Chapter 7 - Baekhyun

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Minah's POV~

I looked at my schedule to know what my classes are and it says I have Economics as my first class... But i dont know where that class is.

Ive looked through a couple of classes but I still couldnt find it.

"Aigoo. Just where is this class?!" I sighed as I sat down on the bench.

I looked at the map again. "So I am here..." i whispered to my self while pointing at the map. "And... I need to be.... Aishhhh!!!" I threw the map on the side of the bench out of frustration.

"I shouldve asked D.O oppa for help earlier." I pouted.

Just then, I heard a voice coming from my side. There was someone next to me?!

"Yah! Why do you keep talking to yourself?! So annoying..."

Tah... Me? Annoying? You try looking around for a class in a school you've never been to. Its not that easy you know?! Tsk.. I turned around to see who this rude person was.. and let me tell you why I wasnt so shocked by his rudeness... its Baekhyun.

"Why are you here?! Arent you supposed to be in class already?! Class starts soon" I told him with my arms crossed.

"My class is right there. And shouldnt YOU be in YOUR class? What are you doing here talking to yourself?! " He smirked.

"Excu-" I was ready to make an excuse for me talking to myself but he stopped me.

He took the map i threw at him and started telling me where to go for my class. Hmm... he didnt look half bad at the time. He actually looked sweet and sincere. He should be like this more often.

"Ah... so thats where that is." I told my self.

He stood up from the bench and started walking without saying anything else.

"ya..yah! Gomawo!" I screamed as he was walking away.

He didnt give any reply whatsoever. tsk.. he's back to being cold. -_-


My classes just ended and D.O oppa told me to go to the garden and wait at the bench that was next to the cherry blossom tree.. And so I did.

I sat down at the bench and decided to call Suho oppa. It rang and rang and rang but no answer. I called again but still no answer.

Hmm.. I wonder why he wouldnt answer his phone. Is he doing okay? Im getting worried.

Just then, D.O oppa came with a stack off papers in hand. I helped him by carrying some of the papers that was in his possesion.

"Mian he (sorry) I was kind of busy helping the professor." He was running out of breath.

"Its okay.. whats with all the papers?" I asked showing a half smile as I was still thinking about Suho oppa and why he wasnt answering his phone.

"Its just stuff I have to do since I am the professor's aide" He looked at me. "...but is something wrong?"

"Huh? Oh uhh.. Its just that Suho oppa is not answering his phone. Im just a bit worried." i murmured. "But.. im pretty sure he's alright. Hes proably just busy right?!" I asked jokingly.. but truthfully I wanted him to say yes so I can be more assured.

"Of course~" He smiled. Phew. Suho oppa... you are okay right?

The ride home was quiet... There was too much thoughts going through my head. Maybe im just not used to Suho oppa being gone.

And this is the end of Chapter 7! I had kind of a writer's block while writing this chapter so sorry if it was kind of boring! I'll make the upcoming chapters better.! ^_^

Remember to follow, like and comment! Thank you!


P.S. Since I am Xiumin biased.... have you guys seen the video of Xiumin's solo dance?! I was going crazy!! lol

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