Ch46: Pumpkin Pie and Skype Calls.

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Troye's POV.

"Tyler" I moan loudly as I instantly become frustrated with my absent boyfriend. My eyes glower at the offending black bin bag that rests against our apartment's front door. Sighing, I pad towards it and slip on my shoes, my forehead creased in petty annoyance at Tyler's forgetfulness. However as I carry the bin bag down the apartment block steps- internally cursing the broken trash chute- I find a small smile tugging at my lips; I realise that it is only small things like this, like Tyler forgetting his promise to take down the trash on his way out this morning, that causes me any annoyance. Since Tyler's proposal a little over two weeks ago, things have gradually returned to normal. The tears regarding my undesirable answer have dried out leaving only smiles on our faces instead of tear tracks and the only disagreements between us have been silly, unimportant moments regarding which one of us forgot to buy more milk or how often I forget to close the toothpaste cap.

By the time I let myself back into our apartment and finish washing my hands, my brief annoyance has entirely vanished and instead I find myself feeling content with life. However before I can linger on my thoughts, the loud shrill of the Skype ringtone startles me. Glancing over at my open laptop on the dining table, I quickly move to answer the unexpected call and in my haste I accept before properly noting who the caller is.

"Troye, finally!" sings the familiar, sweet English voice that I suddenly realise I have greatly missed.

"Zozebo" I call back, a small smile finding my face as I see Zoe's on my laptop screen. After a few minutes of exchanging polite greetings, her cheery tone quickly lowers as she lightly chastises me for being so hard to reach over the past couple of weeks.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry Zo. Things have just been crazy- plus you know the time zones don't help us. What time even is it for you right now? It's what-" I pause, quickly trying to do the math in my head.

"It's only seven at night, our time difference isn't that bad. It's definitely not bad enough for you to use it as an excuse for avoiding my calls Mr".

"I've not been avoiding you. I've just been busy working on new music, new videos, you know how it is".

"Mmm. If you say so but it never stopped you before" she replies, not convinced by my meek words. Surprising myself, I realise that I too am not entirely convinced by my excuse. Although it is true that I have been busy working, I have had more than several moments where I could have tried to contact Zoe. My focus drifts from the pretty brunette and as I guiltily stare at my lap I internally scold myself for not having answered any of her multiple calls, and more so for not returning them either. Suddenly, Zoe's voice snaps me out of my distracted daze as she mentions Tyler's name.

"What?", I ask blushing to have been caught not paying her any attention only moments after her gentle scold, "Sorry Zo".

"How is Tyler? I'm guessing he's not home since he'd usually have ran to the screen by now".

"Yeah he's at meetings all day, but he's good. We're both good" I reply, knowing where Zoe is about to take this conversation and unexpectedly realising that this is why I have been subconsciously avoiding her until now.

"Good I'm glad, I haven't spoken to you since the day after the proposal" she says without any hesitancy in her voice.

"Like I say, things have been busy" I near whisper, guilty regret once again flooding my body like a slowly rising, ocean tide.

"Any regrets?" My eyes close briefly and I swallow dryly before nervously chewing my lip. The past two weeks have gone by blissfully smoothly; Tyler and I have spoken openly but that does not mean  I wish to speak about the sensitive issue with anyone but him. Fear of wrecking my current ease with Tyler by delving into thoughts I'd rather leave unexplored panics me and I frantically try to buy myself more time to avoid Zoe's question. Faking a lack of understanding I murmur,

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