Chapter 22

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The running car was parked outside of the apartment building waiting for me. I was still on the balcony of our home, sucking down the last of my cigarette and puffing it back out into the air. I saw the car roll up with my girls. We'd be riding separate to this sha-bang. Hopefully, Rayn enjoys it more than Bexey. Bexey will feel at home with all the little humanoid freaks and fake vampires with faux blood covering their false fangs. I think Rayn's into that scene too, though. I tossed the butt over the railing and turned around to face the sliding glass doors. I looked in the reflective windows and assessed my appearance. I look like the sexy new business worker in an office that is full of middle-aged men. The thought made me cringe; so I thought of Gustav. He'd like this a lot. I began my descent toward the car Bex had let us borrow. Oh, and did I mention he wasn't aware that Mint would be our chauffeur?

I strutted out to them and all their eyes fixed on me. My hair was wavy today and rode nicely on the wind. My winged eyeliner cut to a point and my dark eyeshadow blended well on my crease. I ducked into the front seat that they had saved for me. "You're aware we aren't trying to get hoes, right?" Mint laughed.

"I'm just trying to keep mine." I grinned. "I'm feeling myself today."

"Okay...well, nothing wrong with that I guess." Avery-Grace shrugged. The car began on to a narrow road stretching out to another town. We'd be on this tarmac for a lengthy amount of time. 

"How are you and your boys? Did you miss each other?"

"Oh, very much so." Reagan closed her eyes and smiled while thinking about Tracy.

"You're a weirdo. You guys didn't even have sex last night. I, on the other hand," Coley gloated, "had amazing intercourse."

"Yeah, I think five of us did." Mint narrowed her eyes.

"At least none of us were sober, right?" I threw in.

"Yeah, that'd be weird." We erupted in laughter. It felt great to be with them again. The car windows were down and the sky was a bright shock of warm pastel colors. Fluffy clouds danced in the sky and as we started to leave the city of London, farmland came into view. Wheat fields surrounded our vehicle as we went. The smell of blooming nature filled my nostrils and kissed my lungs. I closed my eyes and breathed in the feeling of spring. 

When we got to our destination the sun had set and we were regrouping with the guys. Wicca looked me up and down before Coley slapped him and Rayn took a double take. "Surprise!" I told him cheesily. "Happy birthday!"

"Damn, Clea. Didn't know my birthday present was your body." Gustav laughed.

"It's not, dickhead."

"Gus, stop. He was joking."

"It's fine, he's like this all the time." Rayn defended. "You should know that."

"I do." I rolled my eyes at them. 

"You look good." Bex complimented with Skyler sewed to his bicep. I fake smiled at her.

"Thank you. Glad to see you here." I lied through my damn teeth. She doesn't add to Rayn's happiness. She's scrap metal that belongs in the trash. I didn't even wait for her fake reply. I just dove into conversation with Bex, cutting her off as she opened her nasty mouth to speak. At one point I thought maybe we could be friends, but that was before she and Bex became one. Okay, I'm being melodramatic. Whatever. "Are we going into this place? It looks huge."

"We have to go in pairs or groups of four. That's what the security guard over there told me when he pat me down." Skyler spoke up. Bet you liked that, didn't you?

"I didn't ask you." She cowered back to her low position beneath me. I couldn't see Bexey's eyes due to his shades but I knew he was trying to tell me to stop being so hostile with his new Barbie doll. 

I could easily break a toy.

"Clea! We're going in." Peep motioned me over to him, Mint, and Wiggy; I made my way to them. Gus handed me a neon orange wristband. 

"Thanks." I piped and Mint helped me fasten it. 

"Rayn better enjoy this. There's no way I blew $60 dollars on one night for him." Mint complained.

"Oh, yes there is. And you did." Her boyfriend reminded.

"Clearly. We're here, Wiggy." She copped a false attitude and he laughed it off.

"You're so cute." A security guard led us to our entrance and told us some spooky back-story meant to scare off tweeners. I thought it was shit. Finally, we were allowed in. Gustav gripped my hand tightly as what little light around us faded.

"You're not scared, are you?" I arched an eyebrow at him but he looked straight ahead. 

"No. But I swear on my mama if something touches me-AHHHHHHH!" Wiggy began laughing.

"What happened!?"

"Something touched me!" Wiggy was laughing so hard he was wheezing.

"It was just me, dude. Calm down. Crybaby." 

"Why do you think it's tatted above his eyebrow?" Mint joked.

"I want to leave." Scared-y cat goth boy.

"Literally, nothing has happened. We've only been walking through this dark ass hallway for 45 seconds."

"Yes, and? I want to go home." The three of us laughed at Peep. 

"Just keep walking. I'll lead. You and Mint can be in the middle. Sorry, Clea; you're in the back."

"Fine with me. I like this stuff."

"Just promise you won't let go of my hand?" Gussie whined.

"I promise." A giggle escaped me. I looked over my shoulder to see that Rayn's group had entered and were a way behind us. I could use this somehow. No, that's cruel and mischievous.  

I like it.

We trekked deeper and deeper into the dark corridor until we wound up in a maze. Red strobe lights disoriented us as we tried to scramble around and find an exit. I saw figures every so often but they vanished fast. I caught glimpses of a plague doctor and it chilled my bones. I can't imagine what's going through Gustav's mind.

"Ow!" He shrieked.

"What's wrong?" I was at his aid fast.

"I ran into the wall." 


"My eyes were shut."

"You big baby." I teased. "Shit, where'd Wicca go?"

"I don't know, my eyes were shut."

"Yeah, I got that." I choked down a giggle. "Stay here. I'm going to go find them."

"No, don't leave me!" He clawed at my arm.

"Just stay here, I'll come back. I'm not going far." Scary music was blaring from hidden speakers as I departed from him to be on my own. You're such a moron for this, I told myself as my eyes scanned every inch of space I approached. After only a minute I spotted a familiar tuft of seafoam green hair. I stormed toward them before I lost sight and was about to call them when I was smashed into the side of a concrete wall. My rib cage felt like it had bruised instantly. Gritting my teeth, I turned to see who it was. Workers aren't allowed to touch you. I didn't have to gaze upon the chiseled, butt-chinned, pale face to know who the brown haired fury was. 

I stood up to my full stance and kept a straight face although pain bloomed under my ribs. "Petty prick." I spat. "You only operate under the wing of the night." She pushed me back against the wall but I resisted the urge to beat her face into the concrete that we stepped on. If it weren't for Bex, she would have been bloody the night we met. 

I watched a torturing smirk etch into her features as she positioned her palm around my neck and squeezed tightly. "You'll learn to respect me. I'm going to take your place, Clea."

"Go to hell." I sputtered with the last of my straining breath. 

"You're going to regret that." Was all I heard as I blacked out and lost feeling in my legs.

My world came crashing down.


Two chapters in one day! Somebody send me a cookie :)

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