Chapter 14

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We exited into the hallway to go antagonize a slumbering Wicca. I figured Coley would love to hear the story of how her boyfriend knocked her best friend and her bestfriend's bestfriend out for sneaking into his room late at night and waking him up. Bexey unlatched the door and I slinkily slithered in. 

A fan was blowing somewhere and moonlight bled into the space through the white curtains covering the two windows on either side of Wicca's queen sized bed. "What's the plan?" I whispered in Bexey's ear as we crept up to the edge of the frame. "Rip his sheets off and start screaming? Maybe flicker the lights?" 

"No, no, truss me; you don't want to do that." I somehow felt him shaking his head in disapproval as if trying to rattle the image from his mind.

"Why not?" I pressed.

"Wicca sleeps naked." I shivered and not from the airstream of the fan. Wait...Bex knows this how!? My eyebrows scrunched, meeting in the middle. I don't think I want to know how this knowledge came to him. "Let's just jump on the bed."

"That's lame. I already did that to him a few months ago."

"And I was where?" 

"Not on tour with us. I didn't even know Bexey was a name back then." I could feel his glare burning into my flesh. Suddenly he just screamed. I resisted a major facepalm. Wicca thrashed around, caught in his sheets, and fell over the side of the bed. Bex and I laughed loudly; we most definitely woke the whole household. Rayn ran in through the door so fast one would have thought he was sleeping in the's quite possible considering who he is. 

"What's wrong!?" He shouted.

"Wicca fell out of bed." Rayn flicked on the bright light and it blazed onto our guilty faces as we played innocent. Rayn just stared at Wicca in his duvet cocoon, who looked so over the people he lives with. I giggled again.

"Why are you in my room?"

"Why are you on the floor?" Rayn answered for us with another question.

"Night terrors." Bex couldn't keep a straight face. The two of us started another round of cackling. Gustav moped in with a whole duvet train behind him and a pillow underneath his arm. He was squinting and his hair went every which way.

"Are we having a party?" 

"No, this kid has something exciting to tell everybody." I motioned to my best friend who's actually older than me. 

"Can't this wait?" Wicca was still tangled on the carpet, not bothering to attempt an escape.

"No, it can't. I was woken up by an unexplained scream. You better tell me right now what's going on so that interrupting my sleep isn't for nothing." 

"Damn, Rayn. Getting a little irritable?" Rayn gave the death glare to his childhood friend, the alien boy.

"Yes." His eyelid twitched. "Severely."

"You couldn't have been sleeping for more than an hour and a half. Just listen to what he has to say." I stammered impatiently.

"You know what, Clea? I don't appreciate your attitude." Rayn swiped the pillow from Gustav and chucked it in my direction. Gus almost fell over from the sudden movement in his weary state. 

The pillow was in my vicinity, yes; but it did not hit me or even graze my clothing for that manner. Instead, Rayn's bad aim resulted in Bexey being plowed by a feather-stuffed cushion in the face. "oh, you wanna fight?" The little man squared up to his tall friend. 

"I'm going back to bed." Gustav practically floated back into the hallway.

"No, wait!" Bex came back down to Earth. "Okay, everybody listening?"

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