Chapter 7

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I walked into the house with a bright smile.

"You do it?"

"Yep." Gus smiled.

"I'm proud of you."

"Thanks. Did Bex ever come back?"

"Yea. He's in his room."

"Sweet." I started down the hall. I found his bedroom door locked upon approach so I knocked. "Hey, it's me. You wanna talk?" A muffled invitation came from inside. I heard sheets shuffling and the latch being undone. He finally let me in. I jumped onto the bed, pulling him down with me. "How was the date? Did she like the flowers? What's her answer for the dance?"

"You're such a fucking bloody fake." My blood froze in my veins. I sat straight up.


"She messaged me everything. How in the car you threatened her and got all jealous and made her cry."

"What are you talking about? She fucking lied to you! In fact, she made it very clear that she would be the controlling one in a relationship between the two of you."

"And why would she do that?"

"Who knows," he looked at me with a doubtful expression. "do you really think I'd do that? I want the best for you. Of course I have a problem with her but-"


"Why what?"

"Why the fuck do you have a problem with her? She made an effort. All the guys like her, you fucking ditched with Peep to go who knows where."

"I have a problem with her because she's trying to wedge between us."

"Wrong. She is not; plus you had a problem before the car ride. Are you jealous? Because if you are have confidence in me. You know I wouldn't just pack up and leave at her demand." I felt somewhat scolded like a dog with my tail between my legs but also comforted by his words.

I took a shaky breath before croaking a single syllable. "Yes." I felt the tears welling up at the dams known as my two waterlines. "I-I am jealous I guess; and I'm...sorry."

"Sorry doesn't fix this mess," he ran his hands through his hair. "but it does start the healing process." There's my wise little Bexey.

"Do you forgive me?"

"Of course, I'm just thinking about things." Our legs were crossed on his bed and we faced each other just as we do every time that we gossip late at night. Only this time, our speeches were more important.

"Like what?"

"Well, Skyler's going to be in my life for a while, hopefully. I can't have you two feuding Everytime she's over. You aren't cats." You're right, she's a female dog...sorry.

"I will behave myself, but I'm telling you, I do not like her vibe. She fucking threatened me when I had done nothing to antagonize that. I was keeping my cool and concealing my suspicions of her. I promise you I didn't give her grief until she put her high and mighty self on a pedestal. And no, before you ask, I did not make her cry. She's being over dramatic and manipulative with her lies to turn you away from me. I know chicks like her. She's no damn good."

"I will take this into consideration but I'm not going to stop seeing her."

"Okay, that's not what I want. I just don't want her to take all your time away from me because she doesn't want another female associated with you."

"Honey," he reached out and picked up a small strand of my hair to play with. This is us. "just trust me."

"I do, Bex. I trust you."

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