Chapter 2

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The food was actually, very surprisingly, done well. I lived so I'd say it's a success. What surprised me the most is that Bex hadn't poisoned something. He kept kicking my shin beneath the table and looking at me funny, but I knew what that meant. He wanted to go somewhere, just the two of us. After dinner, we collided at the dishwasher. He placed his plate in the machine just as I did.

"Where?" I arched my eyebrow. His irises lit to life like a display of fireworks against the black background of the night sky.

"The roof."

"I'll go put my bikini on. I need to work on my tan." I started to leave but he stopped me with a hand on my forearm.

"No, we're doing something different today."

"I'm scared."

"Don't be." He giggled through the gap in his teeth. "You'll like it." 

"Will I?" I doubted.

"Yes." He laughed again. "Go get your shoes." I eyed him closely, wanting to pry the secret from his brain. I did as I was told and let Gus know where we were going so he didn't freak out when he needs me for something and can't find me. Us two kids left through the door and ascended up the stairwell. He led, coaxing me to walk faster until we were running. He always does this to me. As we spiraled up the steps, guesses raced through my mind. Drugs, previewing new music, something

We stepped onto the sturdy platform known as the roof of the apartment building. The place was all too familiar. Bexey's garden flourished in one corner of the plot and my lounge chair was still where I had left it. "Okay Bex, we're here, what're we doing?" He turned slowly to face me but his eyes were stuck on the view surrounding us. It was beautiful, as always. The clouds were fluffy and stood out on the bright baby blue canvas. Bexey took my hands and placed them on his shoulders so that we were close.

"Teach me to dance."


"You heard me." He was deathly serious but something in me hinted at a laugh. I refrained and held it in.

"You don't know how?"

"Nope. Not at all."

"We couldn't do this in the living room?" He shook his head.

"They would make fun of me."

"It's harmless, you know that."

"Still...I need confidence for this." I raised my eyebrow. Suspi

"Are you planning to dance with somebody, Bex?" He moved his palms to my waist. The answer was hesitant but it did come. 

"Yes. A girl. Her name is Skyler." My heart melted.

"Awe. How do you know her?" We were still locked in this awkward position so I started swaying. He followed. I would soon teach him to lead.

"We met at a bookstore." Why is my best friend's life so aesthetically pleasing? I would've expected a flower shoppe, but still. 

"Where are you going to take her? You aren't in high school anymore." I brought up.

"There's a thing in the park this weekend. It's supposed to have a huge turnout or something. I was thinking of inviting her over for dinner tomorrow."

"Do it!" I coaxed and jumped up and down. "We can make a really satisfying dessert and a lot of food and shit!" I was already planning. His smile was so wide. "We can make Rayn and Wicca clean the house for once and you and Gus can go pick her out some flowers."

"I knew you'd want to be in on it. That's why you're the first one I told." I started to show him the steps for waltzing. "But, I want the flowers to be from my garden."

"That's actually a smart idea. It'll win her heart for sure."

"Yea." He paused to think and grin once more. I knew what was in his head; he was imagining the possibilities. "I'll bring her up here and ask her about the event then, after I present her with the flowers."

"That is so perfect." He stepped on my toe.

"Sorry." He says that a lot. "What if I do that when I'm dancing with her?"

"Don't stress it. If she's a good person she'll let it go." He took a shaky breath of what I'm going to guess is relief?


"You're starting to get the hang of it." I encouraged as he strode into the lead. "Good boy."

"Shut up." He laughed. "This is so weird. I should have played music or something."

"No, that would set the mood too much." I messed with him. 

"You would like that; wouldn't you, cutie?" He tapped the tip of my nose.

"Are you hitting on me? I'll tell Gussie." I threatened but we laughed. It's all jokes between the two of us. 

"Who's the one dancing with me?"

"Excuse me, sir? You asked me to." He gave up and let me win while throwing his head back in defeat. A smile was plastered on his cheeks.

"This is why I like you. You're not serious what-so-ever." 

"The real question is: Why do you like Skyler? If she's anything like me she has to go. I'm unique and special and you needa keep it that way. Get rid of her."

"Damn, just wait until you meet her." 

"No." I said it so straight faced that he had to wait for me to break character before he knew for sure that I was joking. "I'm just messing, love." Love...the word is also something I had picked up while living with Bexey. 

"Holy shit, fine." He laughed that unique laugh of his. "Seriously though, she's coming over for dinner."

"Okay, I already told you I'm down with that."

"Okay. Am I doing this right?"

"Yea..." I lied. "A little bit."

"Actually teach me. Don't just let me run my mouth." My lips pressed into a half moon.

"Fine. Do it like this." I showed him how to properly lead like how I was earlier. Then he practiced. His body isn't very nimble but I could whip it into shape before the weekend. 

"Thank you for this." He said, which caught me off guard.

"Of course. You're my best friend."


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