Chapter 32- Christmas Special

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~Marina's POV~
Okay so basically, last night I fell asleep at that field. Well, when I woke up we didn't know how to get back. So we walked back. It was kind of idiotic because we could've just got a ride but I guess we didn't think of that.
But all of that is besides the point, because today is Christmas! I've gotten two gifts that Pearl has been asking for and that we really needed too so it's kind of a gift for both of us.
I'm changing up some things this year. I'm going to have a dinner party. It's going to be small but I think it's a good idea.
Since I can't keep this a surprise the whole day, I'm going to show Pearl this gift now. I just finished setting it up.
"Pearlie!!" I yell.
She runs down the stairs and stops in front of me.
"What- YOU FINALLY GOT A NEW TABLE?! IT'S BEEN SIX MONTHS!" She screams. Guess she already noticed.
"Yup, uh..Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas! I'm glad you got the table but all I want for Christmas is you!" She sings.
"Ah you know I love Christmas songs babe! Also I have a surprise!"
She tilts her head. "What is it?"
I pull out the sheet tray behind me. "I was tired but not tired enough to stop me from baking cookies!"
"FUCK YEAH GIVE ME ALL OF THEM!!" She shoves one in her mouth.
"Can't you wait till after dinner? You're going to spoil your appetite.
"You're not my mom!"
"Then why do you call me 'mommy', huh?" I tease.
"Stop!!" She pouts.
"Fine. I'm sorry."
"Can I have another cookie then?"
"Sure, But no more until later."
She shoves another one into her mouth, licking her lips afterwards.
"You inviting anyone for dinner tonight?"
"Like who? You're literally my only friend. Well, girlfriend."
"Oh. I guess it'll just be us then."
"I'm pretty sure we both don't know anyone else to invite so.."
"True. I don't have friends anymore."
"Who needs friends when I have you?"
She blushes.
"Well I could invite Melody, but I know you don't like her so I won't. Besides, I think she's going to hang out with her girlfriend anyway."
"Good riddance." She mumbled under her breath.
"I heard that.I think we need to have a talk about being nicer to others."
She just sticks out her tongue and continues eating cookies. At this rate, they'll all be gone.
"I told you, no more cookies!"
"Justwonmoore." She says, through a mouthful of cookies.
I pick up the tray and place it on top of the fridge. Now she can't reach it. Perks of dating a short person.
I hear a cry from behind me.
"Noooooo not the cookies!"
I spin around. "You would have eaten them all. I had to do this. You pushed me too far."
She, fake? sobs for a minute before speaking again.
" Uh, I think I have a stomachache."
"See what did I tell you? Here sit down, I'll get you some ginger ale. No more cookies for the rest of the night."
She mumbled something under her breath that I couldn't catch as I walked away. I pour her some ginger ale, my mind wandering. What should we do together this Christmas? Did Pearl find her present that I hid? It's pretty big so she might have seen it. I hope not..
" Marina! You're spilling it!."
Huh? Oh god the cup overflowed. I wasn't paying attention. I sigh and clean it up. Then, I hand the cup to Pearl.
"Take small sips."
"Yeah okay mom."
She spits out her drink.
"Your reaction is always so cute when I tease you!" I squeal.
"But it's not funny!"
"Aw is Pearlie embarrassed?"
"No! Stop it!" She covers her face with her hands.
"Look! You're blushing!"
"No! I'm not!! I-I don't even call you that! Stop!!"
"Okay, okay fine I'll stop."
"Thank god.." She sighs.
"Anyways, Don't you want to get ready for dinner?"
"Yeah, I'll go do that." She gets up and makes her way upstairs.
Okay, I'm pretty sure I have everything ready for tonight. I finished cooking everything and I just set it out on the table. It's not really that much since it's just the two of us.
I grab a match and light the two candles on the table. I think that should be romantic enough.
"Hey." I hear coming from behind me.
I turn around, "Oh! You're done already?"
"Yep. What do you think?" She's wearing a small cute pink dress. The usual for formal events.
"You look adorable!"
"So do you."
I smile, "Are you ready to eat?"
We both sit down at the table across from each other.
"I really like this table, Mar."
"Yeah it's pretty nice."
I put a variety of the food that I made onto my plate.
I start to eat but I notice that Pearl is just sitting there.
"Why aren't you eating?" I wonder.
"Um. Well.. I'm kinda not hungry.."
I look behind me to notice that the whole entire plate is gone leaving a trail of crumbs on the counter.
"Did you seriously eat even more?"
"I couldn't resist! They were delicious!"
"I'm glad that you enjoyed them but why did you eat all of them?"
"I don't know. Can I have my presents now?"
"You're going to have to wait a bit, Okay?"
"I'll give you them when I'm finished eating."
"But I don't like waiting.."
"Fine. You win."
"YAY!!" She squeals, jumping up and down.
"You have to close your eyes, it's a surprise." I put my hands over her eyes and lead her outside.
"Can I see it now? Pwease??"
"Yes." I take my hands away.
"M-Marina.. W-what..? How did you afford this?" She looks up at me.
"Well since you can't drive a motorcycle, I decided to get a car; for the both of us."
"Thank you.. But there's one problem. I don't have a drivers license."
"We'll get you one. Don't worry about it."
She jumps up on me, wrapping her arms and legs around me.
"I love youuuu!"
"I love you tooooo!"
She jumps off, "Wanna see your presents now?"
She grabs my hand and runs towards the garage, opening it and running inside.
I gasp, standing in my place.
"You could still use this with the car, right? It's a new and improved model. Better than the last motorcycle."
"You really shouldn't have.. I'm serious. You didn't have to repay me for destroying it last time."
"Well I didn't know that you were getting the car so.."
"Thank you so much!! It's so pretty. I love you!"
"You're very welcome. I do have something else too. Come inside."
We walk inside to the living room and we sit down by the tree.
"Open it!!"
"Okay,Okay." I pick the box and gently unwrap it.
No way. She's really going all out. Two expensive gifts? I thought this would be something smaller but apparently not.
"Headphones. Made out of gold. You really didn't have to, Pearlie. This is way too much."
"Come on! I'd knew you'd like them. You don't have to worry I have plenty of money."
"But all of this for a gift? It's way too much. I love them but you know.."
"No need to worry. Now go and use them! We need more songs for more money!"
"On it. Thank you so much!"
"No problem. It's more about the love than anything. You're the best."
"Aww.." I hug her.

Kind of just ended it off there because I didn't know what else to write. This was rushed because I wanted it to get out in time but here it is.
Merry Christmas <3

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