Chapter 14 Can't We Go Back

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Aurora's pov

I ran beside Godfather as he lead out through the forest of thorns. I wanted to cry knowing that my mother had hurt my sister like that.
"Damnit!" Godfather yelled when we were in his castle "I should of done something! We could of saved her!"
"Godfather." I said grabbing his arm "I wanna go back too. But we can't, not yet at least."
  "We need a plan." Philip said "But first can you explain her powers."
  "Y/n had her memories erased when she was nine to forget about this experiment she was put through." Godfather explained "We ended up finding out that this experiment mixed blood from many of the magical creatures in this world. Someone wanted to use this power to rule everything, and that person is your mother, Beasty. I believe since her memory had been erased it blocked her powers from being shown unless that key word your mother spoke activated them again. But since we unlocked her memories her powers stared to show."
  "That's horrible." I said "Can't we go back? Save her now?"
  "You changed your mind quickly." He said "But like you said we can't go yet. We do need a plan."
  "I just wanna help her as soon as possible." I muttered looking at the floor "I can't let her keep going through that pain that was inflicted onto her." 
  "I know." He sighed "Trust me I know."

Male Maleficent X Reader (on hold! Editing as well)Where stories live. Discover now