Chapter 28

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~ Clea's POV ~

It had been well over 24 hours since Bexey cut Skyler out of his life as well as ours. The boy hasn't come out of his room since last night. Depression must be welling inside of him. I was laying on my bed with a hard covered red book in my lap and my phone face up on the sheets beside me. The comfy pillows supporting my back were all that accompanied me today. The morning started off slow and didn't hype up into the early afternoon. Lincoln and I had been chatting back and forth but only small talk, nothing much. I'd been in this same exact spot for about three hours passing the time away. Occasionally, my little peasant boys would bring me refreshments to satisfy my hunger. 

Today is my designated lazy day. I wasn't going to move unless there was a crisis. Out of my peripheral view, I spotted a silhouette resting against the door frame. My eyes flicked up to it. "Enjoying your day?" Birds cooed outside the windows as Rayn asked the question.

"Yes," I confirmed his theory. "It's quiet, for one. It sets up a sort of calming vibe, you know?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "Mind if I sit?"

"No, not at all." I pat a space next to me on the bed, beckoning him forth. "What's that?" I poked at a paper bag that I had seen protruding from it's hiding place when he sat. 

"This?" He brought a small white bag into the sunlight leaking onto my duvet. "I got it for you." Rayn placed the packaged gift in my hands. The contents were warm and smelled appealing. I took a peak. At the bottom of the opaque container was a bulk of four Cinnabon balls filled with delicious icing from a nearby Taco Bell.

"Awe, thank you! You didn't have to do this." What is his occasion? 

"I know that they're your favorite and I felt generous today." He excused. "I can see it was worth it." I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"You're the best roommate ever, Rayn." I praised him for his good deed. He smiled brightly and pulled back to see my face.

"That's what I strive for. How's your face feeling?" I traced a few scratches with my fingernails. 

"Oh, it's doing better. Reminds me of my victory." I grinned.

"You're always so positive, Clea. I like that." I grinned larger to portray my joy. 

"Did I hear you call Rayn the best roommate ever?" Bexey appeared in the opening to my room. He looked rough. His eyes were puffy (most likely from crying), his hair was a tangled rat's nest, and his white tank top and blue sports shorts that he sleeps in were still on.

"So when I knock on your door you don't answer but when you hear Clea give me a compliment you drag your ass out of bed from jealousy?"

"I was sleeping, you dick." He walked into my room and landed face down on the ground, groaning. He fell like a sack of potatoes.

"You're not even going to make it to the bed?" I chuckled.

"I'm tired."

"You've been sleeping literally for more than 18 hours." 

"I exhausted my brain from dreaming." I gave Rayn a look of confusion with a high eyebrow.

"What were you dreamin' about?" Rayn asked something he'd regret.

"Gus was locked in a tower in a hot pink dress and his hair was braided. Goth was trying to rescue him but Gustav's dog Taz was mega-sized and breathed fire. The whole time I was taking pictures for their SoundCloud thumbnails."

"I never want to read your mind." I confessed.

"It's okay. I wish I wasn't trapped in it, either."

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