Chapter 26 Green Fire

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Y/N's pov

Maleficent pointed his hand at the boy on top of me and I watched him fly to the other side of the bedroom. Without taking his eyes off him he took off his cloak and dropped it in Aurora's arms.
Aurora ran towards me as Philip stood with Maleficent as the man slowly got up. My sister removed the gag from my mouth after wrapping the cloak around my body covering my lower back, top of my legs, and chest area. She tried to get the cuffs off but they wouldn't budge.
"We need a key." She mumbled still tugging at the cuffs "Did he lay one anywhere?"
  I shook my head no before turning to see Philip holding his sword to the man's neck as Maleficent was about to attack again. I cried in joy seeing him.
  "Godfather!" Aurora cried "We need a key! He must have it!"
  Philip kept his eyes on the man as Maleficent turned to look at us. His eyes caught mine and they softened a little before turning dark as he turned back to the man.
  "How dare you touch her like that!" He hissed holding his green flames closer to the mans face "Give me the key and maybe your death will be quick."
  "You think I'm the only one after her?" He said standing up slowly a key slipping out of his pocket. "Trust me many more are after the power this girl holds and watch one day when you won't be able to save her."
  He boy smirked before a green fire was thrown onto him. He screamed in agony as Maleficent picked the key up from the floor. I shivered at the mans last words. More would be after me. Maleficent ran over to me before unlocking the cuffs. He pulled me into his arms and looked me up and down for bruises. His hand gently cupped my bruises cheek before he leaned down, kissing my lips. I wrapped my arms tightly around him as I kissed back. He pulled back and my legs gave out and I feel deeper into his arms. He gently lifted me up bridal style and held me close.
"Philip grab the cuffs." Maleficent said, I looked up at him confused "I wanna see what kind of elements they are made up of that causes you to lose your powers. It might help us find a cure for you."
I nodded my head before snuggling it into the crook of his neck. He carried me out of the castle with the others behind us. I noticed all the enemy guards were dead. Villagers spotted us and froze.
"The evil fairy." One of them said, people still looked at him as the bad guy "Saved us?"
"Yes!" Aurora said "My Fairy Godfather saved you." People looked at her in shock "He had cursed me because of what my mother did to him. He has done nothing wrong to hurt any of you. So please just let us leave so we can take care of my sister."
I could here people mumble about Aurora having a sister and the ones that I known me in the castle explaining.
"But Princess." A women said "With you gone again who will lead us. That man killed the person you had left the thrown to."
"I will come to negotiate tomorrow." She said "But as for now run the kingdom as it was before the latest king had passed. I must take care of my sister. If any trouble before then send a messenger into the forest. The magical creatures will help you find me."
The crowd nodded as we headed back home. I looked down at my sister and smiled before kissing Maleficent's cheek and closing my eyes. My body was sore from losing my powers for a while. I was just relieved they had saved me when they did.
"Thank you." I muttered as I slowly few asleep "For saving me.."

Male Maleficent X Reader (on hold! Editing as well)Where stories live. Discover now