Ch17: Morning bribes and House-sitting.

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Tyler's POV.

Sounds of somebody in the kitchen stir me from my sleep and I slowly begin to rub at my face and open my eyes. The room is still dim due to the closed curtains, but there is a soft, dewy glow that tells me it is morning. As I yawn, I hear Zoe laughing and suddenly panic strikes my body- Alfie does not get up this early so who is making her laugh? Memories of the previous morning fill my head: the bitter disappoint I had felt when I had woken up without Troye and had realised that we were still fighting despite the teary kisses we had shared. Although we had ended our fight last night, for a brief moment, I worry that Troye has left me alone again and that he has had another change of heart. His mood swings yesterday had left me feeling unsure and the unwelcome feeling begins to wash over my body again. I immediately bolt upright and look at Troye's side of the bed, relief filling me as I take in his still sleeping body. I inhale deeply, chastising myself silently for doubting our mutual forgiveness. I let my thoughts wander to our intimacy last night; it had been soft yet desperate and I was a fool for momentarily doubting that we could still be fighting after our sensitive re-connection.

 My moment of doubt over- I lie back down, my cheek resting on the downy pillow and I begin to study Troye's delicate face. He looks peaceful as his lashes rest on his smooth cheeks and his body gently rises and falls with each soft breath. I decide on just lying here, enjoying the stillness of the morning and my view of my sleeping boyfriend.  Allowing Troye to stay in his dreamland, I curl up and take pleasure in watching him silently dream but soon the sound of his sleepy mumbling falling from his pouty lips strikes my ears.  I listen to him mumble, only able to make out odd words but the familiar call of my name sparks a craving for me to acquire his kiss. I nestle my body closer to his, our cheeks now sharing the same pillow and I place a small, closed mouth peck on his mumbling mouth.

"Troye..." I whisper before giving away another sweet kiss.

"Open your eyes Troye..." I continue in a hushed tone, now eager for a morning of cuddles and kisses. His eyelashes start to flutter, indicating the beginning of his stirring but his big blue eyes remain hidden under his heavy lids. His hand finds my face as he blindly pats me, sleepily saying something incoherent. I smile fondly at his never-failing reluctance to wake up and take his patting hand into my own.

"Come on babe... time to wake up" I try again.

"Mmm... no..." he mumbles back, his voice thick with sleep as he protests my request but his fingers interlock with mine and prompt me to continue.

"But I want morning kisses" I state, hopeful that this will encourage him to finally let me see his beautiful blues. He doesn't reply and his eyes remain shut but he does pucker his lips, lazily offering me the kiss- providing that I go to him. I let out a half-laugh at his adorable gesture but leave his lips untouched.

"I want you to kiss me, not pout at me- Hmm... What about you give me a real kiss and I'll give you anything you want?" I offer in my most flirtatious voice, desperate for him to wake up properly. At my words his puckered lips melt into a dozy smile.

"Anything?" he asks, eyes still shut.

"Anything" I confirm, feeling confident that this bribe will get me my kiss. He smiles again before attaching his mouth to mine, delivering a slow and seductive kiss that leaves my lips tingling. I dissolve into him; delighting in the moment- kissing Troye will never fail to excite me.

"So I promised anything... what will it be?" I ask, happy to find his eyes finally opening as he breaks our lingering moment. Unlocking our fingers, he gently takes hold of my neck, angling me so that he can press several small kisses onto my throat. My breath hitches as his lips work and I have to gulp back appreciative moans. His hand begins to descend, tracing a line from my neck and finishing at my naked thighs. My morning glory starts to get a little firmer and I am suddenly very excited for what his request may be. Squeezing my thigh, he opens his mouth but words fail to occur. The anticipation of his pause only encourages my excitement and my thoughts start to whirl at the different, alluring possibilities.

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