Chapter 35

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Avery-Grace plopped onto the bed I was absorbed in. "So, how're you doing?" She inquired of my mental state but I just scoffed.

"Utterly fantastical." The comic relief washed over the both of our bodies as if it were not wanted. This is no time to joke, but it is the way that I cope with things as severe as this. "Have you heard anything from the hospital?" I reached out for the hope that I craved to taste but it was not there. My friend picked my hand up in her's. They were so smooth and the hue reminded me of creamed coffee.

"Not yet, Clea." Was all that she said. I stared up at the ceiling, letting my tears slide down my cheekbones and drain into my ear canals. For some odd reason that didn't bother me or make me uncomfortable.

"You know," I began while still examining the white ceiling, "I have gone through so many emotions today. I was told some huge ass news, and then some more, and...more. All of it was different, all of it could be scary, but I took it well I believe." Do I really believe what is coming out of my own mouth? Oh, how desperately I want to scream to the world of my findings with Rayn's whatever-she-is. How badly I want to wake up from this damn nightmare!

"I'm glad you're keeping a positive mindset. I see this stress is tearing you down but you're going to get through this. I know that all I can see is just the tip of the iceberg but I'm here for you. We're all here to help." At that moment Coley appeared in the doorway with Wicca.

"We need somebody." He stated and started to walk in but his eyes landed on the dark blood-stained section of the carpet. He led Coley around it with his hand. There was just silence; all of our minds were on the same thing. I welcomed the newcomers onto the bed and Coley reached her hand over to mine with a squeeze.

"Today's our last day here." She alerted.

"Is it really?" I felt the tears rolling again.

"Sadly, yes. Wiggy and Mint are staying another day but the rest of us are out of here in 24 hours. I really don't want to leave you right now." Coley exchanged a glance with Avery-Grace, communicating with their eyes. They feel the same things. They're afraid for my own mental health.

"I'll be fine." I coughed up. I couldn't let them leave here worried sick about me.

"I hope so," Coley said. "Mint really thinks this is her fault, or that she at least contributed to it, but we've told her many times that the fault falls on Skyler and Gab3."

"Just stay with her and make her believe the words you say." I tried to take their concern off me. I didn't like it. I truly just want to be alone right now, but it's their last day in London. "We need to do something and get our minds off of this whole day," I spoke up. "What we're doing, sitting around the house and sulking, isn't healthy." 

"I agree." Avery-Grace nodded. Everyone did.

*                                  *                                    *                               *

"May I ask why Nate and Mint are staying later than us?" Coley posed the question while Wicca, Avery-Grace, and I walked down the surprisingly barren sidewalk. Storm clouds dotted the dark sky above us but the rainy day had come to a halt. The air was crisp and cool. I wore a light jacket, feeling numb inside. 

"Wiggy would slit your damn throat if he heard his real name come out of your mouth like that." Wicca joked with his girl, an arm around her flawlessly perfect waist. "To answer your question though; Wiggy's just dependent as fuck and needs his little Peep and Rayn by his side every waking second." He said it with such stern passion.

"Damn," I raised my eyebrows, "You got a grudge or something?"

"No, no," He assured, "I just state the facts."

"Ahhh...okay." Avery-Grace giggled. We walked into the library/cafe that had become all too familiar this past month. I remembered all the events that had happened here including the most recent one. Less than 24 hours ago it was revealed to me that Rayn has a child on the way.

Whoa...that still hits me hard. 

We're going to have a toddler running around soon burning shit with Uncle Bexey.



The tears came again as the four of us sank into chairs and ordered refreshments. "Clea, what're you thinking about?" Therapist Avery-Grace came to my rescue. All eyes fell on me. Do I tell them about Brooke?

"I've just been hit with a lot lately." The sentence was forced out with a huff as I wiped away stray teardrops. My posture was slouched in the seat. 

"Wanna vent?" Coley asked as an ice cream sundae was placed down in front of her on the dessert table.

"I can't. I'm sworn to secrecy."

"Lame." Wicca sipped some coffee. Yay, he'll be hyper tonight. I rolled my eyes internally. The need to share this news that I had acquired with someone else was gnawing at my bones but I suppressed the pinch.

"C'mon, Clea, you can trust us." I shook my head and bit my trembling bottom lip.

"We're curious now."

"I promise this will stay between us."

"Is it serious?"

"Did Gus do something?"

"Are you thinking of hurting yourself too?"

"FINE!" I half-shouted, overwhelmed by the questionnaire. "I'll tell you!" Do I make something up? Tell them something they already know? They were all silent, patiently waiting with hands folded in their laps. How will they react to the following words? "Someone in our house is going to be a parent." Coley's head immediately snapped to look at Wicca.

"You're cheating on me!?"

"No! It's not me!" Great. Look what I started.

"It's not him." I calmed the tension.  

"Are you pregnant?" Avery-Grace's eyes sparkled. She loves children. She'd miss her flight back home to stay and help me through motherhood.

"No. Gus and I have decided against kids...for now." 

"Well, who is it?" Wicca was freaking out. "That leaves two damn people. Don't tell me it's Bexey. He can't...he has to be here for his kid man."

"It's not him." The three of them exchanged puzzled looks but then it clicked all at once. Their eyes widened and jaws dropped to the maroon floor.

"No fucking way." Wicca threw his hand over his mouth.


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