Chapter 9

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The night consisted of odd music, more food, underaged drinking, and deep conversation. When the sun began to rise, we found ourselves many miles from home on a cozy sandy beach. The wind chilled me to the core so I curled up under Bexey's shoulder. We watched the sunrise in awe.

Warm colors shot around the atmosphere and sunrays burst through the pale pink clouds. Constellations were still visible but were fading fast all at the same time. "This is my favorite part of every night. The stars."

"It's the a.m. dude." I reminded him.

"Still...there's just something about them." His jawline was so prominent as he tilted his head back to look up. A smile appeared on his face as joy filled his body to the brim. Suddenly he peered down at me falling asleep in his arms. "Don't fall asleep." Bex whined.

"Why?" I yawned and stretched a tad. "We haven't slept all night. How do you have so much energy?"

"What did I order at that cookie place we stopped at?"

"Caffeine in a mug?" I winced, trying to recall the actual title.

"Coffee, Clea. It's called coffee."

"That explains it."

"Yes it does." He closed his eyes and breathed in the air. "Can I ask you something?"

"You tried to rape me, do you really need permission to query me about something?"

"I did not try to rape you. I was simply being loyal to my friend."

"Okay, if that's what you call it." I chuckled. "Shoot."

"Do you think this whole dance thing with Skyler is dumb?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is it too fast?"

"I dont think so. I mean, it's a date so..."

"True." He shrugged. "She's really not my type. She's more Rayn's than anybody's."

"Then why are you wasting your time? Just pass her down." I joked with him.

He laughed. "There's just something about her."

"Is she wacky?"

"No, no. Nothing like that. Maybe I like her because she's different than the girls I usually go for. Maybe that mystery attracts me?" He suggested and it was completely plausible.

"Just wait to make big decisions until the weekend's over. We can evaluate everything on Monday."

"Gosh, I love you. Rayn doesn't know shit when it comes to this stuff."

"Lucky for you; I love you too and I'm not a dipshit."

"You've got that right." I stood up. "What're you doing?"

"Get up."

"What're we doing?"

"Something fun, get up." I repeated and held out my hands. He joined his with mine and I hoisted him to his feet. "Damn you're fat."

"Shut up, I work out almost everyday." I called bull and he grabbed me around the waist, tossing me over his shoulder like a firefighter.

"Put me down!" I demanded weakly due to a loud laughing fit.

"Never!" He pranced around the beach until I wriggled free and took off running. "Get back here, you brat!" He cursed. He caught up to me quick because of my lack of stamina.

"Not fair." I complained as he caught me.

"Maybe go for a jog sometime?"

"Nah, I'd rather have blubber."

"Ew, that's such a disgusting word."

"Nah." I shook my head and smiled. "Can we go home now?"

"Ugh, I guess." We started toward the tree he had parked under. "Gus mentioned something about the two of you coming tonight."

"To the ball?"

"Yuh." Of course he did.

"I don't know, I kind of didn't want to."

"You guys are my wing men though. If for nothing else, be there for me." He pleaded.
"I'm a woman." I corrected.

"Don't even start this shit with me."

"Fine, fine." I surrendered. "I'll think about it."

"Better than a no." He grinned and unlocked the car. It took us an hour and a half after that moment but we finally arrived home.

When we walked in, we found the place surprisingly clean and neat and organized. I gave an unsure gaze to Bex.

"Well this isn't normal." He stated.

"I'm severely worried." We walked deeper into the apartment and passed the couch where we found Peep sacked out. "The others must be in bed." I shrugged. "That's where I'm headed, too."

"Wait, hold on."

"What now, Clingy?" I dubbed Bexey with the cute little tag. He hesitated.

"Do you wanna fall asleep together?"

"Um, we had more than enough fun in the car." What's up with him? I began back down the hall to my room and the lost puppy followed.

"Please...I don't feel safe alone right now."

"Are the ghosts gonna getcha?" I made fun of his statement.

"I meant mentally."

"Oh..." I trailed off. It was hard to know for sure what he meant by that vague statement but I was taking chances. "Yea, c'mon. Ill kick you out if you start snoring though."

"Thanks." He said appreciatively. "I don't know why but it hit like an hour ago. The depression. I tried to get my mind off of it on the way home by fucking around with you but it didn't help." We climbed into the bed and tucked pillows between us. I was tempted to double it due to circumstances of the night and his odd behavior. "Do you think its because I'm seeing a girl and it causes stress or something?"

"Maybe. It sounds rational." To be honest, I wouldn't know. The only relationship I've ever been in is sturdy in itself and comfortable. We eased into it without butterflies and anxiety.

"I hope it's just a wave or even a week long phase. I've been doing good so far. I hope I'm not relapsing." He sighed and readjusted beneath the sheets. "Clea?"

"Yes Bexey?"

"Pray for me?" I was taken a back. The most spiritual/religious thing he's ever done is meditate in the morning and at night.

"Of course." I reached over and took his hand. "I'll do it right now."

"Okay." He agreed and the prayer began.

We've all been doing so good but it seems that through Gustav and Bexey, the darkness is settling in.

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