Ch19: Stomach flips and Commands.

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Tyler's POV.

I hurriedly click the 'publish' button, releasing my latest video to the internet world and then proceed to look down at Troye who is sat underneath my feet whilst browsing Tumblr. He looks bored, disappointed from my refusal to accept his tantalizing request earlier. Saying no to Troye regarding anything at all was hard but saying no to a massage- and inevitably much more- from Troye had been near impossible. As I tweet out the link to my new video however, I am reminded of the reason why I had resisted my gorgeous guy; thousands of my people instantly retweeting and favouriting my video link, all excited and supportive.  Instantly I feel the warm glow that my job repeatedly presents to me and I contemplate how lucky I am for each and every one of my viewers.

"We have the best job in the world" I exclaim cheerfully to Troye, sitting up and putting my laptop down on the coffee table. He looks at me, his face brightening when he realises that I have finally finished with my editing and uploading. He too, discards his laptop whilst agreeing with my claim. Before he can settle back into the plump sofa, I pull him towards me and lay us both down, him on top of my chest.

"Hi" he gasps at me, surprised by his sudden capture.

"I think you owe me a massage" I murmur back to him.

"I think you owe me a kiss first" he replies, and before I can react, he has reversed the surprise and has me pinned to the cushions, my wrists locked in his hands. His hips press down onto mine and render me helpless, unable to move and I am instantly turned on. His eyes scan my entire face but I am unable to look anywhere but at his lip as he bites the corner. I subconsciously hold my breath; too distracted to remember to breathe the air that is thickening between us.  He rids the small distance between our lips and uses a gentle touch that leaves me trying for more. I squirm beneath him, trying to gain back some of my own power but he only applies more of his own weight, diminishing my futile attempts. At the same time, the grip he has on my wrists tightens, pinching my skin and causing a sensation that differs between painful and pleasurable but is undoubtedly titillating. I gasp at his control and delight as he kisses me again, this time with much more force. As I moan into his demanding mouth, his tongue expertly explores mine. He traces the roof of my mouth, leaving a tingling sensation and I am eager to stroke his tongue with my own.

I am lost in our kiss, unable to move and unwilling to stop but soon Troye's hands leave my wrists and I find myself tugging fervently at his chocolate hair, desperate to keep him connected to me. He rolls our bodies onto our sides and his hands slip under the back of my shirt; pulling me closer and showing me that he does not want our messy and desperate kiss to end either. I wonder if there will ever be a day where we can kiss and be satisfied when it ends- right now I highly doubt it. His hands slip lower, grasping at my ass and I push forward with the aim of straddling him; instead our bodies roll too far and we land with a hard thud on the wooden floor. It takes me a second to process that we have fallen, my own fall broken by Troye's slight body.

"Oww!" Troye whimpers from beneath me. As he clutches the back of his head, his seductive, powerful demeanour is replaced with one of fragility and I quickly scoop him into my arms, intrinsically needing to protect him. His whimpers break as he starts to laugh and with the realisation that he is okay, I laugh along with him.

"That was stupid of us" he says as I press a kiss onto the bump that is slowly rising on his head. I laugh again our clumsiness, before double checking that he is alright,

"I'm sorry- that was my mistake. You're okay right?" He gives me a quick kiss and a goofy smile, and by his suggestion to go into the bedroom, I figure that he must be fine.  I pull us both up to our feet, eager to discover what will occur next.

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