Ch27: Vacation highlights and Wine.

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Troye's POV.

I feel Tyler's mouth shift against my neck as he gives me a smiley response,

 "A Troyler day sounds perfect". 

Ravished and satiated, I press him closer to my body, our sweaty skin feeling tacky against each other and we fall into a comfortable, lazy silence. As we lie listening to the squawk of the seagulls outside the window, our breathing slows into a steady and synchronised rhythm. I shift onto my side, wanting to face Tyler but I cannot help but grimace slightly with my movement. Tyler's own face winces sympathetically as he takes in my pained expression.

"I'm sorry... I didn't want to hurt you" he murmurs gently, caressing my baby hair.

 "Hey" I say, taking his face into my palms, "don't apologize. I'm fine, really, it's just been a while hasn't it?"

"I should have been gentler" he say's frowning.

"No" I try to hush him.

"But you're sore"

"But it was worth it" I grin at him before placing a kiss on his scrunched up nose. His annoyance at himself washes away with my kiss and I lower my forehead to meet his.  With our foreheads touching, the thick rim of his glasses pushes into my skin and I continue to smile as I gaze at the beautiful man behind them.  His ocean eyes draw me in, threatening to drown me in their depth but I continue to happily float, lost in the knowledge that Tyler is mine and I am his. I feel enchanted by our moment and he contently allows for it to continue, interlocking our hands that lie between us.

A few minutes pass and Tyler breaks our gaze, twisting away so that his back sinks into the mattress. Despite the slight sting that accompanies my movement, I immediately follow him, gingerly straddling myself over his legs. His hands clutch onto the duvet that has fallen away from us and he pulls it up and above our heads, swaddling us in a dim cocoon.  He smiles up at me, happy to be held captive by the barrier of the thick duvet that is keeping us away from everything but each other.  I cast my eyes down his solid body and allow my lips to follow. Tyler squirms beneath me, filling our cocoon with soft giggles whilst I begin my favourite pastime: sinking my teeth into his milky skin.

 "Troye... No. The last ones have only just faded" I hear him scold me, but his laughter gives away his amusement. I continue marking him as my own, but as I finish creating my small purple bruise I flash my eyes back to his and reply,

 "That's exactly why I had to leave another"

 "You are incorrigible"

 "You wouldn't change me" I say, grinning and now slinking back up his body with the duvet still collapsed against my back and over our heads, trapping in the thickening air between us.

 "Oh but I would!" he replies sassily, sliding his hands along my waist as I sit upright and knock the duvet back down to the mattress once more.  I shiver slightly as the new air coats my skin.

 "And what would you change, apart from my occasional tendency to mark your skin?"

 "Occasional tendency!" he scoffs, "More like obsession, I can't remember the last time my stomach didn't house at least one love bite"

 "Hmm... fine. I'll give you that, but you still didn't answer my question" I say tilting my head and smirking whilst I dare him to vocalise my faults.

 "Well for starters, you wear clothes far too often. I much prefer you just like this".

 "And you call me incorrigible?" I laugh as his hands continue to stroke my naked skin.

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