Ch16: Incoherent pants and Promises.

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Troye's POV.

Despite how my heart beating frantically and my blood racing throughout my body would indicate, Tyler's words have seeped into my body leaving me feeling tranquil. I cannot name my current state of mind; it is like the smell of rain, the texture of downy feathers and the sight of the sun setting. Each individual nerve in body is heightened and tingling at every one of my adoring boyfriend's kisses and touches. The disaster zone we had created last night has been cleared; the tape removed and the rubble pushed aside. All my fears have been calmed and my anger diminished and in their place I feel reassured, safe and above all, loved. We will have to part eventually but right now I have Tyler here, beneath my body, his limbs tangled with mine and that is all that matters.

My eyelashes brush his cheeks as my mouth gently sucks his ear lobe. He delivers to me slow and shallow moans as he arches his body closer to mine. I meet his arch wanting us to be closely connected at all times. His fingers skate the back of my thighs and I shiver at his touch.  The room is dark, with only a small crack of moonlight finding its way in but as I position my forehead against his, I can see his eyes burn into mine, scorching me with lust and longing. I run my nose down his as his hands trail the muscles in my back, and our warm breath mingles between our lips.  Still staring at my gorgeous boyfriend, I take in his features from his bright eyes to his strong jaw and I consciously try to emblazon my view into my memory. I never want to forget this moment. His legs escape mine and wind their way up and around my hips, keeping me pressed against him and as we start to kiss, I feel the beginnings of his arousal grow, stirring movement in myself.

Soon my breathing is erratic with lustful love and the only steady thought I can keep is my need to connect myself to Tyler in every way possible. I break our kiss and pant into his mouth,

"I want you so much".

His lips curve into a lazy smile and he responds with my new favourite words,

"I'm all yours".

At his words I reconnect our lips, hungrily demanding dominance of our kiss. His lips part with his breathy moans and I take the opportunity to explore him. I revel in our closeness, the way our lips are so perfectly synchronised and the way in which Tyler has given up his body to me; letting me run my tongue against his and slide my hands over the smooth planes of his chest.  He feels firm and strong under my slender fingers, his body more built and muscular than my own, yet I feel empowered and in full control.

The pounding rain and wild wind creates a soundtrack being played through the window pane and my body moves to the steady rhythm; my kisses quickening as the rain gets heavier. Against my calf, I feel Tyler's toes curl in response to my needy power hunt. I quickly turn my attention to his neck, kissing him with more force than the sensual ones he had decorated my arms with only minutes before. I let my lips drag downwards, not thinking and instead acting only on impulse as my desire to connect with him continues to take over my mind and body. I find the slight dip at the top of his chest where his pectoral muscles split and I press in a long and lingering kiss, enjoying the way in which I can feel him raise and fall with each gasping pant.  He sounds incredible and it spurs me on to graze my teeth against his skin, dragging them until I reach his hard, pink nipples. I nip at him softly, keeping him taut between my teeth before enveloping my lips around him and sucking gently. As I continue to kiss and suck, he releases quiet but tantalizing whimpers and I soon turn my attention to his other side in the hope of causing similar sounds.

After finding success in his whimpers, I trail my nose down to his navel and begin to gently suck his milky skin between my sharp teeth. He gasps and tugs at my hair and my hardening length continues to grow with the knowledge that is only I that can cause his toe-curling reactions. Once satisfied with the small purple mark I have left on his abdomen, I peek up at him and find him tenaciously chewing his lip in an attempt to supress his heavenly sounds. I glide my body back up against his, our skin melting together and I hook my thumb onto his lower lip, intentionally releasing him from his teeth and enabling his sweet moans to escape. Our throbbing erections are pressed against each other and he begins to rotate his hips, rubbing us together, urgently searching for some much needed friction. I throw my head back with the sudden exciting sensation and soon the nest of arousal trapped in my throat finds its release through my moans.

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