Chapter 33

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The sliding doors opened for Skyler as if peasants had done it for her. Her sleek black coat was drenched in rain and her designer bag peeked out beneath it. Her stilettos clip-clopped over to us. What is she doing here? Coley and Mint stood, looking as intimidating as ever, but the woman just held up a hand.

"Please," She said, "I just want to speak with Rayn." Rayn's head snapped up to look at her with bloodshot eyes and a seemingly permanent frown. He flicked his eyes to Gustav as if awaiting instruction but Gus only stared back. He had to make this decision on his own. "Rayn," Skyler said all too calmly. "Please come with me."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Rayn isn't going anywhere." Wiggy came into play. 

"It's your decision." Skyler ignored the young photographer. She tapped her foot in waiting before Rayn finally dragged himself out of the chair he slouched depressively in. 

"Let's make this quick." He joined Skyler on a stroll down a hall where none of us could hear or see them. 

"I don't trust her. My instincts are usually right." Avery-Grace piped up to create a discussion. "She's playing you guys. She's trying to weasel into your lives and replace Clea." She's saying everything I have been thinking since the first day Skyler and I came face to face with one another. 

"I second that." Horsehead and I haven't spoken in forever. 

"Why would Bex go for such a basic, snobbish, bitch?" Coldhart hit the nail on the head. He and Wiggy were playing Mario Kart on Nintendo D.S.'s. They had to keep their ADHD occupied somehow. 

"When I found out that he had a girlfriend I thought she'd have one of those weird ass Instagram feeds but no, she isn't an alien like him."

"She's a piece of fucking shit."

"Damn, Clea." Tracy was surprised by my hatred.

"What?" I arched an eyebrow. "I hope she dies."

"You probably shouldn't say that in a hospital waiting room." Gus nudged. I rolled my eyes. Just talking about Skyler alters my mood. 

"Speak of the devil." Wicca muttered under his breath as she and Rayn entered back into the cramped room. Instead of joining at Rayn's side as he hobbled back over to us, Skyler promptly left. Her shades were glued to her face as she disappeared back into the brewing storm outside. I could only assume she had been in tears from hearing the news of her precious lover's health and the theory of what...or who...may have gone through his head in his final minutes before making his fatal mistake. But this is still Bexey's decision.

"The doctor needs to meet with all the roommates." Rayn told us and we got up hastily to follow him back into a creme colored office. On our journey there, Rayn told us what Skyler had secretly spoken to him about. "She says his last text to her was alarming. She showed it to me and it was quite...graphic. The final thing he sent her was a picture of blood dripping onto the floor from his wrists with the caption "Who needs Bexey Swan when he can just be replaced by Gab3?", Skyler said she rushed to our apartment after seeing the image but nobody was there. She must have arrived after the paramedics. She did see his blood on the carpet and the razors. She also found this. It was in his notebook but she tore it out." Rayn unfolded the page and handed it to Wicca and Gus. I could smell the coppery scent of my best friend's blood coating the page. I remembered seeing the razors that sliced through his veins resting easily upon it after doing their jobs...

"It's a suicide letter." Wicca exclaimed. I snatched the notepad paper from his rough hands and read the chicken scratch for myself. 

To Whom This May Concern,

He must've been writing really fast...he must have been in so so much pain.

I have decided to go through with ending my life tonight. Do not blame yourself. It is nobody's fault but my own. The stresses of constantly having to be strong for my fans have finally gotten to me. The stresses of a relationship...a fucking failed one at that...has broken my heart into pieces and clipped my heartstrings in ways I could never imagine. I am sensitive and I have been pushed too far past my breaking point. My own close friend slept with my girlfriend at the time. I don't want to forgive and forget and make this all better. I just want to die. But to you, Gustav Elijah Ahr, you have always been so loyal to me. You and Rayn have kept me alive. Rayn, you saved my life in my mum's garage back in Freshman year when I was crying in the corner like a baby. You two have always been my Ride or Dies. Wicca, you helped me jump start my music career. And Clea, you Clea, I will always ALWAYS be with you on the roof in our garden or when you are sitting on one of our beds crying and wanting to talk about one another's days. I will be there to wipe your tears and tell you to "Fuck what people think" because all of you are strong. You will all get through my death, but only together.

I've left my mark on this world and I'm planet switchin' Bruva.

~Bexey Mejer

I couldn't believe what I had just read. He really doesn't want to exist anymore. 

"Take a seat please." The doctor called to me. I was too absorbed in the text that I hadn't realized Wicca, Peep, and Rayn had already sat down in front of the desk. 

"Oh...sorry." I said and looked down at my toes, sitting beside Gus on a love seat. 

"Alright," The doctor cleared his throat and organized some papers in a folder. His thick accent and booming voice put me into a serious thought of mind. "Clea, Gustav, Adam, and Rayn, am I correct?"

"Yes." Wicca nodded. Adam?

"Were any of you in the house when Bexey self-mutilated his arms?"

"Nobody was home but I arrived later on. I found him." I stated with a quivering voice.

"You found him. Hmm. Have you two been engaged in a disagreement or any sort of matter here lately?"

"Are you accusing her?" Gus stood up for me. "What is this, a police investigation!?"

"Mr. Ahr, please. These are just some simple questions that are required for this sort of paperwork."

"All of us can assure you she'd never hurt her best friend. We wouldn't hurt him either." Wicca interjected. The doctor nodded and jotted things down. 

"You were all very close. Did Mr. Mejer ever show signs of depression or suicidal thinking?" Mejer?

"No." The men from GBC shook their heads, but Rayn stared at the floor.

"Yes he did."

"What was that?" The doctor hadn't heard his quiet voice.

"I said he's been showing signs since freshman year. What happened the night we became friends in his mum's garage was the first real sign. He's a very inventive guy and has always loved blades. He had an electric saw blade and was going to throw himself on it. I stopped him when I heard loud sobbing while walking down the street."

"Has he shown any signs recently?"

"He attempts suicide every year."

"What!?" Gus and I shouted in unison.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore. How is he doing? Is he going to live?"

The doctor just took in a deep breath and, sighing, shook his head.

He couldn't meet our eyes.

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