Chapter 21:Lost Princess

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Valentines Day Special Pt.2

XXX Five Star Hotel

3rd Person POV

9:00 P.M (kst)

"Jin hyung, could you please help me fix my tie?" the maknae pleaded. The eldest member stood in front of the maknae whose having a hard time fixing his tie. On the other corner of the room are Jimin and V taking selfies beside a sleeping Suga when suddenly, a loud crash erupted in the room. 

"What the freaking shit is that?" the members hesitantly point their fingers at an already terrified Namjoon, whose still holding a broken piece of glass. 

"WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU KIM NAMJOON? IT'S FRE@KING*()^4%6!" the pale guy yelled.

"H-hyung, I'm sorry. It won't happen again. " a knock on the door stopped the pale guy from swearing and the others wanted to kiss their manager just to send their gratitiude for barging at a wrong place and right time. 

"Boys, It's time. Let's go." the guy stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut, leaving the others behind. 

Love songs can be heard in the midst of noisy crowd. Gold curtains , expensive chandeliers hanged on the ceiling makes the place look more sophisticated. Seven attractive men makes their way inside the venue hall. All eyes-----mostly female, begged to have at least an eye contact by any one of the seven men in dashing suits. Unfortunately, their eyes are busy searching for someone. Someone who hasn't arrive yet. As if God heard their prayers, the doors opened revealing Lisa-----alone. JHope smirked as a memory of yesterday's lunch enters his mind. 


"So, whose your lucky date ?" this time, all of them turned to look at her as they awaited for her to say something.

"It's....... well, I decided to come alone." they all sighed in relief. Jimin chuckled. "That's good. I don't have a date too." V poked her chubby cheeks to get her attention.

"Lisa-yah, I don't have a date too!" the mochi glared at him in annoyance. Namjoon place his hands on  the aliens shoulder. 

"Since all of us doesn't have date, then why not go with us, Lisa?" the blonde is about to say something but the look in their eyes prevented her from doing so.


Wearing a very pricey black Gucci dress courtesy of Jennie,the blonde stole a lot of hearts while the entire female population are too busy glaring at her. As the boys scan the hall, they quickly frowned by how many pairs of eyes are watching her every move like an insane stalker. 

"Lisa! Here!" JHope happily yelled. The blonde smiled and makes her way to them. Namjoon immediately stood up and pulls a chair for her. The boys scoffed at their leaders attempts to be a gentleman. 

"Thank you. By the way, happy valentines day guys!" a bunch of 'you too' filled the entire table. They started talking about random things, ignoring the stares that makes their table a center of attention. 

"Well, well, well. I f it isn't my boys and a very pretty lady. Lisa-ssi, I must say you're an eye candy. You look extremely gorgeous tonight." Bang PD said, startling the noisy table. they all immediately stood up to pay their respects for the man and his associates whose also beside him observing their table. 

"Thank you PD-nim. You look handsome too." the blonde sheepishly commented. PD-nim laughed at her comment, finding her smile contagious. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, the party is about to start. Please enjoy yourselves and once again Happy Valentines Day."

"So, enjoy this evening, okay? If you need anything, I'll be there with the others."  the evening is spend with the boys guarding Lisa. Even though they can't spend an alone time with her the fact that she's dateless is enough for them, or so they thought.

"So tonight, there's a twist. KJ's are not allowed. All of you are forced to join the game. This game is called, 'Destiny'. This is how it works: all of the girls are going to hide in the count of 20 with the lights off and the boys will find any girl . If the clock strikes twelve you and your partner (the girl that you founded) are going to show up here to dance like Cinderella and his prince charming. Cliche, right? So, let the games begin." the boys groaned. The lights went of and a timer immediately started. The place is filled with screaming girls trying to find a place to hide and the click of their heels is so loud. 





















The lights went on. The MC shouted, "Time to find your soulmate boys!" and just like that, all of the boys dashed everywhere to find a girl. Seven princes looked at each other then go their separate ways to find a single princess. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(A/n: Sorry for the long wait! HAPPY 11.1K! Thank you for all of your support! If you wanted to talk to me about anything then it's fine! I am a friendly person , I don't bite....much LOL )

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