
"Well we can meet tonight baby and I can show you ;)"
These people really bother me. Just go away! Lesbians aren't going to change their sexuality for you! Now to deal with the next message... Hope this goes better.
"Hi, um I think you're pretty cool. Do you wanna go on a date or something? Oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Lyric. I think our names are pretty similar lol.."
I have to think about this before I respond. What would Melody say? I should probably go look at her profile before I respond. She's a average sized inkling with long, purple tentacles. The picture is her at a café. Classy. Her bio reads, "Hi! I'm Lyric! I'm bi, shy, and uh lonely. I like video games, cats, and playing piano. I'm looking for someone with similar interest who is kind-hearted and fun."
She seems like a perfect match for Melody! I contact message back trying to sound like Melody.
"Oh yeah lol you're right our names kinda go together. I'm up for a date tonight. Where do you wanna go? We could go to a fancy restaurant or we could do a coffee date at a café just to start out."
Now I just wait. Melody has no idea what's coming. I have to get her an outfit. Maybe she could borrow one of mine. I have a nice dress that might fit. A notification pops up. That was a fast reply.
"I think going to a café would be a good first date. We could get to know each other a bit more. I know this good café on the edge of the city we could go to. I'll send directions so we can meet there. Does noon sound good?"
She sends the directions after the text. The place isn't that far, I can drive her on my motorcycle- wait no I can't. I keep forgetting the motorcycle is trashed now. Which reminds me, Pearl is getting discharged from the hospital soon! I'm so glad! I missed my Pearlie so much! I just want to give her kissy wissys all over her wittle face! Ahem. Uh oh right I was helping Melody. We can take an Uber. That's right we. There's no way I'm missing this. Im gonna get a table near them and watch. After all, I am setting them up.
" Noon sounds good. See you then!"
In like .5 seconds she responds.
First phase of Operation: Get Melody a girlfriend is complete! Now to go on to phase two.
I grab my dress out of the closet.
"Hey Melody I have a surprise at noon for you, wear this we're gonna go out later."
She looks very confused as she responds, " Are we going to a party or something? Do I even have a choice?"
I nudge her with my elbow, "You'll see later. And no, you don't have a choice. I promise it will be fun."
" Super." She sighs.
" Just put on the dress ."
She takes it from me and walks into the bathroom.
I know she probably won't like this but it's what's good for her. Oh god I sound like my mom...I miss my mom. She's still back in octo valley. She didn't support me coming here. She thought I was crazy. Even though she wasn't the most supportive mom, I miss her. She told me how proud she was when I was a top engineer. When I wanted to leave and become a dj, she told me I was throwing away my talent. I haven't seen her since. I think it would be kind of weird to go back though. She would probably try to convince me to come back and be an engineer. I would never go back to that.. I don't even want to think about it anymore. It's all in the past now. I shake off my thoughts as Melody comes out of the bathroom in the dress. It's not a particularly fancy dress but it's classy enough for a first date.
"Can you tell me where we're going now? Also how come you aren't wearing a dress?"
" You'll see."
" Marina I don't know what you're doing but I have a bad feeling about it."
"Just trust me."
She puffs, "Fine, But it better not be a therapist appointment or something like that."
" It's not, I told you to trust me. Also that's a good idea, maybe you should get a therapist. It wouldn't hurt." I suggest while checking the time. Holy crap it's already 11 we should get going soon.
" No way am I getting a therapist. It would be weird telling someone my problems, they probably couldn't even fix them. Plus they might tell the police about my drugs."
I just sigh, " We will talk about this later, I'm calling an Uber."
"Can you please tell me where we're going? The suspense is killing me."
"Curiosity killed the cat."
" Then I wish I was the cat, information and death sounds like a great package." She jeers as she puts on her shoes.
I ignore her comment and reply, " The Uber will be here in twenty minutes."
" That's a long time for an Uber driver. Don't they make the one closest to you come pick you up?"
" I guess they're all busy today then. In the mean time let's watch t.v."
" I'll try to find a good channel then."
She picks up the remote and puts on the news. A broadcaster is reporting the stages for today. He has bags under his eyes and a gruff voice.
" Alright that's it for the news... Please come back Pearl and Marina. Come back to work. They put me in charge of this, I have to work five jobs now please come back..." At the end his voice cracks and the broadcast cuts off.
I laugh nervously and shut off the t.v. I forgot about the news... I'll ask Pearl about it when she comes home.
"You should go back to work y'know. That guy says the same thing everyday. It's a miracle you haven't been fired yet." Melody points out.
" Yeah I can't believe they don't fire us yet. I'm still a bit nervous that they will but Pearl thinks they can't fire us."
"I think they might if you keep skipping work."
" I'll see what Pearl wants to do when she gets back."
"By the way," Melody asks. " How is Pearl?"
"Oh, she's doing better. I'm pretty sure she's coming home soon. I'm so excited" I respond.
"That's really good. You guys are so cute.." She looks down and fidgets with her hands. "The pictures on your wall... are so cute.. You two are perfect." She continues.
"Yeah.. Most people say that." I smile.
I hear a horn honking from outside.
"Oh! That must be the Uber. We better get going" I grab her hand and walk towards the door.
We get into the car.
"Hello- Wait.. I think I've seen you two before.."
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"I've seen you at the convenience store and the Starbucks.. Remember? I was the cashier."
"Oh yeah the 69 guy."
"Yeah yeah. This is the only job I can do. I got fired from all my other ones. The customers said that I creeped them out." He starts driving.
"I can imagine.." Melody whispers.
"I'm sorry but I'm trying to improve my mental state.."
My phone vibrates.
"Hey. You almost here? I'm waiting for you at a table."
It's that girl. I'm pretty excited for this.
"Yeah I'm on my way right now. This will be epic"
"Yeah. Epic."
"Just like"
"Okay girls. We're here. Now this ride costs 69 coins. Haha.."
I hand him the money. "Bye."
Melody and I get out of the car.
"Why are we at a café?" She questions.
"Just wait."
I walk inside and look around the room until I see her.
I lead Melody to the table she's sitting at.
"Are you Melody? You're even more cute in person."
"Enjoy your date! Her name is Lyric" I smile and walk to the table behind.
Success! Hopefully this goes well.

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