Chapter 5: Who's the most handsome?

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(A/n:watch the video at the multimedia :D Sorry for the SUPER SLOW update . This is all worth it. I promise! )


8:30 P.M (KST)

"Do I look good, stylist noona?" JHope asked for god knows how many times, which makes the noona glare at him in annoyance. 

"For the nth time JHope, you looked good! Could you please stop asking me?!" the other stylist are experiencing the same dilemma. With the other members repeatedly asking how well they looked, it's a miracle that they kept calm even though their starting to get irritated. 

"I am handsome, right?" Jin asked.

" Shut up! I'm the most handsome! " Rapmon cockily stated.

"Hyungs you needed to see an ophthalmologist. I'm the most handsome." Jimin said while the other members snort. "You? Handsome? No! I am the one whose got a lot of swag."  the always asleep Suga said. 

"You look like a turtle hyung! I'm the most handsome !" the maknae said, joing the so-called contest. 

"Aniyo! Your all ugly! I'm the most handsome!" V said while the members shouted, "You're an alien!" then bursted on laughing. The manager runs his hands on his unruly hair. They are acting like this because of what happened yesterday. 


The boys are preparing for the another awards that they're going to attend tomorrow. They are rehearsing the choreography of Blood Sweat and tears and Fire when the CEO barges in the room. They all stopped dancing and bowed at him. The CEO gestured for them to sit and listen to what he's going to say. 

" So, I'm going to tell you a good and bad news. What do you want to hear first?"


"Okay so the moment that you are all waiting for has finally arrived. After a lot of persuasion, YG finally convinced his oh-so-good composer to collaborate with you. I guess you really did something with that boys. But before you start to party, the bad news is that the meet up will take place one week from now." the boys groaned in disappointment. "But another good thing is that you'll be able to see her at the awards tomorrow, since she is nominated for the composer of the year category. So good luck boys!" as the CEO said that, the room suddenly turned into chaos. With the boys running at different directions while yelling that they should look at their best tomorrow. Definitely forgot the fact that the CEO is still at the room. 

"I needed to talk to my stylist!"

"I should have a second option for my make-up!"

" I needed to choose a new hair color!"

"I want to see the new set of tuxedo!"

"I needed a to have my beauty sleep!"

" What shoes should I pair up with my tuxedo?"

" I needed a bunch of new coat!"

The manager glance at the CEO while rubbing the back of his neck. "Sir, I apologize for their lack of professionalism. It's just that----" the CEO laughed., cutting him off." Nah. No need to apologize. It really fascinates me to see them turn crazy just because they wanted to look effortless in front of a goddess." With that the CEO took a one last look at the boys before storming off. The manager looks at the mess in front of him . All of this because of her. Well, he needed to lash the boys out tomorrow. 


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