Ch18: Guinea pigs and Massages.

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Troye's POV.

I watch from the window as Tyler and Alfie climb into Marcus' car. I smile, grateful that I don't have to endure the mind-numbing task of food shopping.

"Right, I really need to pack- wanna come sit whilst I do so?" I hear Zoe call from across the room. I look up at her and plead silently with my eyes- she instantly knows what I'm after and tells me to go and wait on her bed. I hurriedly skip to her room and sit down, my back against her propped up pillows and my grin takes over my face. Zoe enters the room and I let out a shrill whimper of excitement as I see her clutching Percy, one of her adorable guinea pigs. My hands pinch the air eagerly wanting her to pass me the promised pet.

"Here you go softie... have cuddles with this little one while I start packing" she says to me fondly.

"He's too cute" I reply as the fluffy animal is transferred into my hands and onto my lap. Zoe starts rooting through her wardrobe, selecting too many outfits for a four day trip and roll my eyes at her as I start stroking Percy's soft fur.

"Remember you still need to show me where you keep all of their food before you guys leave later" I remind her.

"I will, don't worry" she reassures me before begging me to not forget to feed her pets.

"I promise I won't forget- they're both going to get lots of food and cuddles whilst your gone" I say, excitement lacing my tone. She smiles at me and starts thanking me profusely for agreeing to look after her animals whilst she and Alfie visit his family.

"Honestly Zoe- you're being more than kind by letting us stay here when you're gone. We really wanted a holiday- Ty especially needs one- he works so hard... And well here you are saving us the cost of a hotel. We should be the ones thanking you- we get the luxury of a whole flat and two fluffy, super cute guineas!" I tell her, genuinely grateful for her generosity.

"Well it looks like it's the best thing for all of us then" she replies, still searching through her clothes despite having already pulled out a multitude of outfits. I start to tease her inability to choose and she attempts to defend her indecisiveness with a variety of weak excuses. I shake my head laughing at her and begin a mock conversation with Percy about his "silly mummy" much to Zoe's amusement. We continue laughing and joking together and eventually Zoe finishes packing an unreasonable amount of clothes and shoes into her oversized suitcase.

After dragging her case to the living room, Zoe returns with Pippin her other guinea pig and two carrots. She sits down on the bed beside me, Pippin in her lap and tosses me a carrot. We both begin to feed the small animals and she gently turns our conversation onto a deeper topic.

"So how are things with you and Tyler?"

"Things are good- better. I'm guessing you're aware that we had a fight on Sunday night" I reply, knowing that it is the reason for her question.

"Yeah... Well I didn't know for sure, but you were pretty icy with him yesterday and I assumed that something had happened. You don't have to tell me what though- just as long as you're both okay now? I mean you seemed happy again earlier but I just wanna double check that you're okay... " she says cautiously. My mind wanders back to the memory of our fight and I cringe at the way in which I froze Tyler out for most of the day, barely speaking to him and refusing to touch him.

"No, no it's okay. On Sunday night we started talking about my visa or more concisely, our plans for when my visa expires" I begin, Zoe nodding her head whilst she listens intently. "I got scared and panicky and well, in doing so I acted like an ass" I admit to her, guilt seeping into my body as I remember my own insecurity and Tyler's pained whimpers in the car. Her face is etched with concern and I quickly reinforce the fact that we were no longer fighting.

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