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UPDATE: (original message at the bottom of this)

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to answer a couple of questions I've had about my story being copied & also just to update you on how it stands now.

- Although I hadn't seen the story myself, I knew mine had been copied because I was accused of plagerising my own story (I have never copied anything).

- I found out that it was chapter 1 and 2 of my story that had been copied- word for word. Every sentence was identical to my own. This made me really sad.

- The two girls that informed me about this were both really sweet when they found out I was the original author, so thank you :)

- The copied story has now been removed. This makes me very grateful.

- I know I'm not the only one that this has happened to recently & I really hope that the people who have copied other peoples stories either take down the copied story or seriously edit & re plan the story into something that is original to their own ideas. Being inspired by someone is great- copying someone is not.

- And lastly, just thank you to everyone who was super sweet in the comments to this issue. I was so disheartened when I found out my story had been stolen but you guys were so supportive so THANK YOU <3


Original message:

Hey Guys,

So I know I was going to try and not do another one of these for a while but I feel like this is important.

I have just been told that someone has copied my first chapter (& maybe more Idk) and used it in their own story. I've worked pretty hard at this story and I love doing it, but knowing that this has happened makes me SO sad. I know we all read a lot of different fan-fic, so if anyone finds the story that has used my chapter, can you please let me know what it's called/who it's by? I'd be SO grateful if you did. So sad right now :(!

On a more positive note though, you guys are INCREDIBLE. When I updated yesterday I was physically shaking with nerves but your response has proved that taking risks in my writing is SO worth it. Thank you guys!! I love you all so much for your support <3

I'll be back asap with a new chapter.

Lots of love xx

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