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Jungkook P.O.V

The both of our group decide to have a lunch at xxxx restaurant the hyung is having a conversation happily with Blackpink while I'm just walking behind them hearing their conversation. I always have this kind of crush feeling towards Lisa but after I saw her today I don't feel anything at her and all the feeling goes to at of course my main target Park rose or should I say Chaeyoung? Whatever. She look so shy but when it comes to me she become this sort of brave and straightforward girl but I like this side of her she look..... Sexy. I must be out of my mind but whatever I don't care she's mine anyway. Then she look at me.

"what? " I ask her and she just shrugged her shoulder and then I pull her beside me so we can walk side by side "what?" she ask me confused "nothing. But I have something to ask you" I said and she look at me so that I can continue my words "how did you know I'm a vampire? "I ask her "I don't even know how. but since I was 10years old I have this kind of ability to tell if he or she is a a vampire or a human." she said telling me "wow it's my first time knowing that a human like you have that kind of ability" I said in amusement " well not all but just the special one I think " she said looking at me " well for a human being like you wouldn't you get afraid of us? " she look at me and chuckle " nah I'm not afraid of you guys" her answer making me become curious then ever " why? " "well you does look scary outside but inside I know you have that sweet personality of yours that you hiding. And you now what you just need to feel love by someone. That's all" she said and smile at me "so you really not scared huh?" I ask and she just nod "jungkook-ah, Chaeyoung-sshi, enough with the chat you guys can always chat later you know how about come with us inside the restaurant and eat first huh jungkook? " my hyungs said as they tease us Chaeyoung just walk away with them leaving me behind. You seem very interesting Chaeyoung-sshi can't wait to get to know you later.

Chaeyoung P.O.V

After they little chit chat with jungkook we eat our lunch at the xxxx
Restaurant I look at bts sunbaenim and I can tell they not very interested to eat cause yeah they're a vampire after all. I decide to order jajangmyun.

After the lunch we decide to go home and yes bts sunbaenim has a very funny and easy going personality and we get close to them earlier than we expected and we also have each other number phone so we can text each other.

I decide to wash myself and just have a sleep when suddenly I feel there is someone inside my room I get up and saw...... Jungkook sunbaenim? What is he doing here? "to get to know you of course" he said " I totally forgot that you can read my mind" I said as I pat the space beside me " what do you want to know" I said as I stare at him. He sure is a very handsome man, his eyes is very beautiful his feature his everything is sure perfect but still I'll not change my bias it's still Park jimin. "really Chaeyoung? Why jimin hyung? you can have better" and here I forgot again he can read my mind "he's perfect don't judge him" I said with a glare " fine whatever. Anyway I want to know how did you get your protection ring? " he ask holding my ring " hey give it back! " I said as I try to snatch the ring "not until you answer my question " he said holding above my head " fine, the ring it's a gift from my old friend" I said as I remember him " who is it? What his name? " " i-idont remember okay" I said "really? " he said leaning his face closer to mine "yes I don't remember" I said looking at his eyes " I don't believe you" he said closing the gap between our face "I swear I don't remember" I said more like whisper "you so tempting right now" he said "w-what? " I said as I start to tremble "don't worry it won't hurt to much" he said as his face getting closer to my neck and he bite me "j-jungkook" I said as I feel his fang dig into my neck and he suck my blood "s-stop" I said but he just ignore me and continue what he's been doing I close my eyes tightly and bite my lips to bear the pain when suddenly I feel he removed his fang from my neck I open my eyes and see her looking at me and suddenly he kiss me I was so shock that I'm not even moving then he pull away and said " sorry like I said you're so tempting I can't control myself" he said looking at my eyes " it's okay but don't do it so suddenly I got very shocked by your action" I said as I glare at him " so you mean that I can do that again? Bite you? " he ask me excitedly "whatever" I said as I lay on my bed "come on don't sleep yet" he said shaking me " I'm tired jungkook and one more thing you just bite me and I'm still very mad about that " I said closing my eyes " I'm sorry okay? " "whatever good night Jeon jungkook" I said as I drove into my dreamland.

Jungkook P.O.V

You are different very different that I think I can fall for you but of course I will never tell you "good night park chaeyoung" I said as I kiss her forehead and go back to my dorm I swear I can sleep peacefully tonight.


A very long chapter for me what did you guys think. is it boring I'll try to improve myself. Thank you again for reading😘and pleaseeeee voteeeee

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