Chapter 9 - I lied

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Suho's POV~


"Oppa..." Minah started. We just found out that my sister, who is just 4 years old, got amnesia. My little sister's memory had all been erased.

"Huh..? Oh, yes Minah?" I looked at her.

"You told me... that... that mommy and daddy are in heaven already" she was playing with her fingers, looking kind of wary. I held her hands. "Yes... Mom and dad are in heaven now. They're watching us." I smiled at her.

"But... Oppa..." He looked straight to my eyes. "How did they die?"

My heart beated faster by the second. Sweat started to fall from the side of my face.

"Huh?" I avoided her eyesight. Should I tell her? No.

"Well, you see..." I started. "We, you, me mom and dad, were on our way to uncle's house to visit his family... and.. the sun didnt come out yet and it was raining. So what happened was, dad couldnt see properly and our car was hit by this big rock." I told her wthout making any eye contact.

I cleared my throaght as I could feel teardrops puring down my face. I wiped them off and looked at her. My little sister too, was crying. I comforted her saying its alright because they are in a better place and put her to sleep.

Soon enough, she went to sleep. I watched her from the side of the bed. Thoughts started running through my head.

This was the right thing to do. I shouldn't tell her what really happened. She'll be scared and more heartbroken than she already is. This is for her own good. You did this for your little sister. What you did is good, Suho.

Flasback end

It was getting dark and Taecyeon had let me stay at his place during my stay.

Taecyeon opened the door to his house. "You could sleep in that room over there." He pointed to the door that was right next to the living room. "You go and settle in and wash up." He helped me carry my luggage to my room. As he was about to leave, i grabbed his hand.

"Thank you,Taecyeon." I said. "Dont mind it, that's what friends are for." He smiled and then left a room.


I finished unpacking my things and had washed up.

I left the room and and sat on the couch in the living room. Taecyeon then appeared on the staircase.

"Oh. Are you done unpacking? Is there anything you need?" He sat down on the chair next to the couch.

"No. Im okay. Thank you again. For helping me and letting me stay here." I said.

"its nothing.. You want some coffee?" He asked. Before I answered, Taecyeon jolted up from his seat and went to the kitchen. "You go feel at home and watch some T.V." He said while walking away.

I smiled at him and grabbed the remote that was on the table. I turned on the t.v and started surfing through the channels.

Just then, I heard the door open.

"uhh.. Taec?" I said. I thought he went to the kitchen, how was he outside? "Is that you?" I asked as I stand up from my seat.

I heard the door close. I slowly crept to the doorway holding the bat that was on the side of the t.v. I was ready to attack and when I turned to see who it was...

Chapter DONE!! Hehe. Was this a little too short for you? I wanted to update you guys on how Suho was doing and to inform you guys on how Minah thinks their parents died. ^_^

Want to know who the person who went inside the house?! VOTE for the next chapter!

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