Ch5: Pantomime snores and Clouds.

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Tyler's POV.

 I wake up cold and shaking and I realise that the sheets have been thrown to the base of our giant bed. I instinctively go to pull the covers up but fail, realising that my arm is trapped. I look to my left and see Troyes delicious, naked body draped over my arm, his long legs stretching down, weaved in between my own shorter ones.  I look up to see his face but it is buried deeply into the pillow, so much so that I wonder how he is managing to breathe. I notice that he too is shivering slightly, his slender body gently shaking, painted with a mural of goose bumps. I turn towards him and use my free arm to trace my index finger from the nape of his neck down his spine before gently smoothing my palm over the curve of his exposed rear. I draw in a deep breath as I take in the beauty of his flawless skin and body shape. Our relationship is no longer new but I still find myself in awe that I have managed to develop such a meaningful and passionate relationship with this gorgeous man.

Troye turns his head as he shifts slightly under my touch, exposing his face. I bring my hand up and rest it on his cheekbones, I whisper his name softly but he still fails to open his big blue eyes. I place my thumb on his plump bottom lip and gently drag it down, pinching it between my finger and thumb before releasing. "Troye... Troye Sivan..." I continue to whisper. He mumbles something incoherent but his long feathery eyelashes remain sleeping against his cheek. I nestle in closer, placing a lazy kiss on his lips. Suddenly his lips begin to move against mine and he rolls on top of me. In doing so he frees my arm, allowing it to embrace his body closer to me. Our bodies begin to warm up as we press every inch of ourselves together. After several sleepy, intimate kisses, his eyelashes finally flutter open and he whispers "Good morning". He looks adorable as his fist rubs at his tired eyes. I glance over at the alarm clock and tell him it is still only half five in the morning. He looks at me confused, and I explain my need for the sheets, gently rubbing away his goose bumps.

Upon hearing my response, he rolls off of me and quickly brings the sheets back up the bed, throwing them over our heads before clambering back on to me. I look up at him, the sheets like billowy white clouds above us. I stretch my neck up towards him, showering his jaw in kisses. A soft hum vibrates from Troyes lips and I carefully start to nibble at his ear lobe.

"That feels amazing Ty..." he murmurs.

"You taste amazing" I reply, making my way down his neck, savouring his sweet skin. I reach his angular clavicle and pepper it with dainty kisses before lying my head back down and once again looking up at his face, into his eyes. I focus on how majestic his huge blue eyes look, framed by his dark, thick lashes.

"Umm... no. Why did you stop?" he protests indignant at the lack of contact between his skin and my lips. I smile at his pout and immediately kiss it away, lazily flicking my tongue along his bottom lip and then letting him drag his teeth across mine. He feels incredible against me, his soft skin flushing with the increasing heat as his kisses melt into my mouth and his long limbs stretch out, entangling with mine. We continue to kiss like this for a while but soon it becomes too hot in our cocoon of clouds. We pull away from each other, him freely throwing the sheets back down to the bottom of our bed. I see his gaze sweep over my exposed body and I smile at the fact that for the first time in my life, I'm in a relationship where I am at complete ease with my image. Previously it had always been a sensitive issue, guys never understanding why I felt so insecure with being stared at, but with Troye I feel relaxed no matter how long he studies my shape. He slides down the bed, still hungrily taking in the view, stopping as he reaches my abdomen. I giggle lightly with the realisation of what he is about to do.

I feel his wet lips gently suck at me, occasionally a flash of tongue brushing my skin. I look down at him and smile as he works his lips on the skin surrounding my belly button- one of Troye's favourite places to kiss. It had become a habit of his- leaving small purple bruises on my stomach. It is not necessarily always a sexual thing but like now, more of a playful intimate gesture. I let him make two marks and then ruffle my hands in his fluffy bed hair and gently tug at him, trying to bring him back to my face.  He whimpers playfully as he makes his way back up to my lips. I smile into his kisses, beyond happy that this is how I get to spend my time; with this insatiable twink.

We continue to kiss, switching between delicate butterfly kisses to deeper intense kisses but all the time, keeping them sleepy and loving. I am as always turned on by my gorgeous boyfriend, the evidence of which is slowly growing against his hips, which I am sure is part of the reason I can feel his own arousal steadily growing against myself. However we are both still hazy from sleep and sometimes it's nice to just kiss; to just enjoy each other in the simplest way. Troye seems to be thinking this also because despite our hard lengths, he too does not let his hands stray south. Instead my hands remain to stroke across his back and shoulders and he simply cups my face, keeping me close to him. Not for the first time, I consider how lucky I am- my thoughts flash back at last night's conversation. I know I am beyond lucky to have found my soul mate, my Troye. He is at once quick-witted, sensitive and alluring. 'No', I think to myself, he is more than that; he is the physical representation of all things good in my world.

After a while and in between kisses, I casually glance over to the clock again. I falter at the time- it baffles me that somehow more than half an hour has passed. Troye catches my stare and immediately tells me 'no', reading my mind before I even start my sentence. I was going to suggest that we just get up already, I'm still tired but it is light outside and so it seems silly to go back to sleep. Troye flops back down onto his side of the bed, pulling the sheets up with him, until they nestle underneath his chin. He immediately fakes sleep, emitting a pantomime style snore. I laugh at his childish ways and roll my eyes. I should know better than to even contemplate getting Troye up this early. Resigning to his intent of re-entering a world of dreams and un-willing to put an end to our dozy cuddles and start the day without him, I too slide under the sheets. Yawning I throw my arm over his waist; turning him onto his side and pulling his body closer, happy when it aligns with mine. I feel his muscles relax as he realises he has escaped having to get up and I shake my head fondly. He is without a doubt, a nocturnal creature. I close my eyes willing sleep to find me; another yawn slipping from my lips promises me that this is likely. Troye too tries to find sleep but not without first locking his legs in with mine. He contently backs further into me, delighting in his role of little spoon.


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