Chapter 16

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"Bexey Swan! Why are you laughing!" I scolded. The household had gathered in the living room and collected on the couches to discuss this topic that Goth had placed upon our shoulders. I folded my arms in a serious manner but Gus and Bex had been cracking jokes the entirety of the debate.

"Gus farted." I rolled my eyes. Children.

"C'mon, can you at least focus? I have clips to edit for your music video." Rayn jabbed at his best friend.

"Fine. I'm listening, baby." Bex said and he and Gustav started a round of laughter again.

"Wicca!" I called for backup.

"What do you want me to do!? Just take their microphones away." The two jesters closed their mouths and sat straight up real quick. They didn't want to risk their careers. Only silence resonated from their sofa.

"Thank you." I nodded to Wicca. "Back to what I was saying; Goth can't just show up. Can he?"

"I don't see a problem with it. It's just him and only for like a week." Wicca included his thoughts.

"But our food." Rayn whimpered.

"You know what, this is hopeless." I threw my hands up into the air and stood with a grunt. "He can stay as long as I don't have to do anything for you guys."

"Would that include cooking?" Gustav tested.

"Yes, yes it does."

"Oh shit, this just got real. Clea ain't cooking no more." Even Wicca knew my passion. I glared at Bex.

"You can do that from now on, little lovely dove." I left the room and left them to their own devices. They wouldn't last a week without me preparing, making, and serving them food. Bexey burns everything and even if his meals are fine looking they probably harbor salmonella or something. I laughed to myself.

I'm funny.

My phone erupted from texts in my back pocket. I assessed the screen; eight unread messages. Opening the imessage app, my pupils saw that all the girls had messaged me along with Goth, Wiggy, and Lincoln. Damn, I'm lil miss popular. 

Coley: ;)

Avery-Grace: ;)

Mint-Head: ;)

Reagan: ;)


Wiggy: Ur a brat

Thanks, Wiggy. 

Lincoln: Hey, when did you want to hang out?

Oh, wow. Look, a civil conversation. 

Me: Maybe Friday night?

Lincoln: Works for me

Me: Where are we going?

Lincoln: Meet me in Hyde Park at 3:00

Me: Ight, deal

I placed the iphone on my nightstand, bored out of my mind and not knowing what to do with myself. I pleaded in my mind for someone to take me somewhere and buy me something but I'm not a damn princess...for the most part.

"Clea!" Wicca called my name. "I'm not done talking to you, get your tiny ass back out here!"

"Yea, baby!" Bexey called and the jokers laughed hard again. I rolled my eyes to myself and headed back toward the chaotic mass. Is Bex even sober right now? I walked back into the living room to find that he had crawled onto Gustav's lap and my boyfriend was ruffling his hair. Bex was running his hands through Peep's. Definitely not sober.

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