Chapter 31

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I couldn't find Gustav's contact name fast enough. Bawling, I cradled the dying alien hybrid to my body and laid beside him. The bleeding had stopped. I waited for the other line to connect.

"Yuh?" I made out his voice in a busy place surrounded by beeps and faint voices.

"Where are you?" 

"Damn, clingy. You couldn't use your own phone?" He identified my broken voice instantly as his girlfriend. "I'm on my way back from a meeting with the boys. We'll be home soon; we're stopped at McDonald's." 

"You need to get home right now," I demanded gravely. My vocal cords shook with fright. "Bex might not make it to tomorrow." I wiped the seeping blood off of my hands on the carpet but it was no use, the blood was already all over the phone screen. 

"What do you mean?" Gus was serious now. "What the hell do you mean by that, Clea!?"

"He's bleeding out, baby. I'm so scared. I'm trying just to keep him alive. He thought he was alone at home but I came back from meeting with someone, I don't know how long he's been like this."

"We're on our way. Call Rayn, he isn't with us. He, the girls, and Goth went somewhere else together. He's closer to home than I an but we're all getting in the car now." He hung up the phone and immediately following, I contacted Rayn.


"Rayn, you need to get home as soon as possible."

"Why, Clea? What's wrong?" He came across as genuinely concerned. I was about to drop a bombshell on his delicate military base. I tried to calm myself with deep, slow, controlled breaths.

"Bexey attempted suicide." There was total silence from the man who'd loved Bex since they were little. "It looks as if it was a success. I called 911." I heard Rayn shout to the girls to get in the car, no questions asked.

"Goth is still inside." Avery-Grace informed.

"Go get your lover, we have to go now." Rayn turned his attention back to me. "Keep my boy alive. I've been expecting this call." And with that last statement, the line went dead. I stifled more weeping rising in my throat. All that my eyes were able to do was stare at my best friend's fading face. I fell into denial. This is just a cruel joke, it has to be. I held Bexey's hand so tight that my fingernails dug into his flesh and still there was no response to the pain. I thought of all the times that I had donated blood, I had saved people just like him with it. Now I'm praying there is enough left for him from generous veins. 

Leaning down lightly, I placed a kiss on top of his forehead. My soft lips were met with dry, freezing skin. "You're gonna make it." I promised him although this is far beyond out of my control. The orchestral music was still playing and the candles set a different mood now. I will hate the vibe this setting produces forever. I didn't want to let go of my London angel. I heard paramedics bursting through the unlocked front door. "We're in here!" I shouted but my voice cracked from yelling at Bex so loudly. I had to get my words through his head somehow. "I love you." I whispered over and over in his bloodstained ears. Blood was everywhere. The people were here to help him. They rushed into the now-bright room and helped me to stand up and move away from him. I was weak and had to be lifted onto the bed in my shirtless state. I watched as the doctors and nurses cut through the shirts tied around his forearms and wrapped bandages and gauze where my makeshift aid had been. Four people helped to lift him generously onto a gurney. 

I bit at my nails and kept looking at his lifeless face. His head rolled with no control everytime someone bumped or moved the gurney. Paramedics worked on him and checked his pulse. I hadn't realized I reached out for it, but I was clutching his T-shirt to my chest. I hugged the cloth that had been on his bed as if it could save us. One of the doctors bounded over to me and sat down, placing a sterile gloved hand on my back in a soothing manner. I pulled Bexey's shirt on over my shoulders. "Is he going to be ok?" Was all that I could croak. I knew I shouldn't have asked, I won't like the answer I receive.

"Our doctors are well trained and very good at their jobs."

"That isn't what I asked." I persisted and looked into the man's eyes. "I want to know that in a week Bexey will be safe and sound and healing. Is that going to happen, doctor?" The man drew in a breath and said one word.

"Pray." He then stood and beckoned that I follow the gurney to the ambulance. I started to cry profusely. Even the doctor couldn't give me the answer that I sought.

I trod beside Bexey as the doctors rolled him to the elevator. I squeezed his hand and stroked his head. His shallow breathing was still there. I took this as a sign...a very promising one. I needed hope to cling to. The elevator ride stretched long. Every second I wanted to pry open the doors and reach the hospital as fast as I could. I clung tight to his hand. I will never let him go.

Finally, the metal doors slid open and our group of strangers and friends rolled out into the lobby. All eyes in the lobby looked in horror to the bloodbath under a hospital sheet. I shielded Bexey from public view with my scrawny body. We finally exited the building and entered the parking lot where an ambulance awaited our arrival. I looked over at a car that had just parked. Rayn powered out of the car and stumbled toward me with the girls and Goth following him. He didn't even remove the key from the ignition. At just the sight of them I broke down. Rayn enveloped me in a tight hug and I gave Bex's hand to his childhood best friend. 

"Go with him." I could barely get the words out. "He needs you." Rayn searched my facial expression to make sure I really wanted this.

"Do they allow two people?"

"Not at this stage. If it were a minor injury they might. They need all the doctors they can scrunch in there right now." Rayn cupped my cheek in his palm and brushed hair from my face. He didn't mind all the blood smeared on my skin. He kissed my forehead as I had done to the dying boy minutes ago.

Rayn left me and my girls crowded around me. I just watched Bexey as he was being hoisted into the back of the vehicle. Rayn hopped in the back and just before the doors closed, he wiped tears off of his eyelashes.

Our worlds are falling apart.

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