Chapter 29

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I walked into the book/coffee shop at 4 o'clock, sharp. Looking around, I remembered when this place was covered in candles and rose petals, reserved solely for the purpose of Skyler. My best friend wasted so much time and money on that bitch. I reached my hand up to the bruises and finger marks that had been left on my neck caused by the pressure of her grasp; I am proud of what I did.

I scanned the floor of the bookstore for any sign of life on this bright afternoon. I saw nobody. Everyone must be out enjoying the great weather. It's always rainy here. I continued my search through the isles of bookcases and waited for Brooke's arrival. After about five minutes, the doorbell rang to signal somebody's arrival. I peered through cracks in the bookcases and saw a girl with pastel purple, curly, medium lengthed hair. She had a septum piercing, nose ring, white crop top, small gauges, and ripped black jeans. Her makeup was heavy but not in a bad way. She's mother fucking gorgeous. I came out of my hiding place.

"Brooke?" As soon as she saw me her facial expression lit up into a firework display of joy.

"Clea! Hey!" She waved slightly and we found a table to conversate at. I still find it odd that people know my face and name even if we've never met before. This must be how GBC feels all of the time. 

"So, what's going on? We don't know each other, why would you want to talk to me about something important?" She sucked in a deep breath before following it up with a schpiel.

"Well, you're the only one I thought I could come to since you live with Rayn. You guys are so close and I don't have many friends so I took this as an opportunity."

"So this has to do with Rayn?" I jumped at.

"Yeah." She nodded and rubbed her bicep. "I don't exactly know how to go about this but we have quite a lot to discuss." She shrugged at herself. "It's so much."

"You can take your time and tell me everything you need to." I smiled warmly and welcomed Brooke into my life. She grinned and began what we're here for.

"This might be weird but...I stayed the night in your house on Rayn's birthday." Purple hair flashed through my mind's eye. I remembered walking in on his slightly ajar door to him sleeping with a girl.

"That was you!?" I blurted without thinking. "I walked by his room and saw your purple hair." Nice cover up, Clea. "You're the first girl he's brought home." I informed, desperate to keep this conversation moving away from my hiccup. Thankfully, Brooke didn't notice.

"Really?" She chuckled. "Makes me feel kinda special." Blushing began beneath her freckles. 

"Was this just a one night stand or?" I coaxed more information out of her.

"Oh, no no." Brooke voided off, shaking her head. "We've been talking for months."

"Months?!" I exclaimed. "Why is he hiding you from us?!"

"We've been keeping this on the low."

"So why did you come to me?" She adverted eye contact with me as soon as I finished the question. Her body language did a 180. After shifting uncomfortably for a second or so in her cafe seat, she parted her pink lips to speak.  

"Clea, this might be coming on a little strong for just meeting have to promise me you won't say a thing to Rayn about the discussion that is to follow this sentence." What could she be hiding from Rayn that she needs to tell me, a girl? 

"It depends on the severity of the topic."

"If it helps, I plan to tell him when the time is right. That's why I asked to talk to you, I need major advice." I was getting an uneasy feeling from this. I don't get this serious feeling much. This has to be severely important. Everything about Brooke screams that right now. Somehow I promised to keep her secret.

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