Ch1: True friendship and True love.

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Tylers POV.

A chorus of gasps echoes throughout the room, I immediately turn my head to look at one of my dearest friends. His expression is intense as he clearly struggles to hold back tears, I follow his gaze and find the source of both his teary eyes and everyone's gasps; flowing down the aisle in white, is Tanya. Clutching a small bouquet of peonies, with a matching pink blush on her cheeks, she looks beautiful. I turn my attention back to Jim who is stood at the end of the aisle; he has given up on holding back his tears and instead is now allowing them to slowly and silently fall down his cheeks, dissolving into his huge smile. Familiar long fingers intertwine with mine and give my hand a soft squeeze. I return the gesture by lifting our hands to my face, brushing my lips against the back of the owner's hand. I momentarily take my attention away from the wedding and give my gorgeous boyfriend a smile. His returning smile makes my heart flutter. I know I'm supposed to say that the bride is the most beautiful person at a wedding but looking at my Troye right now, chocolate hair perfectly swept up, eyes shining, and a huge toothy smile, I cannot help but think that he outshines everyone here.  Tanya is stunning, especially today but my boyfriend... my Troye, he is perfection.

I beam as I watch Mr and Mrs Chapman mould together as the wedding-officiant announces "You may now kiss the bride".

There is barely a dry eye amongst everyone gathered to watch our friends commit to each other. The service was sweet and tender, with Jim and Tanya reciting their own personal and romantic vows. It is clear to see how much they truly love each other and I know that everyone here could not be happier for the pair. They might have met at a young age but there is no contesting that they are perfect together. They are another example of proof that love does not abide to the rules of age, young adults like Jim and Tanya when they first met, or my Troye can fall in love just like any other adult. Once again I turn my attention to my smiling, crying boyfriend and feel blessed to have found him, despite the six year age gap between us. I wipe his damp cheek with my thumb and give him a quick, gentle kiss.

The day passes by in a whirlwind of happy tears, laughter, dancing and speeches and before anyone knows it, the hot summer day has turned into a starry darkness. I can see Jim and Tanya blissfully happy, dancing in each other's arms under a sheet of fairy lights. I smile to myself, extremely content that two of my best friends have been able to share their love with everyone they hold close to them.  I hope that one day, I too, can share a day like this. My happy daydreaming however, is suddenly interrupted.

"How about you Tyler? Can I get you another drink, or is that a stupid question?" laughs Hannah.

"Pfft, damn straight!" I retort, laughing at my friend. Everyone here is aware I like a good drink, especially at an open bar. Hannah gives me a chuckle before pulling up Caspar to help her with the drinks. Before I can resume my daydream, the rest of the table quickly pull me back into the conversation.

It is not long before Hannah and Caspar return to the table, drink trays in their hands, with a few other people trailing beside them- including my Troye. He slinks over to me, standing slumped behind my chair, arms casually thrown over my shoulders. I take my drink from the tray and subconsciously begin to trail my fingertips of my free hand, up and down his arm, settling back into the jokes circulating my table of friends.

After quickly downing the remainders of our drinks, myself, Troye and our table of friends join our favourite newly-weds on the dance floor. I can feel the alcohol pump around my veins, I am not drunk but neither am I sober. I feel nicely buzzed and it makes the beat of the music vibrate my body easily. I freely throw my body around in time to the music and make my way to the centre of the dance floor, grabbing a drunken Sawyer on the way. Seeing the dance-off beginning to commence between Sawyer and myself, everyone begins to form a large circle around us, clapping and cheering. It isn't long before other people make their way into the centre of the circle, offering their own hilarious dance moves. I throw my head back cackling to myself as I switch places with people, keeping the rotation of dance-off contenders flowing. Today was a perfect display of true love and tonight is proving to be a perfect display of true friendship.

A couple of hours later, the party is starting to fade out. Most of the remaining girls are now padding around in bare feet, clearly tired from dancing all night and the guys are sporting loosened ties and sweaty hair. I see Louise cradling a tiny sleeping Darcy- her husband Matt stumbles over to them, slightly worse for wear after a few too many beers. I notice that Louise just shakes her head at him, but smiles affectionately before standing up and retreating to the hotel at the end of the garden, the flower-girl still embraced in her arms. I sigh longingly as I watch the three of them as they wander up the garden; that too is something I desire, a child, a family.

"What you thinking Tilly?" Troye whispers into my ear, suddenly once again stood behind me. I tilt my head back and just smile at him and his affectionate nickname for myself. He embraces this opportunity to nuzzle into my neck, peppering me with delicate kisses. His lips leave my skin tingling and I let out an appreciative moan. His subtle pecks turn into needier licks and nips and fluttery thrills shoot through my body. I decide rather than answering his question, to instead give him a better proposition,

"Bed time?"

"Mmm, yes. Providing it isn't sleep time" he mumbles back.

With that, we quickly retrieve our suit jackets, and stumble towards the hotel. I suddenly appreciate that Jim and Tanya decided to hold the entire wedding in the hotel gardens because if we had to find a cab to take us to privacy, I'm sure the driver would have seen more of me and my gorgeous man than expected.  After just a few minutes of Troyes lips on my neck, I know that waiting for what comes next isn't an option.

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