Chapter 3

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"She's almost here!" Bex ran down the hall into the living room to find the rest of us lounging around on the couch watching Netflix. "What are you doing?"

"Sitting." Gus leaned his head back and puffed out some smoke.

"Spray some perfume or something." He marched over to my boyfriend and plucked the blunt from in between his fingers. "I don't want her smelling this shit."

"You do it too, don't you think you should be honest with her?"

"Later." He started messing with the rug. "It's not perfect!"

"Oh my gosh, you're worse than Clea." Rayn joked.

"Watch it." I cautioned with narrowed eyes. Gustav had his arm draped across my shoulders but repositioned it to stand. "Where're you goin'?" I looked up at his tall, lanky figure.

"I don't wanna meet this chick."

"Why?" My best friend scoffed.

"Because. She's probably an alien like you. Big hoop in one ear and shit."


"What? He never brings home good girls."

"Correction: He never brings girls home." Wicca took a swig of some alcohol that I didn't know we owned.

"She's classy this time." Bex defended while tidying up the mantle and ignoring the comment. 

"Dude, our house looks fine."

"That's what you think." The kid's on the brink of a mental breakdown. His phone dinged and he pulled it into vision. "She's in the building!"

"Bexey." I said calmly. He looked at me, breathing heavy. I saw a glint on his brow which could only be a bead of sweat. "Just open the door when she gets here. Don't be nervous. We promise to be on our best behavior and will take care of things for you, right guys?" There were a few murmurs of complaints but in the end, all heads nodded. "See?" With an intake of a few deep breaths and a swipe of his forearm across his forehead, he relaxed. There was a knock on the door. I gave him two thumbs-up and a cheesy smile. "You'll do just fine." I could feel his anxiety in my own shell. This will not go well...

"He's gonna blow it." Wicca stated and changed the movie we were watching since it had ended. 

"Is this all we're going to do today?"

"No, we're going to support our friend with his date." I instructed. Wicca groaned.

"I want Coleyyyyyyyyyyy."

"Oh my gosh, please stop." Rayn left the room.

"You're just jealous!" Wicca called after him but there was no reply. I watched the door as Bexey approached it. His hand was shaking as he turned the knob to face the beautiful girl. My jaw almost hit the floor, but I was able to control myself. The guys, including Gussie, not so much. I placed my finger under his chin to close his mouth. Looking at him sternly, I took in the new girl's appearance. She stepped inside our cozy, modern themed apartment and smiled. She was dressed in a short white dress that fanned out near the bottom. A black Calvin Klein coat draped her whole body and brushed the floor. Her shoes were silver stilettos and jewelry littered her wrists, fingers, and neck. Brown hair fell just above her waist. So long, so flowy, so silky.

"Clea, snap out of it. I'm starting to get jealous." Gustav alerted.

"Oh, please. I'm straight." My eyes fluttered and we continued the cuddling that had ended so abruptly a minute earlier. 

"Do you think she can smell the weed?" Wicca had lit another blunt.

"At least try to abide by his rules, Wicca." I messed. He sucked in the product.

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