Chapter 5 - My friends~

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Minah's POV~

I think I screamed for a good 5 seconds which attracted way more attention than we already had... but I had no time to care what people think. I looked at D.O with exitement.

"Go~ Text me when you're done with your classes so I could pick you up." D.O smiled and winked at me before he left to go to his class. Sehun and Baekhyun followed him.

I nodded, waved them goodbye and and ran to the 2 people who had caught my attention. "Omg!! Heyy!!" I shrieked as I hugged the both of them.

Meet my friends... Krystal and Taeyeon. Krystal is the sassy girl who has a lot of charm. She's the girl who persists that she is innocent but really she is a sly fox. Taeyeon is bubbly and loveable. Being nice is in her nature but she can NOT stand people who thinks highly of their selves and people who does something without a legit reason.

I explained to them the situation that I am in right now and of course they fangirled with me. haha.

"Wah~ You are soo lucky that you get to live in the same roof with the 3 most popular guys at school. and you living with your dream boy D.O?! I wonder what you did in your past life to deserve this?!" Krystal exclaimed.

I smiled ear to ear as I recall the moments that happened this morning and the moments that will happen over the week.

"Boya?! Are you that happy?!" They laughed when they saw me smiling like a fool.

"Why is your brother going to Hong Kong again?!" Taeyeon asked.

Just then, we heard the P.A system reminding us to go to our classes.

"Some kind of business trip.. Im not really sure what though" I replied to her as I started moving forward to where my first class is. "Ah... okay. See ya later then" Taeyeon chirped as she waved goodbye. Krystal waved goodbye and we all headed to our classes.

As I was walking to my class, I started thinking about Suho oppa. Is he doing okay there in hong kong? Just what exactly is that business trip?

Okay.. its the end of Chapter 5. Sorry for taking FOREVER to publish this. School has been hectic these days and I had a terrible cold which made things way worse... but i'm feeling better now so no worries!

On the upcoming chapter(s), We will be seeing how Suho is doing in Hong Kong and maybe find out more on what he is hiding. hehe

Please vote, comment and follow~! Ill really appreciate it!

Also, sorry for making it reaallly short.. The next chapter will be longer!

Gomawo and Mianhae Chingu~!

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